Welcome to the Digital Publishing Strategy Academy
Digital training workshops for your team
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How can a Digital Training Academy boost your team's performance?
Everyone has something to learn when it comes to digital channels, and we set up the Digital Training Academy to quickly boost the knowledge and skills of those working in digital marketing and media. This Academy is part of a wide portfolio that covers everything from the conversion course knowledge needed by newcomers, right up to advanced coaching for the heads of digital agencies. There are dozens of digital disciplines to choose from, so ask us about which mix best suits the needs of you and your team right now. We'll be keen to focus the Academy at exactly the right level, and whether you're in Europe, The Americas or Asia Pacific, we always customise the learning. As independent trainers, our work confidential and our only goal is to make you more successful. Thousands of firms across more than 20 countries have been helped by our tutors: how can we help you and your team achieve more?
Ask our tutors today for help in assessing your skills
Our training sets out to change the way your firm behaves, and to do that we need to learn about how you work today, and what prevents you from getting more value from your digital channels. From our senior management coaching programmes to the hands-on craft skills for those at the coalface, these learning programmes are constantly refined to bring you the freshest insights and help you discover new and smarter ways to tackle the challenges ahead. In the digital sector everyone is still learning, and as most of our tutors have more than a decade’s experience in teaching digital media and marketing, they can get you on the fast track, and get you achieving more straight away. Whether you and your team are entirely new to the digital sectors, or whether you have many years experience as a digital manager, there are programmes at the Digital Training Academy that have been created to suit your needs.
Find out more about a skills assessment from Digital Training Academy
Lesson: Your Digital talking points? A few quick facts about the market
Whatever your involvement is in internet marketing, it’s useful to have a few great facts at your fingertips, so here are a few we put together based on the UK online media industry. Read through them and share them with colleagues. If you are taking part in a Digital Training Academy then we might have a few more for you as well. Read through them and think about additional cool facts that reflect the growth of internet media or marketing in your sector.
Digital Publishing Strategy Academy: Integrating online advertising into web editorial - models and strategies
8th - 9th April 2008 | Paris
Getting online news media to earn real revenues is a tougher challenge than many newspaper directors expect. Web advertising spend may now be larger than newspaper advertising in many countries, but that doesn’t mean newspapers can expect a big share. The search engines, portals and sales networks continue to dominate the sector, and as the next wave of revenue pours into social media like Facebook, newspaper sites need to fight to earn their share.
27 March | Building stronger online publications - Digital Content Publishing Strategy Academy
Digital management coaching
With rapid development continuing to be the norm, publishers need to be able to read the landscape and work as a team to set the right direction. Familiarity with the key principles behind different generations of websites is the starting point, and harnessing social media and communities remains key to sustainable content and audience growth. This management training explores the business models and content models of online publishing, and explains why some add little value and represent false paths, while others lead through the easy ground towards strong commercial growth.
19th March 2008: The Devil’s In the Detail... (And the detail is the data)
“The Internet is brilliant – you can measure everything”. How many times did you hear this phrase in the early days of digital marketing? A few years on, does the promise measure up to reality, or does this sound more familiar: “we’re drowning in numbers, but lacking in meaningful analysis” and “we’ve got half a dozen different versions of the truth”?
Continue reading "19th March 2008: The Devil’s In the Detail... (And the detail is the data)" »
Digital Publishing Strategy Clinic
13th February 2008, Olympia, London
Start your day at Publishing Expo with a free clinic to tackle the issues that matter most to your business. Digital publishing pioneer Danny Meadows-Klue kicks off the day with a 45 minute workshop from the Digital Training Academy following an agenda that's entirely set by you. It could be about how to use Web 2.0, or the models for online advertising sales, how to write for the web or manage your content and data - the topics are up to you. As always, Danny will be giving frank advice and unmasking some of the principles that will help you get the most from your online publications. Places are limited and the special session is guaranteed to fill fast, with priority given to participants who send questions in to Digital's team in advance. As part of the clinic there's a live online classroom and all questions will be written up for participants to learn from. In 1995 Danny became the first product manager of an online media business in the UK, helping run the Daily Telegraph's pioneering websites. Later he helped create and then ran the UK and European Internet Advertising Bureau organisations. In his 13 years of online publishing experience, he's run online magazines, shops, search engines, email publications and through his training session helped thousands of online publishers in more than 20 countries.
Submit your questions at http://www.digitaltrainingacademy.com/publishingstrategyclassroom/
Materials: Materials are restricted to participants | Bookings: To apply for a place contact the conference organizers
Boosting your online ad sales revenues
13th February 2008, Olympia, London
10 tips from world-class experts to get you more ads and higher rates straight away
Hundreds of the world’s leading newspapers, magazines and portals have benefited from the Digital Media Sales Academy, and this is a rare chance for any publisher to access key insights at no cost from one of the world’s online publishing pioneers.
