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Volvo case studies: we currently have 3.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 3 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Cannes Lions winner: Volvo brings car safety for all with EVA Intitiative

To improve gender equality in all cars, Forsman & Bodenfors launched a global campaign called The EVA Initiative together with Volvo Cars, in which 40 years of research was shared with the world, winning the Cannes Lion Grand Prix for Creative Strategy in 2019.


04/07/2019  |  Full story...

Video marketing case study: Volvo tests tough truck by putting a child at the wheel

Volvo's FMX truck is the toughest they've ever built, so the brand demonstrated its durability by letting a child rag one around an obstacle course, getting over 11m YouTube views in the process.

11/08/2016  |  Full story...

How Volvo used mobile advertising to build brand engagement


Getting mobile users to engage with a brand for a whole minute is a tough challenge, but Volvo put its mobile advertising to smart use to build brand engagement. This case study shows how Volvo used mobile and video ads to create buzz around the launch of its new sedan S60. A series of interactive video ads showcased a fast-paced 30-second video of the S60 and allowed users to browse additional images of the car and even visit the site, all without taking the user out of the video ad and the original content that they were browsing. According to its research partner InsightExpress, the campaign resulted in an 88% in purchase intent.

Brand: Volvo | Media: Google Admob | Country: North America | Sector: Automobile | Agency: Mobext | Format: Mobile display & interactive video Ads

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