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Digital Strategy ConsultingDigital Intelligence - Academy member's edition

Latest research and digital marketing trends

November 2012 - From your digital marketing excellence partner

As a graduate of our digital marketing skills programme, here's the research and news that caught the eye of our strategists this month, grouped in the sections that build on those in your training.

Is your mobile strategy in place for 2013? New research shows smartphone sales up 47%, reminding every brand how the web's gone mobile and apps have replaced many sites. We've more on why mobile ad recall beats TV, and how Google is using Free Zone to capture the 'next billion' internet users.

Highlights this month:

  • Digital marketing tips on content marketing and SEO
  • China: Market data and growth
  • Android on 3 in 4 mobiles
  • Instagram and Pinterest boost designs to attract advertisers
  • Brands experiment with advertising on Windows 8
  • Google launches voice-activated mobile search
  • Regulators fine Google for privacy breach

And if you're planning 2013 digital and mobile strategies and need support, mail us back - with our journalists writing hundreds of articles each month, and online classrooms with hundreds more resources, help and links may be closer to hand than you think.

Best from all the digital strategists

Danny signature
Danny Meadows-Klue
Digital Training Academy

Content marketing and SEO: Why every website article should start with keyphrase thinking

Getting your content discovered in search engines has been the battle digital marketers have been fighting for almost 20 years. It's a combination of both art and science, and there are simple steps that should be on every marketers' agenda. Danny Meadows-Klue has been teaching Search Engine Optimisation since the late '90s, and here he explains how consumer brands should approach content marketing and SEO.
21/11/2012 | Full article...

Internet population: China

China's Web users have increased by over 10% since December 2008, reaching nearly 54 million. However, the chart shows how the rapid growth has decreased over time. As of June 2012 the number of online Chinese citizens equalled just under 40% of the total population.
Digital Intelligence - Internet population: China

01/11/2012 | Full story...

China: Mobile users vs laptop and PC users

This chart shows the rise of smartphone owners compared with previous PC and laptop owners. The growth in PC has slowed considerably since June 2011. The adoption of smartphones over this period has increased dramatically, with smartphone ownership exceeding PC ownership in June 2012.
Digital Intelligence - China: Mobile users Vs laptop and PC users

01/11/2012 | Full story...

Smartphone owners: China

Chinese smartphone owners are one of the key drivers for rising web use. This chart shows that in less than 5 years the number of smartphone users has grown by over 33 million, accounting for 72.2% of total web users. One of the main reasons for this growth is attributed to the affordability of smartphones over PCs and laptops.
Digital Intelligence - UK digital adspend in Q3 2012

01/11/2012 | Full story...

Video viral of the week: Oak stages 'reverse robberies' to promote milk drink on Facebook

US flavoured milk brand Oak claimed it had been 'inundated with fans complaining they couldn't buy their product in their local stores. In response, parent company Parmalat staged a series of 'reverse robberies' and posted the results on YouTube and Facebook. See why its our video viral of the week below...

Digital Intelligence - Video viral of the week: Oak stages 'reverse robberies' to promote milk drink on Facebook

20/11/2012 | Full story...

Video viral of the week: John West interactive YouTube video tells 'story in a can'

This interactive YouTube video forms part of John West's latest £6m marketing efforts to showcase its ethical fishing practices. The 'story in a can' campaign invites UK consumers to track exactly where their canned fish comes from. See why it's our video viral of the week below...

Digital Intelligence - Video viral of the week: John West interactive YouTube video tells 'story in a can'

08/11/2012 | Full story...

World's first Instagram menu- restaurant uses customers' snaps to promote food

New York City's Comodo restaurant has harnessed passionate foodies by launching an Instagram menu, integrating the photo-sharing site into their dining experience. The restaurant is encouraging people to Instagram pictures of the dishes with a designated hashtag, #ComodoMenu. By using the hashtag, diners can see the Latin American inspired food before ordering (or even before making a reservation) while also engaging in a distinctly modern communal activity.
Watch a video showing how the service works below:

Digital Intelligence - World's first Instagram menu- restaurant uses customers' snaps to promote food

05/11/2012 | Full story...

Video viral of the week: Coke turns commuters into 007 in race for tickets

Coca-Cola continues its Coke Zero marketing tie-in for the upcoming James Bond movie release with a promo that turned commuters into 007, for 70 heart-pounding seconds, all for the chance to win Skyfall tickets. See why it's out video viral of the week below...

Digital Intelligence - Video viral of the week: Coke turns commuters into 007 in race for tickets

05/11/2012 | Full story...

