Digital Training Academy: Venezuela Classroom

Leading thinking, world class training

The latest insights, freshest thinking and smartest strategies in digital marketing, content and commerce. These advanced in-company Academies focus on the specific business goals of your team, boosting their knowledge, skills and attitude.
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Welcome to Digital Training Academy »

If you are working on digital marketing and media in Venezuela, then these pages are your gateway to best practice and training information. This online learning resource is where you can discuss the issues from your Academy and download the outputs of our workshops.

Best practice in digital marketing

These links take you to examples of best practice that are discussed in the training programme for internet marketers and digital strategy managers.

Your Academy Director and lead tutor is Danny Meadows-Klue:

Audiencia de Internet en Venezuela »

El acceso a internet en Venezuela está en el punto más alto, y durante los últimos tres años las conexiones a internet se han convertido en normas para todas las empresas. En casa, los consumidores de Realty se localizan por medio de la red, y la era de la conexión lenta (de banda delgada) ahora dicha conexión ha sido reemplazada por banda ancha, que en poco tiempo, permitirán una mejor calidad de programación de video en la red.

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Digital marketing is about dialogue, not monologue please »

The digital networked society is a great leveller. The relationship between brands and consumers has shifted. The structure of communications has undergone this massive leap. While the smart thinking in marketing is leaping to embrace a whole new way of doing things, much of the practice in marketing still clings to the past. That's why it wasn't just gutsy, but a strategically brilliant move for Microsoft to use a television style commercial to make the point for them.

Continue reading "Digital marketing is about dialogue, not monologue please" »

El día de hoy en la red durará por siempre »

En las campañas que vemos hoy en día por televisión, el mensaje que se quería dar a conocer era pasajero, lo veías un minuto y al otro desaparecía por completo. El legado que dejaban era el cambio en el comportamiento de los compradores (si es que había alguno), pero los materiales terminaban en alguna bodega, las revistas en algún rincón guardadas y los videos utilizados para grabar otras cosas sobre ellos.

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How will you learn with the Digital Training Academy? »

Find out why our training is world class and proven to create a step-change in the way teams work and the amount they achieve from their investment in digital channels.

Research and insights into digital marketing, online content and internet publishing »

If you're taking part in one of our Digital Training Academy courses to boost your skills and knowledge about the internet, web marketing, online publishing and digital media, then you will also be able to access our Digital knowledge and research services. You can access free samples of the materials, here.

Understand internet jargon »

To support your training we have developed an online dictionary of jargon and definitions about internet marketing, online media and web advertising. If you don't find a definition for what you need then leave a comment and we will ask one of our tutors to write an explanation for you and other participants.

Sitemap »

To help you find your way around our network of websites, here's a link to our current sitemap. if you can't see what you are looking for then try the search tools in the menu bar or contact your Academy Manager

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