Digital Training Academy: Croatia Classroom

Leading thinking, world class training

Zagreb 2007: Getting started in online marketing, 11th June 2007

Digital_marketing_academy2 Digital Training Academy in partnership with INAMA and ICPE is a comprehensive induction to online marketing

You can accelerate the performance of your team straight away, helping your organisation grow faster and raising staff retention. We help build their knowledge and skills in digital media and marketing, shifting their attitude, and aligning stakeholders behind shared goals. Our public access courses are woven around your strategy, delivering training that has immediate impact and long-lasting effects.

Istog trena možete ubrzati performanse svojeg tima, te pomoći svojoj organizaciji u bržem  rastu i povećati stopu zadržavanja suradnika/osoblja. Mi pomažemo izgraditi njihovo znanje i vještine u digitalnim medijima i marketingu, mijenjanjem njihovog stava i postavljanjem zajedničkih ciljeva prema ključnim osobama. Naši otvoreni tečajevi upliću vašu strategiju, te tako osiguravaju trening koji ima trenutni utjecaj i dugoročne efekte.

Prijavite se za Akademiju odmah – kontakt: Sunčana Oršić
tel: +385.1.4812.685 mail:

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