Video viral of the week: Charity challenges perceptions with 'You Are Blind' game

To raise awareness around the perception of blind people in Russia as helpless, charity association "The right to smile" together with the agency Hungry Boys, launched a project called Blind. See why it's our viral of the week below...

Digital Intelligence - Video viral of the week: Charity challenges perceptions with 'You Are Blind' game

14/11/2012 | Full story...

Global mobile trends 2012: Smartphone sales up 47% as feature phones dip 3%

Samsung has extended its lead over Apple's iPhone in the global smartphone market, while Android now accounts for a massive 72% chunk of the smartphone OS market, according to new data. The research, from Gartner, found that worldwide sales of mobile phones to end users reached almost 428 million units in the third quarter of 2012, a 3.1% decline from the third quarter of 2011.
15/11/2012 | Full story...

Global mobile trends - Android now on 3 in 4 smartphones

Google's Android mobile operating system made up 75% of the global smartphone market in the third quarter of 2012, far ahead of Apple's 14.9%, according to new data. The study from market analysis firm IDC attributed the jump in market share to the faltering market reach for Nokia's Symbian platform and Research In Motion's Blackberry mobile OS. According to the study Google Android smartphone shipments increased by 91.5% during Q3 2012.
05/11/2012 | Full story...

Global mobile trends; Apple beating Samsung in mobile ad battle

Apple has widened its lead over Samsung in terms of global ad impressions, despite the growing popularity of the Korean manufacturer's devices, according to a new report.
20/11/2012 | Full story...

Google targets 'next billion' with basic mobile web service Free Zone

Google has launched 'Free Zone', a new mobile web service aimed at giving millions of people in the developing world to access the Internet (and Google's ads) via basic mobile phones without data charges.
09/11/2012 | Full story...

Mobile ads 'more effective than TV and web in key metrics'

Mobile ads are much more effective than broadcast or conventional digital ads on a number of key metrics, such as brand recall and purchase intent, according to new research. The AdColony/Nielsen study, found that almost 6 in 10 mobile users recalled the brands advertised, versus about 1 in 10 for TV and digital users, and mobile ads were also several times more effective at influencing consumers' purchasing intent.
22/11/2012 | Full story...

Google bringing sponsored shopping results to Europe and beyond

Google is gearing up to extend its paid results on its Google Shopping tool, as the web giant looks to extend its hugely successful AdWords model to the world of ecommerce. Following a launch in the US this year, Google Shopping will add paid services to the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Brazil, Australia and Switzerland, starting February 13th 2012.
Watch this 'Hangout' video from Jon Venverloh, Senior Manager - Google Shopping, offering a guide to creating and optimising product listings on Google.

Digital Intelligence - Google bringing sponsored shopping results to Europe and beyond

16/11/2012 | Full story...

Facebook survives stock sale: Are its IPO troubles over?

Facebook shares soared 12% on Wednesday as the social network beat expectations following the third stage of its IPO share sale. Wednesday saw the unlocking of hundreds of millions of shares held by insiders now eligible for sale in the open market. The move saw the sale of more than 800 million shares, marking the third and biggest wave after the company's initial public offering in May. The latest lockup expiration is expected to nearly double the size of the company's share float.
16/11/2012 | Full story...

Global online ad revenue to reach $143bn by 2017: US, China and UK lead the way

Global online advertising revenues will reach $143 billion in 2017, with the US still leading the market, with China catching fast, according to a new report. The Online Advertising Forecasts report, from Digital TV Research, estimates that the 2017 total is more than double the $66 billion recorded in 2010 and considerably up from the $92 billion predicted for 2012.
15/11/2012 | Full story...

Facebook marketing trends- Paid media 'gets 5 times more reach than free fan pages'

Among a selection of the 100 leading brand pages on Facebook, those using paid media reached 5.4 times more people on average than those using no paid media, according to a new study.
The report, 'Understanding Paid & Earned Reach On Facebook,' published by Facebook together with comScore, forms part of Facebook's attempts to persuade sceptical brand marketers to migrate their efforts from free fan pages to paid for sponsored stories.
01/11/2012 | Full story...

When your Google traffic dies: The pain you never want to feel

Most websites and online retailers live and die based on their natural search traffic, so when the US clothes retailer Big Tall Direct lost 70% of their traffic, it proved devastating. This video from their President describes what it's like: watch, weep, and wonder how well protected your business is...

Digital Intelligence - When your Google traffic dies: The pain you never want to feel

22/11/2012 | Full story...


