New global research shows brand leaders see the switch to digital marketing now "a matter of survival", and reputation management (thanks to attacks through social media) now more of a risk to brands than an unstable economy or competitors.
Google created more controversy this month, with its new "endorsement ads" placing people's faces next to products they have '+1'ed, and breaking an 8-year promise with huge banner ads appearing on its search results.
In ecommerce, Amazon tested its own PayPal-style buttons, as battles with eBay heat up. And if you're looking for the best value paid media, new data suggests Facebook ads could be 18 times more effective on iPhones than Androids.
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Danny Meadows-Klue
Digital Training Academy
Digital's team grows: Singapore base
month Andrés Torbado joins the Digital Strategy team to set up operations in Singapore so we support teams locally in the region.
As one of the Digital Strategy Directors, Andrés is leading on digital training
as well as strategy development.
Over a quarter of executives from around the world believe digital transformation is already a critical factor for their companies long-term survival, according to a new survey. 15/10/2013 | Full story...

Less than 10 percent of senior UK marketers have full confidence in their own digital marketing skills [8%] or those of their teams [9%] Adobe research has found. 25/10/2013 | Full story...
This chart shows the forecast for the top 10 ad markets in 2015. The US is still number one on the list increasing its spend by over $20m. 28/10/2013 | Full story...
This chart show the top 10 ad markets in 2012. The US leads the top ten by a large margin, spending almost $110m more than Japan (the second highest spending country in the top 10). 28/10/2013 | Full story...
Google has sparked more privacy controversy with new Facebook-style ads that include user names and photos, as the internet giant looks to make its ads more social and personalised. 14/10/2013 | Full story...
Google is testing giant banner ads on search results pages, with 30 advertisers on board, breaking an 8-year promise in the process. 24/10/2013 | Full story...
Amazon has launched a new 'login and pay' button, letting external websites allow their customers to pay via their Amazon accounts, as the firm steps up its battle with eBay and its PayPal payments system. 10/10/2013 | Full story...
Proving it was no fluke, Yahoo has remained top of the US traffic charts for the third month in a row, ahead of Google, Microsoft and Facebook, as the internet giant continues to turn around its fortunes. 23/10/2013 | Full story...
In a major U-turn, Facebook is finally allowing Google to run is DoubleClick display ads on its ad exchange. 21/10/2013 | Full story...
Digital ad spend up in the UK rose 17.5% to reach a record six-month high of over £3bn, with consumer goods overtaking entertainment and media as the biggest mobile display advertiser, according to new research. 07/10/2013 | Full story...
Most executives now place reputation above economic trends and competition in terms of risk, following the rise of social media, according to new research. 24/10/2013 | Full story...
Facebook ads are 1,790% more profitable on Apple's iOS than Android, according to new research looking into the social network's mobile ad effectiveness. 18/10/2013 | Full story...
Facebook and Pinterest are the leading social networks for sharing content, with Google+ lagging far behind, according to new research. 25/10/2013 | Full story...
As Halloween approaches, Procter and Gamble’s detergent brand Tide has features in a series on horror movie parodies using Twitter’s 6-second Vine video format. 29/10/2013 | Full story...
Yorkshire Tea has taken to YouTube, with an epic song celebrating the virtues of the old fashioned cuppa, incorporating zombies, brass bands and even the odd Skyrim reference. 29/10/2013 | Full story...
To promote its remake of horror classic 'Carrie', Sony Pictures and MGM created an elaborate (and rather terrifying) hidden camera prank which has gone viral big time, getting over 4 million YouTube views. 14/10/2013 | Full story...
Heinz and Reckitt Benckiser are among the first brands to sign up for Future Ad Labs' new advertising format, PlayCaptcha. Watch this video presentation explaining how the tool works below. 10/10/2013 | Full story...
In a hard-hitting new TV and digital campaign, St Johns Ambulance offers interactive advice on giving first aid to youngsters, in a bid to help boost awareness of potentially life-saving skills. 08/09/2013 | Full story...
For its latest campaign Unilever's Cornetto launched a set of airplanes with a Twitter-connected banners, so summer lovers could declare their love in front of everyone on the beaches of Spain. 08/10/2013 | Full story...
A future-gazing report from AOL predicts that by the next decade, 'native ads' (or sponsored content) will overtake traditional ads. Back in the present, the latest global stats show that display ads rose 27% globally this year's the budget switch to digital continues.
Many marketers spend hours constructing great email layout and copy, but then treat the subject line as an afterthought. A detailed survey of over 2.2 billion emails, published this year, has revealed the most (and least) effective keywords and phrases in email marketing subject lines. 22/10/2013 | Full story...
