Digital Viral Marketing Academy

Digital training workshops for your team

Exercise: Digital marketing - dialogue, not monologue please

The digital networked society is a great leveller. The relationship between brands and consumers has shifted. The structure of communications has undergone this massive leap. While the smart thinking in marketing is leaping to embrace a whole new way of doing things, much of the practice in marketing still clings to the past. That's why it wasn't just gutsy, but a strategically brilliant move for Microsoft to use a television style commercial to make the point for them. It's a TV style commercial that challenges the conventional way of marketing thinking. It's from a firm promoting internet advertising, and it's being seen mainly as a viral. We've been using it here at the Digital Training Academy since it launched.

Exercise for academy participants:
1. Watch the video: Do the ideas resonate for you and your sector?
2. Consider the context: What's the implication for marketing directors?
3. Consider the implications: If consumers are looking for dialogue and engagement, then how could marketing teams meet that need?
4. Reflect on whether some of these ideas could be harnessed in your business. You can post some of your comments, observations and reflections below.
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