Digital Publishing Strategy Academy

Digital training workshops for your team

Exercise: Gap analysis and reading sector adsales data

Tools for analysing the market opportunity

Ad Segmentation Revenue Map

What is your online advertising market really worth? Where should your sales teams focus their effort? Planning your online sales means knowing how to read the advertising industry data about online adspend, web advertising, and where the growth in internet marketing spend is coming from. Increasing internet advertising revenues demands a good understanding of where the market is, and with the research data weak in many countries, many formats, or for many sectors, commercial directors can easily misread the landscape. Get it right and revenues accelerate; get it wrong and the whole sales engine is running to stand still. This digital management strategy coaching exercise will have you question what your data is telling you. Your team can then apply Digital’s Advertising Revenue Segmentation Map for publishers to run a gap analysis on where your ad sales efforts should concentrate. In-company deployments of this programme are customized to the specific sector and revenue strategy challenges you face. Digital’s consultants can transfer the ideas from our workshops into sales planning tools for internet publishers.

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