As a graduate of our training and a member of the Academy, you decide what topics we cover. This month teams asked for more on social and viral to follow up on the new 2013 Digital Acceleration Programmes.
Top stories in the online classrooms:
- Path to purchase: New research on how digital impacts sales
- Digital ad budgets: P&G's big switch in the US
- Social media: Fake fans, new ad formats, Facebook's evolution into a paid channel, and tracking Twitter
- New production tools: Why the DoubleClick tool for publishing rich media ads should cut agency costs
New advanced training courses are now in place for all the main digital disciplines, so if your teams need a recap, then simply mail us back.
Best from all the trainers
Danny Meadows-Klue
Digital Training Academy
Here's some extra advice that builds on your Digital Acceleration Programme training. And if you need an advanced deep dive, then Digital Acceleration Programme (Advanced) Live Action Workshops are now available for priority projects, brands and markets (email us back for more).
of case studies by industry category, company, brand or marketing objective.
Most popular this month: maximising social media, viral films, search. As a
graduate of the Digital Acceleration Programme, these support you with ideas,
and inspiration that take your training further: updated weekly.
This week's Channel 4 documentary 'Celebs, Brands and Fake Fans' looked into the murky world of 'click farms'- offering a warning to brands tempted to buy success on social media.
Watch a trailer for the programme below.
07/08/2013 | Full story...
Facebook is set to introduce TV-style adverts to users' news feeds, selling spots to companies for up to $2.5 million (£1.64m) a day, according to a news report.
Watch the Bloomberg report below.
05/08/2013 | Full story...
Facebook can contribute significant incremental or duplicated reach to that of major TV networks, especially among younger users, according to new research. 07/08/2013 | Full story...
Twitter has partnered with Datalogix to offer advertisers a way of monitoring the impact of their tweets on consumer behaviour, as the micro-blogging platform looks to woo brands with deeper insights into the value of social media campaigns.
09/08/2013 | Full story...
Smartphones and tablets now account for 51% of consumer time spent shopping online, beating PCs for the first time, according to new mobile commerce research in the US.
13/08/2013 | Full story...
Singapore is the nation most motivated to go online by entertainment; The Portuguese the most motivated by information and the Chinese by self-expression and transaction, according to new research by global media agency network Mindshare. 20/08/2013 | Full story...
Smartphones finally outsold feature phones globally during the second quarter of this year, with Android taking a 79% share of the market, according to new research. 15/08/2013 | Full story...
Facebook has revealed that 128 million US users and 24 million UK users log onto the social network each day, as the firm begins revealing regional audience figures for the first time in a bid to appeal to more advertisers. 14/08/2013 | Full story...
Marketing giant WPP is aiming to generate 5-40% of its business from digital sources and fast-growth markets, chief executive Martin Sorrell has announced.
14/08/2013 | Full story...
Procter & Gamble's digital spend makes up 35% of its ad budget in the US, as the FMCG giant looks to maximise the return on its marking investment.
06/08/2013 | Full story...
In a surprise turn of events, Yahoo has overtaken Google for web traffic in the US, as CEO Marissa Mayer continues to turn the web portal's fortunes around. 23/08/2013 | Full story...
Targeting fat-fingered typists across the UK, this clever search campaign from Snickers used misspelled words in Google keywords to capture hungry office workers' attention during the working day. 23/08/2013 | Full story...
Häagen-Dazs has launched a 'Concerto Timer app', integrating 3D Kinect technology and video data that lets customers fill the time it takes for their ice cream to thaw once its leaves the freezer. 16/08/2013 | Full story...
Going viral on the internet is a goal for all brands, but is there is secret to become a web sensation? This week, Twitter examined three big viral video hits - actor Ryan Gosling 'refusing' to eat cereal, astronaut Chris Hadfield singing Space Oddity and Dove's Real Beauty marketing campaign to demonstrate how internet buzz spreads. 14/08/2013 | Full story...
Horlicks has launched a new Facebook campaign in India to promote its new biscuit, inviting users to guess the plot of a new TV commercial with a number of clues. Watch the final TV commercial below. 14/08/2013 | Full story...