This month saw major brands and advertisers starting to experiment with the new Windows 8 in-app advertising opportunities as well as confirming their confidence in online video advertising's effectiveness. A report by ad network MediaSyndicator showing that consumers pay more attention to specific content sites rather than portals was bad news for the likes of MSN and Yahoo!

Microsoft advertising: 25 major brands sign up for Windows 8 app campaigns

BBC Worldwide, Sky, Lloyds TSB and Vodafone are amongst 25 global brands that have signed up to Microsoft's new Windows 8 advertising platform. These brands will be rolling out Windows 8 Ads in Apps campaigns over the next couple of months. These will include Bing apps, Xbox apps, the Skype app and third-party apps independently developed by publishing partners.
02/11/2012 | Full story...

UK video ad trends- Advertisers 'think video ads are more effective than TV'

More than half of UK advertisers (52%) think online video ads are more effective than TV, while mobile is set to have the largest increase in media spend this year, according to a new survey. The findings come from BrightRoll's 2012 UK Video Advertising Report. The second annual survey gathers insight from more than 100 top decision makers and media buyers at leading UK advertising agencies and shares their unique perspective of the UK video advertising landscape.
06/11/2012 | Full story...

Ad targeting trends- Major portals losing ground to niche sites

Major portals such as MSN and Yahoo are losing their stronghold on consumer attention with many turning to sites specific to their interest, according to new research. The study, from Mediasyndicator commissioned research with YouGov (1,987 UK adults) in order to discover the types of websites consumers visit for content and the environments in which they are most engaged and open to advertising.
06/11/2012 | Full story...

More top Advertising stories from this month:

 - Nutella Facebook ad campaign outperforms TV
 - Daily Mail offers agencies £250,000 prize for driving print readers to online ads


Google takes on Apple's Siri with its voice-activated 'Google Search' app for iPhone and iPad and revamps its desktop search. However it sees market share of UK searches dropping to the advantage of its competitors. Meanwhile Yahoo and Facebook are in talks about a closer partnership.

Google takes on Siri with iPhone search app

Google has revamped its 'Google Search' app for the iPhone and iPad, giving the feature a voice search functionality that poses a challenge to Apple's Siri. The app, which is available for free download, opens with a "Try our new voice search" message that sits next to an icon of a microphone. Click on the icon and speak your question into your device.
Watch a promo video from Google here:

Digital Intelligence - Google takes on Siri with iPhone search app

02/11/2012 | Full story...

Google revamps desktop search with 'cleaner' look

Google is updating its desktop search engine, offering what it claims will be a 'simpler, cleaner' feel than before more closely aligned with its mobile and tablet versions. The most significant change is the removal of the sidebar to the left of the page. The same options (such as Web, Images, Maps, Shopping) are now displayed in a bar along the top.
07/11/2012 | Full story...

Google dips below 90% in UK for first time in 5 years

October proved to be scary month not just for Halloween but also for Google's share of the UK search market. October figures suggest 89.33% of all web searches in the UK were made using Google. The findings, from Experian Hitwise, mark the first time in the last five years that Google has ever dropped below a 90% market share of UK search.
07/11/2012 | Full story...

Facebook and Yahoo in search talks?

Yahoo has been in talks with Facebook over a possible search deal that could see an end to its partnership with Microsoft's Bing, according to a news report. Speaking to The Sunday Telegraph, unnamed sources said that Marissa Mayer, chief executive of Yahoo!, has held discussions with Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, about how the two companies can work more closely together.
19/11/2012 | Full story...

More top search stories from this month:

 - How does Google make $100m in search ads each day? (Infographic)


To further prove the effectiveness of advertising on their platform Facebook launched a 'conversion measurement' tool that lets firms track conversions from ad exposure. A study from Techcrunch which showed the impact of ad exposure (rather than actual clicks) on conversion also help prove this claim. The platform also launched a recruitment app this month that took them closer to being a major job board.

Social media marketing: Facebook lets brands track sales via ads

Facebook has launched a 'conversion measurement' tool, letting firms track purchases made by social networkers who have viewed their ads, as the firm looks to woo advertisers looking for more accountable ways to run social media marketing campaigns. The tool is geared towards measuring direct response marketing (such as travel sites and online retailers) rather than long-term brand building campaigns.
19/11/2012 | Full story...

Social media ad effectiveness: Up to 87% of Facebook conversions 'come from views, not clicks'

As advertisers seek more value from their social media campaigns, a new report indicates that views, not clicks, are the most valuable factor in getting conversions. Yesterday, TechCrunch examined data using Facebook's 'view tag' feature, which allows advertisers to track users who view ads, but who do not click on them.
21/11/2012 | Full story...

