What can marketers learn from political strategists? Clearly a lot when it comes to digital. In this month's edition we joined Harper Reed - the digital brains behind the Obama 2012 campaign. In the film when he talks about 'micro-listening' techniques (key in helping win the election), you'll hear the voice of political marketers applying customer insights, brilliantly.
As always, there's lots changing in digital so in our round-up we focus on what matters for marketers and digital strategists who have graduated one of our training programmes:
- Chat apps become more popular than texts, opening up new relationship marketing channels like WhatsApp and BBM
- Yahoo's new army of Tumblr bloggers gives an extra 120 million daily impressions to sell targeted ads
- Facebook plans video ads, and Twitter's Vine videos grow fast
- Google's launches the latest anti-search spam - "Penguin 2.0"
For specific tips about what these mean for your plans in 2013-14, simply email your questions back to us. With advanced in-company training programmes running in 20 countries this year, it's easy than ever to boost your team's skills or get extra support from digital strategists.
Best from all the digital strategists
Danny Meadows-Klue
Digital Training Academy
Extra advice to build on your training. Need an advanced social media deep dive? Digital Acceleration Programme (Advanced) Live Action Workshops are now available for your market, category or brand. Email us back for more info...
As more and more consumers today come with smartphone attached, the opportunities for marketers to start a mobile dialogue with their consumers anywhere and anytime are ever expanding. While some are starting to successfully include an offline call-to-action as part of their mobile marketing strategy, many marketers still miss the opportunity. Digital Strategy Director Julian Smith offers his top tips for connecting with your on-the-go consumers through mobile, amplifying their engagement across all channels and boosting the effectiveness of your integrated marketing assets.
22/05/2013 | Full story...
The Obama 2012 presidential campaign produced one of the most sophisticated direct marketing systems ever seen, pinpointing potential voters with the right messages delivered in the right format at crucial moments (helping to win the US election as a result). At last month's DMA Technology Summit in London, Harper Reed, the campaign's chief architect, revealed how modern direct marketing trends such as 'micro-listening' can have wider applications for marketers.
Watch Reed's presentation below:

14/05/2013 | Full story...
Yahoo has bought blogging platform Tumblr for $1.1bn (£725m) in cash, with CEO
Marisa Mayer pledging "not to screw it up" in a blog post.
Watch Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales speak to the BBC about what the deal could mean for Tumblr:

21/05/2013 | Full story...
Android continued its dominance of the global smartphone market in the first quarter of 2013, accounting for 3 out of 4 smartphones sold, according to new data.
17/05/2013 | Full story...
There are now 900 million Android devices in the world, compared to around 500 million iOS devices, but which is generating the most engagement (and cash)? New data indicates that Apple still leads the way, but Android is catching fast in terms of downloads and revenue.
20/05/2013 | Full story...
Chat apps such as WhatsApp and Apple's iMessage are now more popular than text messaging, according to a news report.
01/05/2013 | Full story...
Facebook is planning to put video ads in newsfeeds from July, as the social network looks to rival Google's YouTube.
09/05/2013 | Full story...
Twitter's 6 second video platform Vine is becoming a hot new channel for marketers, according to new research from Unruly media.
21/05/2013 | Full story...
Google has started rolling out a major upgrade to the AdMob mobile advertising sales network in a major upgrade for mobile advertising tools and technology that leverages a suite of Google tools including AdWords and conversion optimisation techniques.
Watch the video promo explaining how the new service works here:

21/05/2013 | Full story...
Interflora has won a high court battle over Marks and Spencer in the UK, ruling that the supermarket chain could not use the florists' trademark as a Google AdWord to boost its visibility on the search engine.
22/05/2013 | Full story...
Google has made a major update to its Penguin search algorithm this week, as the internet giant looks to improve its search results by eliminating web spam.
In a Google Webmaster Help video (see below), Cutts goes into more detail on what Penguin 2.0 would bring, along with what new changes webmasters can expect over the coming months with regards to Google search results.

24/05/2013 | Full story...
Mail.ru is the largest free email service in Russia and leads in terms of visits and average time spent on the site.

17/05/2013 | Full story...
Dove's latest viral marketing video 'Real Beauty Sketches' has racked up over 114 million views since its launch in April 2013.

23/05/2013 | Full story...
Coca-Cola has launched a campaign replacing its packaging with 150 of the most popular names using the brand's iconic typeface.

01/05/2013 | Full story...
Is the internet the right medium to advertise a low involvement product like laundry detergent? This slide presentation case study from Alexandra Zadoya from OMD Russia looks at how a Persil campaign in Russia used social gaming in innovative ways to drive brand engagement and sales.

08/05/2013 | Full story...
Diaper manufacturer Huggies has teamed up with creative agency Ogilvy Brazil to create 'Huggies TweetPee'; a gadget and app that lets parents know when their baby needs a change in diaper.
The Brazilian TV advert for TweetPee (in Portugese) is below:

10/05/2013 | Full story...
Evian has refreshed its hugely successful "Evian babies" campaign, with a new viral video that matches dancing adults to their toddler counterparts. Supported by baby face-changing app, the ad has notched up over 45 million views on YouTube. See why it's our video viral of the week below...
16/05/2013 | Full story...
A report this month shows that UK advertising spend is back in good health as the total for 2012 bounced back to a pre-recession high of £17bn. This was fuelled mainly by the digital operations of traditional media owners as well as the Olympic effect on OOH. Amongst online publishers its video ad formats that are fuelling most growth according to the AOP. Microsoft continued to woo consumers away from Google (and alienate advertisers) by pushing its 'Do Not Track' IE defaults in its latest video ad.
In the US, total digital ad revenue for 2012 was $36.6bn, up by 15% from 2011. Mobile digital ad revenue grew by 4.2% since 2011, making it the format with the highest growth.