Microsoft has launched a new video touting its Surface RT tablet over Apple's iPad, as poor sales of its tablet have led to a big price drop. Watch the video below. 13/08/2013 | Full story...
This year's IKEA catalogue now comes with an augmented reality twist, giving users the ability to place virtual furniture in their own home with the help of a smartphone app. 09/08/2013 | Full story...
Broadcaster Viacom is adding 30 more of its shows to Twitter's social video 'Amplify' program after 'a great response from advertisers' to its MTV Awards promotion on the social network. View a sample Amplify ad below. 19/08/2013 | Full story...
Google boosted its DoubleClick display ad tools this month, helping less tech- savvy marketers turn existing image and video assets into rich media ads without having to code. We also have more evidence on why thinking beyond local markets can reap benefits for brands, and a 'Top Trumps' infographic explaining the 4 key types of 'always on-consumer'. How many do you recognise?
Facebook added more features to its social network this month, giving popular stories more time at the top of user's news feeds, while celebrities got their own app for them (or their agents) to manage their reputation on the move. New research also suggests that advertiser revenue increased by an average of 28% this year as Zuckerberg gets serious about ad cash.
Silver surfers are flocking to social media sites at a rate far higher than any other demographic- presenting new opportunites for marketers. Two rising stars of social media - Sina Weibo and WhatsApp - also revealed some startling user growth figures that should capture the attention of major brands.
Google Play finally overtook Apple's App Store for downloads this month, but is still only making half the money. How long can Apple keep its revenue crown? Rumours that the firm is launching a cheaper handset in September suggest that Apple could claw back some market share this year. New data also shows that most consumers 'launch mobile ads by mistake'.
iTunes Radio goes live in September, with P&G, McDonald's and Pepsi on board as the first advertisers for the music streaming service. Meanwhile, Amazon's Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post and in the UK, leading tabloid The Sun finally went behind a £2 weekly paywall.
With gaming becoming ever more popular, Google expanded its 'TrueView' video ads to online games. Is this the future of advertising? Amazon jumped on the Android console trend with plans for a new device before Christmas, while Distimo provided a free service for developers and marketers to measure the success of their apps- and compare them with rivals...
Google is letting games developers use its DoubleClick Ad Exchange, allowing them to bid for TrueView's "skippable" pre-, mid- and post-roll video ads.
22/08/2013 | Full story...
Amazon is planning on reporting an Android-powered game console by the end of the year, rivalling Google, Ouya and Nvidia, according to a news report.
14/08/2013 | Full story...
Distimo has launched 'App Trends', the first freely available global service that provides download and revenue trends for all apps. 13/08/2013 | Full story...

Facebook got serious about social shopping, letting its users pay for good via the site with a 'PayPal-style' system. We also look at how the upcoming commercial launch of Google Glass could boost high street shopping, as the augmented reality specs keep tabs on shopping bills and live offers. We also list the top 50 online retailers in the UK, with Netflix making the biggest gains.
This chart shows the percentage of each country's internet population who have bought something online. 40.4% of the worldwide internet population will make a purchase through a digital channel this year. 06/08/2013 | Full story...
This chart shows ecommerce sales by region for 2013. The worldwide total spent online for 2013 is expected to exceed $1,221bn. 06/08/2013 | Full story...
Facebook is testing a new online payments service aimed at making it easier for users to make purchases on their mobile devices.
19/08/2013 | Full story...
With Google Glass and other wearable technology on the way, what is their potential to revitalise the role of physical retail stores and drive sales both on and offline? A new study from Venda reveals over a quarter of UK consumers would wear Google Glass to unlock in-store promotions.
16/08/2013 | Full story...
Travel retailers have seen the biggest gains online during the summer, but Netflix and ASDA Direct were the fastest risers overall, according to new data looking at the top 50 online retailers in the UK.
22/08/2013 | Full story...
More top ecommerce stories from this month:
- eBay pilots 'personal fashion gallery' on UK site
In a rare public disclosure, the US agency behind the web spying scandal revealed the extent of its access to user's online data, claiming it only touched 1.6% of web traffic. Meanwhile, Google came under fire for claims that Gmail users 'should not expect privacy' and Mark Zuckerberg led an initiative to bring internet access to all, through reduced costs.
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