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Viral case studies: we currently have 225.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 225 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Cannes Lions case study: P&G Whisper gets 3m Indian women to ‘Touch the Pickle’

P&G's sanitary brand Whisper aimed to break the taboo in India around menstruation. This case study looks at how the firm came up with a powerful commercial and social media campaign encouraged 2.9 million women pledge to "touch the pickle jar" and defy dated myths- winning a Cannes Lions award for its efforts.

01/07/2015  |  Full story...

CSR case study: Edun documentary champions ethical fashion (and boosts sales 800%)

Fashion brand Edun wanted to showcase ‘Made in Africa Philosophy’, so it partnered with VICE to create a documentary in the Congo to exploring the gorilla's fight for survival as a species. This corporate social responsibility case study looks at how the Bono-owned brand created a fresh identity around ethical trading, boosting sales 800% in the process.

05/06/2015  |  Full story...

How Turkish Airlines reached 100m potential customers with selfies

In a wildly popular commercial for Turkish Airlines, two of sports" greatest stars-Kobe Bryant and Lionel Messi-vie for the attention of one starstruck kid. Following on its success, the company created a new YouTube ad called "Kobe vs. Messi: The Selfie Shootout" to continue increasing brand awareness in Europe, North America, the Middle East and the Far East. The spot was another huge success: It became one of the fastest spreading commercials on YouTube, with 77 million views in just one week, and was one of the most popular ads of 2013.

21/05/2015  |  Full story...

Fake marketing case study: The most epic Super Bowl commercial that Newcastle Ale didn’t make

Brown Ale brand Newcastle in the USA couldn’t afford to advertise in the 2014 Super Bowl and even if they did have the budget, an exclusive deal with Anheuser-Busch InBev would have prevented them from securing any airtime during the big game anyway. As creating a TV commercial was out of the question, Newcastle ran a marketing campaign around the TV commercial they would have made – “If we made it.” The brewer punched above its weight with the campaign generating a greater buzz than the richer and legitimate sponsors of the game.

21/05/2015  |  Full story...

Beach Body wars: Controversial posters spark social media backlash

A London poster ad featuring a bikini-clad model next to the words "Are you beach body ready?" has sparked a social media backlash. But it also made Protein World, the company behind the campaign, around £1m in sales within just four days. This case study looks at the one of the most controversial ads on the year and asks whether there really is no such thing as bad publicity…


30/04/2015  |  Full story...

Creative marketing case study: Expedia ‘Travel Yourself Interesting’ shows value of expensive holidays

Expedia created online travel. But intense competition and the rise of price-comparison sites were leading to a decline in value, profitability and loyalty as more and more people turned to search engines to find ‘cheap holidays.’ In order to reposition itself in the market, Expedia created an ad campaign that focused on human nature and reminded people that travel is a valuable investment rather than a cost to be minimised.

28/04/2015  |  Full story...

Social issues case study: How brands are taking a stance (and winning fans) with LGBT advertising

Marketing entails more than just reaching the right person at the right time. Google and YouTube data looking at messages about diversity and equality for the LGBT community highlights some interesting results for Burger King and Honey Maid in the US.

16/04/2015  |  Full story...

CRM case study: Carling promises ‘Brighton or Barbados’ holidays to build customer database

Carling is the latest brand to push hard into the CRM space with an aggressive database building campaign, offering holidays for an upcoming bank holiday weekend in the UK. The campaign aimed to increase the drinks brand’s database of opted-in valid customers, al;ongside building brand equity, associating Carling with holiday weekends and giving people great experiences. This case study looks at how the ambitious campaign attracted much attention- but not always for the right reasons.


15/04/2015  |  Full story...

From Old Spice to First Kiss: Iconic ads moments on YouTube

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of skippable TrueView video ads, YouTube has taken a stroll down memory lane to recall some of the most iconic moments from advertisers on the video sharing platform.

15/04/2015  |  Full story...

Storytelling marketing case study: How Country Crock captured a real and honest mother’s story to connect with mums across the US

The national American spreads brand Country Crock released a video marketing campaign over the Christmas period to create a true and touching snapshot of family life. The video is a great example of how Country Crock used storytelling to connect with its target audience.

30/03/2015  |  Full story...

Content marketing case study: How Intel and Toshiba got an audience of 70 million with social storytelling

Two electronics giants had a challenge. Intel wanted to refresh "Intel Inside" and Toshiba wanted to boost awareness of its Ultrabook. They teamed up to create a social storytelling campaign that garnered 70 million views. See how below…

25/03/2015  |  Full story...

Social media marketing: How #FirstWorldProblems was hijacked by WATERisLIFE

Water is life worked with advertising agency DDB New York to hijack the popular #FirstWorldProblems and launch the ‘hashtag killer’. The ‘hashtag killer’ campaign was set out to eradicate the ironic #FirstWorldProblems used when people tweet about life burdens such as their phone battery dying or when leather seats aren’t heated and create awareness for serious issues in developing countries.

05/03/2015  |  Full story...

Fisher-Price welcomes new year babies with YouTube campaign

Fisher-Price started the new year documenting the births of the first babies of 2015, getting nearly 2 million views in the first week of its release.

26/02/2015  |  Full story...

Adidas controversial ‘haters’ ad gets 1.5m views on first day

Luis Suarez is a controversial footballer- so how do you sell a sports brand on his image? This new Adidas' takes a bold move to embrace the ‘haters’- which appears to have paid off.

