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Building stronger digital teams in Mexico
World-class coaching in Mexico City to give you the competitive edge
Overview of our courses
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- Sample lectures
- How we train
- Skills assessment
- International courses
- New 2018 training
- Digital acceleration
- Advanced courses
- Online learning
- Digital workshops
- Digital clinics
- Digital audits
- Always-on marketing
Training services
- In-company training
- Executive coaching
- Marketing courses
- Current participants
- Graduate services
- About us
- Case study library
Consultancy and research
Bienvenido Al Servicio En Linea De Entrenamiento De Mercadotecnia En Mexico De La Academia De Entrenamiento Digital (Digital Training Academy) »
Para apoyar los cursos de entrenamiento que dirigimos en la ciudad de México, hemos desarrollado este medio virtual para la enseñanza. Es aquí donde se puede discutir temas de la Academia y bajar los resultados de nuestros talleres. La mayoría de las secciones de las aulas requieres de una contraseña proporcionada por el manager de la Academia, así que envía un correo a Tutors@DigitalTrainingAcademy.com para más indicaciones.
Digital Training Academy México »
Habiendo ayudado en la aceleración de la industria del Internet en México y en la creación del comercio dentro del mercado de Internet, tenemos la primera Academia de planeación de medio digitales para muchos publicistas, así como para sus agencias. Aunque hemos estado entrenando a publicistas y mercadólogos en México desde hace ya varios años, hemos descubierto que el mercado mexicano está propenso a emparejarse rápidamente con sus vecinos Americanos, así como un mejor desempeño en los objetivos y búsquedas en la red.
Digital Training Academy Mexico
Having helped in the acceleration of the Mexican internet industry, and the creation of their internet marketing trade association, we ran the first Digital Media Planning Academy for dozens of advertisers as well as their agencies. Although we had been training media owners and marketers in Mexico for several years, we’re finding that the Mexican market is keen to catch up with its northern neighbour and apply the latest thinking in online targeting, search and customer acquisition marketing.
What Digital training can do for your company »
There is a vast skills gap in the media and marketing industries. It’s holding individuals and companies back. Online can be tough; impenetrable language, constantly changing technologies or suppliers, unclear business process and evolving models for trading. And the pace means that even if you were up to speed six months ago the game will have moved on. That’s why media owners, agencies and brands asked us to set up a programme of highly focused digital training that helps firms get exactly the skills they need, right now. The Digital Training Academy have been delivered in more than 20 countries, helping thousands of marketers from more than 50 countries boost their performance. Top quality, jargon free, leading edge training to the future leaders of the media and marketing industries.
El día de hoy en la red durará por siempre »
En las campañas que vemos hoy en día por televisión, el mensaje que se quería dar a conocer era pasajero, lo veías un minuto y al otro desaparecía por completo. El legado que dejaban era el cambio en el comportamiento de los compradores (si es que había alguno), pero los materiales terminaban en alguna bodega, las revistas en algún rincón guardadas y los videos utilizados para grabar otras cosas sobre ellos.
Digital Training Academy team in Mexico »
Danny cut his teeth in online media as the publisher of the multi-award winning Telegraph.co.uk, before helping set up the internet marketing trade associations in the UK, Europe and 20 countries.
Continue reading "Digital Training Academy team in Mexico" »
Digital Marketing Acceleration Academy »
An intensive three day residential programme to unlock a step-change in the value you get from your marketing budgets. Find out how the web can deliver more leads for your firm, and help convert them faster. Learn how to plan web advertising smarter than your competitors. Win sales from your rivals through stronger relationship marketing. Improve the ROI from your websites and offline marketing. This world-class training programme from the Digital Training Academy is built around the specific challenges you and your team face in your specific market. The syllabus is entirely customised to deliver exactly what your team need in today’s market. These are the essential skills for today’s marketers.
More details? Tutors@DigitalTrainingAcademy.com
Mexico: internet market grows and goes mainstream »
Related articles about the Mexican online market and our work in Mexico since 2004

- 2005 May – Mexican internet industry heading for its ‘tipping point’ – il punto critico
- 2005 April – Mexico’s IAB trade association appoints Digital Strategy Consulting to plan trade association’s launch and market development strategy for online advertising in Mexico
- 2006 March – Mexico’s IAB trade association celebrates first birthday
- 2007 July - Mexico hits its Tipping Point
- 2007 July – Mexico City’s first Digital Media Planning Academy
- 2008 September – Digital Training Academy classroom for digital marketers in Mexico
The essential skills for today’s marketing and media teams »
The Digital Training Academy is bringing to Mexico the essential skills in digital marketing, publishing and strategy to proven international standards. More than 40,000 people have attended the talks and courses of our directors over 10 years, in more than 20 countries.
How do we train? »
Which topics do we train? »
There are more than 40 courses to choose from, each customised by digital strategists to the specific business challenges you face in your market. To see the range of what’s possible, here are some of the recent titles… popular courses
Below we’ve highlighted a few of the programmes firms in Mexico City have been asking us about.