23/05/2013 | Full story...
In 2011, the US generated $31.7bn in revenue from digital advertising, at the time the highest recorded.

23/05/2013 | Full story...
Total advertising spend in the UK reached £17.172bn in 2012, up 2.3% on 2011 according to figures released this week in the AA/Warc Expenditure Report.
10/05/2013 | Full story...
UK digital publisher advertising revenues were up 16.2% in Q1 2013, versus the same period of the previous year, according to new research.
17/05/2013 | Full story...
Microsoft is running an ad campaign touting its controversial "Do Not Track" function in its latest versions of Internet Explorer, in a move that is firmly aimed at Google.

24/05/2013 | Full story...
Digital ad spend in Latin America is set to double by 2016, with Brazil leading the way, according to new research.
08/05/2013 | Full story...
More top Advertising stories from this month:
- Most 18-25s 'find online advertising simplistic' and skip video ads
- Digital Marketing in Russia: Yandex, VK and Mail.RU lead the way (Infographic)
Google released an upgrade to its popular Maps search service this month. While offering users more details and personalisation options behind a location it offers local businesses more advertising and promotional opportunities. They also released an updated search app for the iOS platform - that with improved predictive search features and enhanced voice search - now rivals Apple's native Siri service. Meanwhile it closed down an SMS search tool for mobile users without a data plan - presumably due to a lack of demand and revenue potential.
Facebook's increasing mobile usage was highlighted this month in their latest financial results. Global mobile monthly active users were up 54% year-on-year to 751 million. Mobile advertising is making up an ever larger proportion of their ad income, now representing nearly a third. The social network expanded its 'structured status update' to encourage more detailed mobile user updates, and provide more targeting potential to advertisers. Objectives that could also be achieved if the rumoured purchase a sat-nav mapping service Waze goes ahead.
Success in social marketing lies in supporting your owned social channels with paid media investment according to research conducted by Forrester. Twitter continues to offer advertisers more opportunities with the launch of their keyword targeting service - and extends its reach with a new Yahoo deal. Meanwhile the death knell rings for Bebo.
As the adoption of both mobiles and tablets grows significantly across the developed world a 4 screen household is emerging with implications for multi-device media consumption and retail. One of the impacts is the rise of mobile web traffic, led by the UK in Europe. Another growing trend in mobile is the use of free chat apps with the likes of Google 'Hangouts' app competing against WhatsApp, Skype, BBM, Tango and Facebook's own Chat Heads service for dominance.
YouTube continues to becoming more and more like a broadcast subscription TV channel as it offers paid channels to rival Amazon and Netflix. Its parent Google expands its content offering into streaming music to take on Spotify and Pandora. And Yahoo tries to compete in the TV content game by looking at the Hulu service as a potential purchase.
Big news in the world of gaming this month was Microsoft's launch of its next generation console Xbox One. Designed to become "the ultimate all-in-one home entertainment system" it is looking to compete not only with its traditional rival, Sony's PlayStation, but with the likes of Sky and Virgin Media, in the TV arena. EA Sport had to backtrack on its controversial programme that stifled trade in second-hand games. And World of Warcraft is losing users to free-to-play alternatives.
As more and more UK consumers buy their groceries online the supermarket chain Morrisons is finally set to launch their own ecommerce venture in partnership with Ocado. The catalogue business Argos expects 75% of its sales to come from the web by 2016. It's on fashion where most young men spend their money online. As social media increasingly influences the purchase decision. And in another development Google now lets you send money across the web through Gmail using its Google Wallet service.
UK supermarket chain Morrisons has struck a deal with Ocado to launch an online grocery service by January 2014.
20/05/2013 | Full story...
Argos is expecting internet sales to make up three quarters of its sales by 2016, as sales both online and instore continue to rise at the high street retailer.
07/05/2013 | Full story...
Whilst women may normally be perceived as shopaholics, new research from leading CPA network, Rakuten LinkShare, shows that men spend over three quarters of their average annual online spend on fashion.
07/05/2013 | Full story...
Nearly half (46%) of UK consumers use social media for online purchasing decisions and over a third (35%) use it to vent about bad customer service, according to new research.
14/05/2013 | Full story...
Google has introduced a new dollar-sign icon for Gmail attachments, letting users transfer money via its Google Wallet service.
17/05/2013 | Full story...
More top ecommerce stories from this month:
- Pfizer to sell Viagra online to compete with fraudsters
- Warm weather boosts April ecommerce sales 16% as shoppers flock to travel sites
The question of how much tax the giants of the Internet age should be paying was a hot topic of discussion this month. Google's tax affairs in the UK were under close scrutiny from the public accounts committee. In France the authorities were pondering whether the like of Google and Apple should pay a tax to fund the arts and content creators. And at the same time Google has a go at Microsoft for removing its ads from its Windows Phone video app.
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