Facebook debuts recruitment app with 1.7 million jobs

Facebook has launched a jobs board in partnership with the Social Jobs Partnership, letting recruiters to post job listings directly on Facebook. The Social Jobs Partnership app has gone live in the US, and brings together the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) along with the US Department of Labor, the National Association of State Workforce Agencies, DirectEmployers Association and Facebook.
19/11/2012 | Full story...

More top Facebook stories from this month:

 - Facebook pushes ahead with external ad network - report
 - How often should you make Facebook posts? New survey shows most Facebook brand pages 'are inactive'
 - Facebook introduces 'bank-style' security to tackle cyber fraud

SocialSocial - beyond Facebook

Acquired by Facebook earlier in the year, Instagram has upgraded its online profile page and opened up another brand-friendly social media channel, as has Pinterest with its dedicated business profile page. Meanwhile consumers are increasingly willing to share their customer service experiences online - forcing marketers to pay attention to this important direct channel.

Instagram debuts 'Facebook-style' user profiles- new channel for brands?

Instagram has launched online profiles that let users showcase themselves and photos they've taken with the Facebook-owned smartphone app. The move follows Facebook's acquisition of the company earlier this year, as it looks to boost its photo sharing capabilities and keep users on its social network.
06/11/2012 | Full story...

Pinterest debuts tools for businesses- new channel for marketers

Pinterest has taken another step towards monetisation, offering brands a dedicated business profile on its social bookmarking site. The new business site, gives organisations the opportunity to verify their account, add buttons (Pin It, Follow) and widgets (Profile, Board), and receive updates on future products and services.
16/11/2012 | Full story...

Is customer service the new marketing? Third of online Brits share experience online

Almost a third (32%) of all web users in the UK are sharing their customer service experiences – whether good and bad – online through social media and blogs, according to new research. The study, from Verint Systems, interviewed 7,000 consumers to examine consumers' attitudes towards services provided by organisations in five sectors - phone, TV and broadband services; financial services; retail; utilities and public services.
22/11/2012 | Full story...

More top social media stories from this month:

 - Top 20 social networks in the world in 2012 (infographic)
 - Content marketing techniques - boosting engagement through live blogging
 - Social media in China: Alibaba planning to but stake in Twitter rival Sina Weibo?
 - Social TV merger: Viggle buys GetGlue for $25m

MobileMobile and tablets

The growth of mobile shopping hit the headlines this month with a number of studies demonstrating the rapid growth in researching and purchasing behaviour on smartphone and tablet devices.

Mobile shopping trends: 88% of global users engage in content and commerce

The way people consume media and shop on their mobile phones is changing rapidly on a global scale, with significant increases in mobile banking, research and the purchase of 'real' goods, according to a new study.
21/11/2012 | Full story...

British high street becomes 'show room' for online and mobile shopping

One in three Brits use the high street just to window-shop, using mobile phones to compare prices, save details for buying online at home or make purchases, according to new research. The study, commissioned for digital wallet provider Skrill as part of its Future of Money campaign, uncovers an evolving shopping ecosystem, where the high street, online and mobile co-exist to deliver an all round experience.
22/11/2012 | Full story...

Christmas online shopping trends 2012: Mobile to account for 20% of £4.6bn sales

Online retailers are preparing for strong spending as the Christmas shopping peak approaches, with consumers forecast to spend £4.6bn online over the two weeks commencing 3rd and 10th December according to new research. The study, from IMRG and Capgemini, indicates that just under a billion of that figure (£920m) is expected to go through mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), after the popularity of making purchases through the channel has accelerated throughout the year.
14/11/2012 | Full story...

More top mobile and tablet stories from this month:

 - The rise of the second screen: US consumers surfing web and TV simultaneously (Infographic)
 - Nokia brings Apple maps rival to iPhone and iPad
 - US mobile trends: Smartphone ownership passes 50% for first time
 - Number of US text messages declines for second time
 - Samsung Galaxy S3 beats iPhone 4S as best selling smartphone

Multimedia contentMultimedia content

Competition for cloud-stored music services increased as Google Music launched in UK and Europe to rival the likes of Amazon and iTunes with its free cloud storage for up to 20,000 tracks. And the video-on-demand sector heats up as Vimeo starts to offer a small number of pay-per-view movies and Microsoft considers the purchase of Netflix.