26/02/2015  |  Full story...

Content marketing case study: Snickers helps fans resell unwanted items bought when hungry

Ever bought something in a sale that you later regretted? Snickers blame these shopping errors on hunger to tie in with their “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign. This case study looks at how Snickers helped shoppers in Dubai resell unwanted items they bought in the sales.

18/02/2015  |  Full story...

Content marketing case study: Sprite comedy channel wins over Saudi Arabian consumers (and avoids censors)

How do you integrate a bold brand like Sprite into a heavily censored region such as Saudi Arabia? This case study looks at how the drinks brand used a YouTube comedy series tied with digital and on pack promotion to win over the youth audience and get round content filtering, boosting sales 15% in the process.

17/02/2015  |  Full story...

Content marketing case study: Nivea user generated ‘Captivating Tales’ beat sales targets by 11%

In a bid to grow its market share across the Gulf region, Nivea encouraged Arab women to express themselves through writing and bring it to life through short films. This case study looks at how the beauty brand combined social and video content to help sales of its new body lotion steal 12% market share from its largest rival in just a year.

17/02/2015  |  Full story...

Super Bowl case study: Loctite gambles entire year’s budget on one ad

Straight from out of left field, Loctite's first-ever Super Bowl ad succeeded in getting people to talk about the brand. The 52-year old glue brand spent its entire annual budget on one Super Bowl commercial- priced at $4.5m for a 30 second slot. This case study looks at whether the gamble paid off.

04/02/2015  |  Full story...

McDonald’s Super Bowl strategy: ‘Pay With Lovin’ and Twitter ad break giveaways

At this year’s Super Bowl, McDonalds certainly took the prize for most innovative digital aspect of a campaign, with a two-pronged social media strategy to get people engaging with the brand while watching the game. The fast food chain used its 2015 ad to announce that it will let random customer pay with funny and heart-warming gestures rather than cash. This was followed up with tweets that pledged to giveaway all other products advertised during each ad break- from Toyota cars to superglue.

04/02/2015  |  Full story...

FMCG case study: Weetabix targets ‘mummy bloggers’ in ‘Weetabuddies’ campaign

In January 2015, Weetabix launched a £5.5m multi-channel push featuring 'Weetabuddies' characters to encourage more families and kids to the breakfast cereal brand. This case study looks at how the food brand created a fun interactive campaign that got parents onside while encouraging kids to play with their food (in a good way).

19/01/2015  |  Full story...

Video case study: Why the Lidl Christmas ad is more likely to make us buy than the John Lewis penguin

The UK’s most enjoyed and best-loved Christmas TV advertising of 2014 is John Lewis’s Monty the Penguin, but is it the most effective in terms of ROI? This case study uncovers why Lidl’s Surprises ad proved to be the most persuasive, with respondents saying it made them more likely to buy the brand.

11/12/2014  |  Full story...

Viral case study review of 2014: YouTube's reveals biggest videos of 2014

YouTube has revealed the most popular videos of 2014, marking the occasion with a video assembling some of its most popular Vloggers. The video features a mash-up of the most popular YouTube videos of 2014 — including the Ice Bucket Challenge and Nicki Minaj’s ‘Anaconda’. Many of those moments also feature in YouTube’s ‘top trending videos’ which it released, along with its chart of the most popular videos globally and in the UK, to run alongside its review of the year. The 'Mutant Giant Spider Dog' — a dog dressed as a spider that ran around terrifying inhabitants of a Polish town — also features in the video, and came first in YouTube's list.

11/12/2014  |  Full story...

The ads of Christmas past: Coke’s ‘Holidays are coming’ tops list

ISBA, the Voice of British Advertisers surveyed its members from more than 400 brands to find out their favourite ever past Christmas ads, with Coke’s ‘Holiday’s Are Coming’ leading the way. Coke’s Festive Ad-campaign took an upswing since 1995 when the drinks giant started rolling out a batch of Special Christmas Delivery trucks lit up with thousands of lights and the words, “Holidays are coming.” The Truck Ad-campaign has been so successful that the arrival of these trucks is considered to be indicative of the on-set of the festive season by many in North America today.

11/12/2014  |  Full story...

Viral video marketing case studies: the 25 best virals of 2014

From an avalanche of ice buckets to World Cup fever, 2014 was another big year for video viral marketing case studies. As mobile sharing went mainstream, it was charities that achieved some of the year’s biggest success stories with the ‘No Make Up Selfie’ and the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ hinting at the future power of social media as a communication tool. To round off the year, we’ve assembled our 25 favourite virals from around the world for your viewing pleasure…


03/12/2014  |  Full story...

Honda Twitter account 'hacked' by Skeletor in social media stunt

In December 2014, Honda faked a hack of its own Twitter account, handing the @Honda handle to Skeletor of ‘He-Man’ fame, even taking potshots at other brands, including Toyota and Burger King, with a number of humorous tweets.The stunt marks a growing trend for guerrilla marketing practices. In 2014, a simple commercial featuring retro action figures is unlikely to stand out from the crowd- hence why social media stunts are a better way to reach a younger demographic.The fact that the campaign also coincided with 'Cyber Monday' also helped boost visibility on a popular online shopping day.

03/12/2014  |  Full story...

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