Digital Marketing Acceleration Academy – Essential skills for today’s marketers »
An intensive three day residential programme to unlock a step-change in the value you get from your marketing budgets. Find out how the web can deliver more leads for your firm, and help convert them faster. Learn how to plan web advertising smarter than your competitors. Win sales from your rivals through stronger relationship marketing. Improve the ROI from your websites and offline marketing. This world-class training programme from the Digital Training Academy is built around the specific challenges you and your team face in your specific market. The syllabus is entirely customised to deliver exactly what your team need in today’s market. These are the essential skills for today’s marketers.
More details? Tutors@DigitalTrainingAcademy.com
Digital Advertising Academy – Building web ads that work »
Double the value you get from your web advertising. Learn how to plan smarter campaigns that focus budgets where they work hardest. Create more impact in your advertising, with higher response rates and better click-throughs. Blend marketing strategies together to deliver a step-change in the performance of your marketing budgets. We’ll show you how to brief your agencies better and improve longer term ROI from digital and integrated agencies. This world-class training programme from the Digital Training Academy is built around the specific challenges you and your team face in your specific market. The syllabus is entirely customised to deliver exactly what your team need in today’s market. These are the essential skills for today’s marketers.
More details? Tutors@DigitalTrainingAcademy.com
Digital Media Sales Academy - Boosting web ad revenues right now »
The needs of advertisers have shifted. The role of the web in marketing has changed. Sales teams without the right knowledge and skills will watch revenues shrink and shrink. These two days of intensive coaching will show you what digital marketing your customers want, how to persuade them to buy, what data you’ll need (and how to use it). Delivered to media groups from 30 countries including Microsoft, the BBC and the New York Times, the Digital Media Sales Academy is key to an instant boost in revenues, as well as stronger client relationships. The syllabus is entirely customised to deliver exactly what your team need in today’s market. These are the essential skills for today’s media teams.
More details? Tutors@DigitalTrainingAcademy.com
Digital Publishing Strategy Academy – Building a smarter media business for the digital economy »
Newspaper readership is in chaos, television viewing is timeshifting, the media diets of the 20-something generation are unrecognisable from a decade ago. This senior management programme coaches leadership teams on how to develop strong digital media businesses with the growing advertising revenues, compelling content and rising audiences. The two day intensive management Academy is entirely customised to deliver exactly what your team need in today’s market, helping leadership teams lead. Give your staff and shareholders the confidence they need by boosting the knowledge and skills you have at the time of greatest change in broadcasting and publishing.
More details? Tutors@DigitalTrainingAcademy.com
Digital Media Content Academy – Creating publications, content and programming online audiences love »
Learn how to write for the web brilliantly and find out how to make your online content even more compelling. Explore how to create smarter web programming that delivers more benefit to your audiences in less time. Learn how to apply web analytics into programming and content design, and how to build audiences to your online media properties. Find out when and how Facebook and Twitter deliver the most from plugging into the publishing process and boost your audiences in ways that are cost effective and sustainable. The syllabus is entirely customised to deliver exactly what your team need in today’s market.
More details? Tutors@DigitalTrainingAcademy.com
What level of training do you need? »
Before all our in-company courses we complete a training needs analysis for the team and look at the issues that are holding people back from performing more effectively. The training is designed around these answers to ensure lessons are at the right level.
- Our ‘Orientation’ Academies were created for newcomers as a conversion course to quickly learn the basics.
- Advanced Academies are designed for executives with basic understanding of the discipline, maybe from working in the digital sector for a year to 18 months.
- Masterclass level Academies are for experts with over 5 years experience in digital
Digital Insight Report: The digital skills crisis, told in their own words »
Understanding the challenges facing brands

The skills crisis in digital publishing is holding back the industry. It forms a barrier to competitiveness and because the capability weakness is common at all levels in organizations, it presents a strategic risk for everything the firm develops in digital channels. This report summarizes common challenges and issues publishing executives describe in the conversion from print or broadcast to web media. From leadership boards to operational sales teams, digital publishing and marketing coaching is critical in unlocking the potential.
Download: Understanding the challenges facing brands
Join the news service so you hear about future reports (include your company details and areas of interest)
How do we customize our training? »
For our digital marketing coaching we build an agenda around the needs of participants. This is part of the reason our training is so highly rated and we train in so many countries. The Academy prospectus gives you the basic outline of topics and that accounts for about half of what we could cover. The rest is adjusted, tuned and added, based on the specific needs of your own firm. If you’d like us to go under a non-disclosure agreement so we can learn more about this then we can. We normally send over our training needs analysis surveys four weeks before. They ask about the level of knowledge and skills the team already have (after all, there’s no point in covering familiar ground if we can introduce something extra). From here we revise the syllabus structure, and look at other aspects we can deliver as part of the e-learning support for an Academy
Ask a Tutor about customizing an Academy for your organisation
How are courses developed? »
Our directors have been teaching digital marketing and publishing for over a decade and each Academy is regularly updated with new ideas, models and case studies.
International editions of the Digital Training Academy are customized with national case studies and additional national speakers so take a little longer to deliver.
Los conferencistas con el equipo de IAB México »
Here's a picture of conference organizers and key speakers.
Grazias! It's been a fantastic event!