Digtal Community Academy in partnership with INAMA and ICPE will help you build sustainable online communities.
Suddenly every web publisher wants a community on their site. Web 2.0 has washed over the industry like a tidal wave, but building the software is only the starting point for building a community. In Digital's Community Academy we look at some of the most vibrant communities and explain the rules and structures for creating successful communities. We look at why and how members belong to communities and what you as the architect need to do to make this work for your sector. This combination of hands on practice with the underlying theory will put you and your colleagues in the right place for developing your own online communities over the year.
Odjednom svaki web izdavač želi zajednicu na svojoj stranici. Web 2.0 je preplavio industriju kao plimni val, ali izgradnja software-a je samo početak izgradnje zajednice. U Akademiji – Digitalna zajednica ćemo napraviti pregled nekih živahnih zajednica i objasniti pravila i strukturu kreiranja uspješnih zajednica. Radimo pregled zašto i kako članovi pripadaju zajednicama i što bi vi kao arhitekt trebali napraviti da to funkcionira u vašem sektoru. Kombinacija pregleda prakse sa pripadajućom teorijom će postaviti vas i vaše kolege na pravo mjesto za razvoj vlastite online zajednice kroz nadolazeće razdoblje.
Prijavite se za Akademiju odmah – kontakt: Sunčana Oršić
tel: +385.1.4812.685 mail: conference@icpeducation.com