Digital Training Academy: Croatia Classroom

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Zagreb 2007: Getting started in email marketing, 12th June 2007

B_email_academy_1 Digital Email Academy in partnership with INAMA and ICPE will help you build successful email campaigns that increase your sales.

Email is the most powerful relationship marketing tool you have. It can maintain bonds with customers and draw them back in a single click. From the entry to your website, to the customer service channel after the sale, email is also one of the most flexible tools around. Get it right and your whole business changes. But harnessing its potential takes time and skill. Technologies, processes and best practice are all changing fast and last year's knowledge is no longer good enough.

Email je najjači vezujući marketinški alat koji postoji. Može održavati veze sa klijentima i privući ih natrag sa samo jednim klikom. Od ulaska na vašu internet stranicu do sredstva odnosa sa klijentima u postprodajnom procesu email je također jedan od najfleksibilnijih alata koji postoje. Ukoliko to radite pravilno vaš cijeli posao će se promijeniti. Ali za iskorištavanje njegovog potencijala treba mnogo vremena i vještine. Tehnologija, procesi i najbolji primjeri iz prakse se mijenjaju iz dana u dan, tako da znanje iz prošle godine više nije dovoljno dobro.

Prijavite se za Akademiju odmah – kontakt: Sunčana Oršić
tel: +385.1.4812.685 mail:

Find out more - Download digital_email_academy_prospectus_4.5.pdf

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