In-company training

Giving your team the competitive edge

Get the latest insights and freshest thinking in digital marketing, content and commerce. Our advanced in-company courses focus on your specific business goals.

What Digital training can do for your company

What training can do for your companyThere is a vast skills gap in the media and marketing industries. It’s holding individuals and companies back. Online can be tough; impenetrable language, constantly changing technologies or suppliers, unclear business process and evolving models for trading. And the pace means that even if you were up to speed six months ago the game will have moved on. That’s why media owners, agencies and brands asked us to set up a programme of highly focused digital training that helps firms get exactly the skills they need, right now. The Digital Training Academy have been delivered in more than 20 countries, helping thousands of marketers from more than 50 countries boost their performance. Top quality, jargon free, leading edge training to the future leaders of the media and marketing industries.

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How do we train?

How do we train?Watch this short introduction and audio lecture to learn how your Digital Training Academy works.

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Video - How do we train?

Which topics do we train?

We have more than 40 courses to choose from, and a list of the most popular ones is here. See popular courses

There’s a prospectus of course titles that we regularly update, here. Download prospectus

We also supply speakers to many conferences, so if you’d like to see our trainers in action then take a look at some of the forthcoming events. Join us at a conference

What level of training do you need?

Before all our in-company courses we complete a training needs analysis for the team and look at the issues that are holding people back from performing more effectively. The training is designed around these answers to ensure lessons are at the right level.

Our ‘Orientation’ Academies were created for newcomers as a conversion course to quickly learn the basics.

Advanced Academies are designed for executives with basic understanding of the discipline, maybe from working in the digital sector for a year to 18 months.

Masterclass level Academies are for experts with over 5 years experience in digital

Ask a Tutor about which level is right for you and your team

Digital Insight Report: The digital skills crisis, told in their own words

Understanding the challenges facing brands

he digital skills crisis, told in their own words: Understanding the challenges facing brands

The skills crisis in digital publishing is holding back the industry. It forms a barrier to competitiveness and because the capability weakness is common at all levels in organizations, it presents a strategic risk for everything the firm develops in digital channels. This report summarizes common challenges and issues publishing executives describe in the conversion from print or broadcast to web media. From leadership boards to operational sales teams, digital publishing and marketing coaching is critical in unlocking the potential.

PDFDownload: Understanding the challenges facing brands

Read the highlightsRead the highlights

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How do we customize our training?

For our digital marketing coaching we build an agenda around the needs of participants. This is part of the reason our training is so highly rated and we train in so many countries. The Academy prospectus gives you the basic outline of topics and that accounts for about half of what we could cover. The rest is adjusted, tuned and added, based on the specific needs of your own firm. If you’d like us to go under a non-disclosure agreement so we can learn more about this then we can. We normally send over our training needs analysis surveys four weeks before. They ask about the level of knowledge and skills the team already have (after all, there’s no point in covering familiar ground if we can introduce something extra). From here we revise the syllabus structure, and look at other aspects we can deliver as part of the e-learning support for an Academy

Ask a Tutor about customizing an Academy for your organisation

How are courses developed?

Our directors have been teaching digital marketing and publishing for over a decade and each Academy is regularly updated with new ideas, models and case studies.

International editions of the Digital Training Academy are customized with national case studies and additional national speakers so take a little longer to deliver.

Ask a Tutor about international training

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