Media teams have real challenges crossing over from print and broadcast to sell online successfully and in this Executive level Digital Training Academy we share key perspectives about how this can be accelerated. With advertisers leaping into Google, building brand sites, and extending their email marketing it's key that media brands get the sales proposition right. What are the 10 things you need to know before you start selling online? What does the future holds for online advertising vs. print? How can sales be integrated between both channels? Attendees will have access to online tuition support after the event.
Submit your questions at http://www.digitaltrainingacademy.com/publishingstrategyclassroom/
Materials: Materials are restricted to participants | Bookings: To apply for a place contact the conference organizers
Social networks - the secret of success for online magazines
13th February 2008, Olympia, London
Social media has changed the rules of publishing. These days any publisher who isn't connecting their readers together is missing out on the biggest driver of traffic and revenue. Involving the audience in the content of a site may still feel like a big leap, but as the web has grown up, the models of publishing have too. In this session Digital's team explore the principles behind effective social networking and ask why most publishers get it wrong. They provide plain spoken commentary about what magazines large and small need to be doing, and look at simple steps for getting started. Senior Associate Consultant Tom Bureau leads this session for us. As the former UK Managing Director of multi award winning CNET Networks, Tom built their range of online magazines, portals and networks based on the power of social networking. As part of this Digital Training Academy, Tom will be taking general questions about social media and Digital's Team will be feeding these into a live online classroom for event participants.
Submit your questions at http://www.digitaltrainingacademy.com/publishingstrategyclassroom/
Materials: Materials are restricted to participants | Bookings: To apply for a place contact the conference organizers
INMA: Digital Publishing Strategy Academy
24th January 2008, London
The key trends in online advertising
Online advertising is growing up. The advertising models for delivering revenue growth have come a long way since 2000, and at INMA's first Internet Advertising Summit, digital publishing pioneer Danny Meadows-Klue gives forecasts for the key changes and trends in the online advertising market in Europe in 2008-9. What is happening to advertising effectiveness? How will advertising revenue growth continue? What will happen with video formats? How will demands for targeting change? Based on two years of research by Digital Strategy Consulting and the experiences from Digital Training Academy's work to coach media planners and clients across Europe, Danny looks at the reasons behind changes in yield, advertising models and the overall growth of revenues.
Questions submitted online in the main Digital Publishing Strategy Classroom.
Digital Publishing Strategy Academy
7th November 2007, Johannesburg, South Africa
With rapid development continuing to be the norm, publishers need to be able to read the landscape and work as a team to set the right direction. Familiarity with the key principles behind different generations of websites is the starting point in that navigation. This reveals implications for the site’s business models and explains why some add little value and represent false paths, while others lead through the easy ground towards strong commercial growth. Digital’s Publishing Strategy Academy is the guaranteed way to boost your leadership team’s insights into digital publishing. At a time when the media landscape is undergoing such rapid and profound change, firms are suddenly faced with huge strategic decisions about their brands, technologies and business futures. Designed by some of the world’s pioneers in online publishing, it covers the latest trends and includes an online learning programme to get participants practicing their blogging, communities, social media and Web 2.0 content.
Materials: Materials are restricted to participants | Bookings: To apply for a place contact the conference organizers | Residential: Please note that this is an intensive multi day residential Digital Training Academy | If you are attending this training and you have any queries then contact your Academy Manager
Academy participant? You can enter the classroom here...
We’ve been coaching online publishers since 2000 to help them and their teams achieve more. To support this Digital Training Academy there is a Digital Classroom with articles, links, a video lecture and some discussion materials. You can enter the classroom, and once inside remember to bookmark it so you can get back to class easily. If you have any problems accessing the classroom then visit our help centre.
Boosting your Digital Knowledge services
In times of huge economic and technical change, knowledge becomes a critical success factor. Alongside the training and development services available in the Digital Training Academy, we created a series papers you can download and share with your team.
Digital Intelligence | Digital Insight Reports | Digital Thought Leaders | Digital Book Club | Digital Jargon Buster | Digital's Articles | Digital's Events
Example lesson: Boosting web publishing profits
Improving the engine of your web business
Every publisher wants to raise their profits, yet it’s not always clear where to start. With rapid development continuing to be the norm, publishers need to be able to read the landscape and set the right direction. Costs and revenues behave differently in online to print, and the economics for success vary over time. Familiarity with the key principles behind different generations of websites is the starting point in knowing how to boost your website revenues. This reveals implications for the site’s business models and explains why some add little value and represent false paths, while others lead through the easy ground towards strong commercial growth.