Google Music launches in UK: Free cloud storage for 20,000 songs

Google Music service has finally launched in the UK and across Europe, undercutting the likes of Amazon and iTunes by offering free cloud storage for up to 20,000 tracks. The tool, available via the Google play store online and on Android mobile phones, is launched a year after it began in the US. The delay was caused by licensing disputes with record labels.
Watch a video describing how the service works below:

Digital Intelligence - Google Music launches in UK: Free cloud storage for 20,000 songs

13/11/2012 | Full story...

Vimeo starts selling pay-per-view movies

Online video service Vimeo is to launch a pay-per-view movie service in a bid to compete with Google-owned rival YouTube. The IAC-owned platform is launching the pay-to-view service with six movies that will be available across the US, UK and the rest of the world.
15/11/2012 | Full story...

Microsoft to buy Netflix?

Microsoft is mulling a bid for online video service Netflix, according to a report by Forbes, as competition in the video on demand sector heats up. The move would be one of the most significant purchases in the technology and television space.
01/11/2012 | Full story...

More top multimedia content stories from this month:

 - Microsoft ditches Windows Live Messenger for Skype


The use of connected games consoles as a TV content delivery platform looked to increase this month as YouTube launched a video app compatible with the recently launched Nintendo WiiU.

YouTube goes live on Wii U console

YouTube has launched a Wii U compatible version of its video sharing site, as the Google-owned service looks to expand its use among gamers. The new app uses the Wii U GamePad as a remote keyboard for searching through content on the site, with playback in up to 1080p Full HD.
22/11/2012 | Full story...


A study by Verdict Research estimates that over 10% of total retail spend in the UK will be online in 2012, bolstered considerably by the Christmas spree. While online retailers are getting ever busier they will need to pay attention as to how they use customer data for targeting as the OFT launches an investigation. Meanwhile the fortunes of Groupon seem to be on the wane.

Online Christmas sales 'to account for 10.6% of total retail spend'

Christmas shoppers are expected to spend a total of £86bn this year, according to a report* 'UK Retail 2012 and Beyond', just published by Verdict Research in association with SAS UK. With online sales predicted to account for 10.6% of the total retail spend, retailers need to ensure their sites are optimised and offer a good experience.
16/11/2012 | Full story...

Retailers face OFT probe into online shopping data

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has launched an investigation into how online retailers in the UK are using software and data to target individual customers with personalised prices. The move could result in the UK regulator using its powers to clamp down on such activities in the future.
19/11/2012 | Full story...

Groupon shares drop 30% as daily deals falter

Online voucher firm Groupon has seen its shares fall 30% after its third quarter revenues fell short of analysts' forecasts. The company, which launched on the stock market back in November 2011, has reached a record share low amid doubts about its business model and a slowing demand for its discounts.
12/11/2012 | Full story...

More top ecommerce stories from this month:

 - Tesco debuts 'online commuter zone' for busy shoppers


While the EU struggles to find a fit-for-purpose regulatory data protection framework for Europe in the UK the DMA releases a report that shows their self-regulation of the industry is improving standards. Enforcing the rule of data protection in the US the FTC fine Google for breaching the privacy of Safari browser users. However in India two teenage girls get no such privacy protection as they are arrested by the state for their Facebook remarks.

EU data protection laws 'sent back to drawing board'

European data protection proposals have been slammed by a select committee for being "too prescriptive". A report by the Justice Select Committee said that the proposals for a common European data protection framework did not allow for flexibility or discretion for businesses or other organisations, which hold personal data, or for data protection authorities.
02/11/2012 | Full story...

Digital marketing regulation - UK direct marketing industry focuses on personal data

Personal data is becoming the battleground for digital marketing regulation, with the latest report from the UK's Direct Marketing Commission showing how industry self-regulation improves standards. Consumer concerns about the use of personal data continue to rise, but in the UK there may be an approach for industry regulation that can be copied for other markets. Here's what the Commission is saying...
16/11/2012 | Full story...

Google fined $22.5m for Safari privacy breach

Google has been fined $22.5 million by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the US, for breaching the privacy of Safari browser users. The privacy case revolves around allegations that the search giant deceived millions of web surfers using Apple's Safari web browser into believing their online activities could not be tracked by Google provided they did not change the browser's privacy settings.
19/11/2012 | Full story...

More top regulation stories from this month:

 - Facebook privacy policy - u turn on consumer-led digital marketing regulation
 - Girls arrested in India for Facebook comments
 - Apple drags Google into Samsung patent case
 - Kim Dotcom debuts Megaupload sequel 'Me.Ga' after ban
 - France to force Google to pay for news?
 - Plans for '.uk' domain names announced as alternative to ''

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