Facebook's 'Graph Search' got a revamp this month, including status updates and comments, making the social network much easier to navigate for users (and advertisers looking for specific demographics). We also take an in-depth look at Google's UK traffic, along with a handy infographic guide to getting the most out of Author Rank.
Facebook continued to ramp up its advertiser tools in October, taking on Twitter with TV buzz tracking, as well as new 'call-to-action' ads in apps. The social network stirred-up further privacy controversy by making it harder to hide from search results, claiming few users chose to opt out of the feature.
Photo app phenomenon Snapchat got serious about social this month, with a timeline feature that puts it in direct completion with Facebook and its Instagram app. Meanwhile, Instagram revealed its photo stream ads and rumours suggest Twitter is planning to sell ads on other sites, based on tweet activity.
The battle between Samsung and Apple continues, with a new slimmed-down iPad Air set to defend Apple's crown in the increasingly competitive tablet market. At the same time, rival Samsung reported record profits to calm investor fears of slowing growth. Meanwhile, a raft of new glass devices, including NTT DoCOMO's translation specs, signal a growing trend for wearable technology in the year to come.
This chart shows the top 15 mobile apps and the percentage of mobile internet users that they reach. 27/10/2013 | Full story...
This chart shows the growth of the top 15 mobile apps between Q1 and Q3 2013. Twitter's social networking effort Vine has seen the biggest growth of 2013 with a remarkable 403%, but still only reaches 3% of mobile users, the smallest reach of the top 3 apps. 27/10/2013 | Full story...
Apple has unveiled iPad Air, a slimmed-down version of its tablet, priced at between £499 and £739, as the firm looks to boost sales amidst increasing competition in the burgeoning sector. Watch this video from the Daily Telegraph showing the event highlights below. 23/10/2013 | Full story...
Samsung expects to see a profit of £5.8bn for the past three months as its smartphones outsell Apple globally, shipping around 85 million devices, compared to some 35 million iPhones. 07/10/2013 | Full story...
Japanese telco NTT Docomo has unveiled a pair of glasses that can translate written text into another language, continuing the upcoming trend for wearable technology ahead of Google Glass launch later this year. View this demonstration video from Engadget below. 09/10/2013 | Full story...
- Apple profits drop for third quarter despite iPhone sale boost
- Google takes on WhatsApp with Hangouts SMS?
- Blackberry finally debuts BBM chat app on Android and iPhone
- Brits 'look at mobiles 34 times a day'
A new batch of video data signals a drastic change for global viewing habits, that will shake up 'living room' advertising over the coming decade. In the US, a third of the younger generation are now watching very little broadcast TV, while rumours suggest Google TV will be phased out for a new Android TV brand as mobile video becomes ever more important.
This chart shows the average time spent by unique visitors in March 2013 on the top 10 online properties in India. 10/10/2013 | Full story...
This chart shows the top 10 online destination in India. Google sites came in top with over 69 million visits in March 2013. Facebook received the second highest volume of unique visitors with almost 60 million, it was also the only social media site to make it into the top 10. 10/10/2013 | Full story...
Smartphone use in India has soared, with more than half of all web traffic coming from users with a mobile as their sole source of internet access, according to new research. 15/10/2013 | Full story...
With next month's PS4 and Xbox One console launches set to align digital and TV room habits further, new technology from Disney shows how tactile screens may be the next entertainment frontier. Meanwhile, Nike continued to push into digital fitness with an updated 'Fuelband' device, and new research shows that tablets are now becoming a 'must-have' device for kids.
Researchers at Disney have taken the touchscreen experience to the next level by creating a textured screen that allows viewers to feel videos and images. 11/10/2013 | Full story...
Nike has launched a new version of its Fuelband device, as the sportswear brand looks to further expand into digital fitness. Watch this promo video from Nike below. 16/10/2013 | Full story...
Tablet usage among UK children is on the rise, with kids ditching mobiles and PCs for tablets to access the internet, according to new research. 07/10/2013 | Full story...
More top gaming stories from this month:
- Top 15 global apps: Vine and Flickr lead growth
New research indicates that a 'golden' 1% of an online retailers' customer base generates 40% of its revenue, showing the importance of generating customer loyalty in the digital age. Indeed, nearly all of the UK's top retailers are failing to provide responsive design on their websites to ensure a smooth multiplatform experience for users. In other news, eBay is set to offer 1-hour deliveries with the purchase of Shutl, as its battle with Amazon heats up.
The 3-year antitrust battle between Google and the EU could finally be coming to an end, after the search giant offered to put rival's logos in their results pages. This month's US Government 'partial shutdown' had a knock on effect on federal websites, while the FBI clamped down on the 'eBay of the drug trade' Silk Road to tackle the web's black market.
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