The web impacts everyone's business. Get it right and it changes the way your firm gets customers, get it wrong and you're wasting your time and energy on what could have been your biggest opportunity.That's why we've teamed up with the Digital Training Academy to bring our members their unique fusion of management coaching and strategy consultancy that will help you get much more value from the existing web presence your company has. This page tells you more about the management training, the topics and the people involved. I hope you'll be able to join us in Warsaw.
Digital Training Academy: Poland Classroom
Leading thinking, world class training
Overview of our courses
- Get in touch
- Sample lectures
- How we train
- Skills assessment
- International courses
- New 2018 training
- Digital acceleration
- Advanced courses
- Online learning
- Digital workshops
- Digital clinics
- Digital audits
- Always-on marketing
Training services
- In-company training
- Executive coaching
- Marketing courses
- Current participants
- Graduate services
- About us
- Case study library
Consultancy and research
Martin Oxley, CEO, BPCC: Why getting the web right really matters
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