Digital Publishing Strategy Academy Classroom

Digital training and Social Media Marketing Strategy workshops for your team

Exercise: What rocks and flops in digital publishing?

Rocks_and_flops In this space we're listing things from the Academy that we feel 'Rock' in digital publishing, and things that, if we're honest, 'Flop'. By helping web publishing teams harness the aspects of internet media that rock (and steer their colleagues away from the flops) the sites will grow faster and more effectively. Remember, it's still a new media channel for many people in publishing, and using this approach will help your colleagues share some of the learning from this Academy after you have graduated...

Today’s Digital Exercise - Let's play 'Rocks & Flops'

What 'rocks' your world in digital publishing?

Think about what makes publishing on the web and other digital channels so powerful; more powerful than using conventional press, mail or broadcast channels. The web has the edge in some areas: can you identify a few? Think about the techniques and principles that make it so successful. This doesn’t have to be projects you've been involved in, it can be anything you’ve seen out on the web... By applying this knowledge you can gain much more insight into how to develop and build a more successful business.

• Pick any aspect of digital publishing (email, web, mobile, interactive TV)
• Make a list of 5 simple points
• Include any recent examples you can think of that did this
• Keep the notes to yourself and then paste it onto your online classroom comments
• This is your list of what 'Rocks'...

What 'flops'?

Be honest, not everything you see on the web is great. There are still some sites that are hardly read, others that have no audience growth, and millions that fail to engage: why? Do they over-use the 'pop-up' ad format and switch users off? Do they fail to deliver on a promise? Do they prevent people from finding the things they are looking for? Think about what doesn't work, what annoys or irritates you, what opportunities are missed. Again, this doesn't have to be something you’ve worked on, it can be anything you’ve seen out on the web...

• Pick any type of digital publishing
• Make a list of 5 simple points
• Include any recent examples you can think of that did this
• Paste it onto your online classroom comments
• This is your list of 'Flops'

Once they've been pasted into your online classroom we'll look at what we feel 'Rocks' in online marketing, and things that 'Flop'.

By helping the brands you work with harness the 'rocks' and steer away from the 'flops' they'll produce more powerful sites and enjoy even better results. Remember, it’s still a new media for many people, and this can help publishing teams make smarter decisions...

This exercise shouldn’t take more than ten minutes.

Come to the Digital Training Academy ready to tell us about your 'Rocks & Flops', paste your thoughts into the classroom and if you have any questions, then mail your Academy Manager back.

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