Example lesson: Getting the strategic sales focus right
Rethinking revenue segmentation strategy
Planning your online sales means taking a strategic look at your inventory and the role of product development in your internet business. Increasing internet advertising revenues demands increased inventory and a smart online advertising yield management strategy. Get it right and revenues accelerate; get it wrong and the whole sales and editorial effort is squandered for nothing. Most web publishing strategies fail to unlock major revenues because of failure to invest in the strategy. This digital management strategy coaching exercise will have you question whether you are focusing your efforts where they will bring you strong rewards in the longer term, or is your sales machine purely tactical and opportunistic? Without clear plans, how can you be sure that your business will thrive in the new digital spaces? In-company deployments of this programme are customized to the specific sector and revenue strategy challenges you face. Digital’s consultants can transfer the ideas from our workshops into product development plans for internet publishers.Exercise: Gap analysis and reading sector adsales data
Tools for analysing the market opportunity

What is your online advertising market really worth? Where should your sales teams focus their effort? Planning your online sales means knowing how to read the advertising industry data about online adspend, web advertising, and where the growth in internet marketing spend is coming from. Increasing internet advertising revenues demands a good understanding of where the market is, and with the research data weak in many countries, many formats, or for many sectors, commercial directors can easily misread the landscape. Get it right and revenues accelerate; get it wrong and the whole sales engine is running to stand still. This digital management strategy coaching exercise will have you question what your data is telling you. Your team can then apply Digital’s Advertising Revenue Segmentation Map for publishers to run a gap analysis on where your ad sales efforts should concentrate. In-company deployments of this programme are customized to the specific sector and revenue strategy challenges you face. Digital’s consultants can transfer the ideas from our workshops into sales planning tools for internet publishers.
Digital management coaching for online publishers
Our digital management strategy coaching can help you see your markets and products differently, boosting your revenues and unlocking new strategies for growth. It helps you provide stronger leadership and has been proven to transform the revenues of media groups. Work with independent experts whose only interest is in increasing your internet advertising sales revenues and raising the traffic to online magazine, newspaper, portal, community and ASP services.
About Digital Training Academy's founder and your tutor
Knowledge and training are critical for online marketers. Get it right and the internet becomes the most powerful marketing tool there's ever been, but getting it right is not straight forward. That's why I helped set up the Internet Advertising Bureau in 1997, and why I moved on from being its Chief Executive in 2005 to set up the Digital Training Academy. Thousands of marketers need to learn these new skills, so what the Digital Training Academy does is bring together senior industry figures to help them get there. Our team has been training marketers since 2001, and now through the forty academy courses, we have great ways to get your team on the fast track.
If you'd like some more background about some of the things I've done in the internet marketing and publishing industries then there's a biography in our press centre.
What Digital training can do for your company
Essential skills for today’s marketers: What digital marketing training will do for you -
Download our simple prospectus
Achieve more with expert training -
Digital Marketing Acceleration Academy
Essential skills for today’s marketers -
Digital Media Content Academy
Creating publications, content and programming online audiences love -
Digital Publishing Strategy Academy
Building a smarter media business for the digital economy -
Digital Advertising Creative Academy
Building web ads that create cut through -
Digital Essentials Academy
An intensive overview of the Digital Marketing landscape -
Digital Social Media Academy
Building brands and engagement through social media -
Digital Web Analytics Academy
Web Analytics 2.0: Advertising and media measurement -
Digital Publishing Strategy Academy
Masterclasses for web publishers -
Digital Advertising Traffic Academy
Getting to grips with online ad trafficking -
Getting to grips with search engine marketing
Independent training for digital marketers -
Digital Media Sales Academy
Getting to grips with online media sales -
Digital Editorial & Content Academy (Orientation)
Get started in writing and producing for the web -
Marketing to doctors online
A Digital Marketing Academy for marketing to doctors online, customised to the specific needs of your brand and your team -
Internet marketing for pharmaceutical brands
A Digital Marketing Academy for pharmaceutical brands, customised to the specific needs of your brand and your team -
Digital Content Sales Academy (Orientation level)
Selling online content effectively -
Online marketing for travel or airline brands
A Digital Marketing Strategy Academy for travel or airline brands, customised to the specific needs of your brand and your team -
Digital marketing for luxury brands
A Digital Marketing Strategy Academy for luxury brands, customised to the specific needs of your brand and your team -
Marketing luxury brands online
A Digital Marketing Strategy Academy for luxury brands, customised to the specific needs of your brand and your team