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Video case studies: we currently have 377.

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Stockholm ‘iPad magic' gets 3 million views


Back in March 2012, a YouTube video of Swedish magicians promoting Stockholm using iPads and trickery took the internet world by storm, leaving audiences baffled and event organisers beaming. This ‘iPad magic’ campaign was created to promote Stockholm as a business centre. Since being posted to YouTube in March, on Friday, the clip has been viewed over 3m times.
This convention also made Scandinavian headlines after Swedish representatives placed banners and advertising with the slogan "Stockholm: The Capital of Scandinavia", outraging Norwegians and Danes who were also at the event.

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Brand: Stockholm Business | Country: Sweden/ France | Sector: Travel | Format: Video, Live event, YouTube

02/12/2012  |  Full story...

‘Kony 2012’ helps raise $26m after YouTube campaign


As 2012 comes to a close, we look back at some of the biggest online video virals of the year. This week, we look at the hugely successful (and rather controversial) ‘Kony 2012’ campaign, that raised a huge amount of awareness about the plight of children caught up in Uganda’s conflict. Invisible Children, a movement seeking to end the conflict in Uganda, created the film Kony 2012 back in March. They hoped it would accelerate the arrest of Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony, who has been kidnapping and abducting Uganda’s youth for nearly three decades. With more than 100 million views in six days, Kony 2012 became the most viral video in history. The video worked because it used compelling content, stayed relevant and had a simple call to action.

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Brand: Invisible Children | Country: USA/ Global | Sector: Charity | Format: Video, YouTube

01/12/2012  |  Full story...

Mobile marketing case study: Reebok’s ‘Rondo’ integrated mobile campaign


Reebok built a quick and dirty mobile marketing campaign based around the popularity of the Boston Celtics star player Rajon Rondo. In just 8 working days a mobile campaign was launched that reached a valuable target audience of potential Reebok consumers in this entertaining and engaging campaign. Building upon the catch-phrase “You got Rondo’d”, a mobile internet site was created along with supporting viral videos. These bite-sized bits of content prompted users to enter their mobile details to receive a custom ringtone and real-time information via their phones. This case study shows that even on a tight time-line and budget, a targeted mobile marketing campaign can deliver impactful results.

Reebok Rondo'd case study

Video case study

Reebok "You Got Rondo'd"

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Brand: Reebok | Country: USA | | Sector: FMCG, Clothing, Sports | Format: Mobile

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

Evian’s Roller Babies: The viral video that rocked so viciously


Viral video ad campaign superstars like Evian’s Roller Babies show they’ve got the power to spread marketing messages globally with a huge return on investment. This case study shows how Evian’s YouTube campaign became the most viewed online video advertisement. One of the first YouTube-exclusive ad campaigns, Evian’s record breaking viral video, Roller Babies, set the way for a new strategy of seeding content, testing creative, and building on a global brand. Launched as a web-centric ad campaign, Roller Babies quickly became a viral tour-de-force. It was so successful that in 2009 the Guinness Book of World Records officially declared Roller Babies as the most viewed online ad.

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Brand: Evian | Media: YouTube | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: awareness | Agency: BETC Euro RSCG & Unruly | Format: YouTube online ad

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

Oak stages ‘reverse robberies’ to promote milk drink on Facebook


US flavoured milk brand Oak claimed it had been ‘inundated with fans complaining they coundn’t buy their product in their local stores. In response, parent company Parmalat staged a series of ‘reverse robberies’ and posted the results on YouTube and Facebook. The data captured from the campaign will be passed onto the OAK sales team to help pinpoint their efforts.

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Brand: Oak, Parmalat | Country: USA | Agency: The Monkeys | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Format: YouTube, Video, Facebook, Social Media

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

Charity challenges perceptions with ‘You Are Blind’ game


To raise awareness around the perception of blind people in Russia as helpless, charity association “The right to smile” together with the agency Hungry Boys, launched a project called Blind. The aim of the project is to change the way of treatment to blind children around us and help to these children not just to live, but to live and be happy for those children for whom medicine help is not available now, to make their life in the aggressive environment of the modern city more convenient.

You are blind from Vlad Sitnikov on Vimeo.

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Brand: The Right to Smile | Country: Russia | Agency: Duval Guillaume | Sector: Charity | Format: YouTube, Video, Game, Social Media, Blogging

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

John West interactive YouTube video tells ‘story in a can’


This interactive YouTube video forms part of John West’s latest £6m marketing efforts to showcase its ethical fishing practices. The ‘story in a can’ campaign invites UK consumers to track exactly where their canned fish comes from. Created by CheethamBell JWT, the ‘story in a can’ creative features a weathered fisherman aboard a trawler, holding up a can of tuna and telling a story about the fishing trip during which the tuna was caught.

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Brand: John West | Country: UK | Agency: CheethamBell JWT, Carat Manchester | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverages | Format: YouTube, Video, Facebook, Social Media

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

YouTube case study: Coke turns commuters into 007 in race for tickets


Coca-Cola continues its Coke Zero marketing tie-in for the upcoming James Bond movie release with a promo that turned commuters into 007, for 70 heart-pounding seconds, all for the chance to win Skyfall tickets. Filmed in Antwerp central station, commuters who wanted a Coke Zero were given the chance to win tickets to see the new Bond film Skyfall. However, once they entered their name, they were given 70 seconds to collect the tickets at the other side of the station. What ensues is a mad rush filled with obstacles as they sprint to platform 6 to get the ticket. The “Unlock the 007 in you” video went viral, with over 3.8 million views and counting within 5 days of its YouTube release on 18 October 2012.

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Brand: Coke | Country: Belgium/ Global | Agency: Duval Guillaume | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverages | Format: YouTube, Video

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

Lays wins over Slovak market with low budget Facebook campaign


How do you make a low budget online campaign for a brand that has awareness of 4%? This campaign for Lay's potato chips shows how, with a little local knowledge and some creative thinking, a small budget social media campaign can make a big impression. Over the course of the campaign, the Lays Facebook page racked up over 4 million visits- quite some reach considering Slovakia has a population of 5 million.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Lays/ Walkers | Country: Slovakia | Agency: Mark BBDO | Sector: FMCG, Food | Format: Video, social media

10/11/2012  |  Full story...

Spoof Bodyform CEO responds to Facebook man’s rant- and gets 3m views in a week


UK maxi pad brand Bodyform has created a viral ad with a fictional CEO responding to a Facebook user, who accused the company of lying to the public. Facebook user Richard Neill wrote a sarcastic comment on Bodyform's page earlier this month poking fun at the company's depiction of a woman's "wonderful time of the month" in its TV ads. At the time of this publication, Neill’s rant totalled 88,745 likes and 3,848 comments. The spoof video - which has so far notched up nearly 3m views on YouTube - ends with the CEO thanking Richard for lifting the veil on their lies and exposing the truth.

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Brand: Bodyform | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG healthcare | Agency: Carat | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Video, Facebook, YouTube

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study: P&G anti-bullying campaign increases Secret deodorant sales by 9%


Procter & Gamble’s Facebook campaign for its Secret deodorant smartly matched the brand to a key issue facing its target audience- cyber bullying. The “Mean Stinks” used video and social media in an ‘always-on’ approach that resulted in a 9% uplift in sales. Procter & Gamble chose to advertise on Facebook to generate awareness for Secret deodorant’s “Mean Stinks” program and selected a female audience likely to be receptive to the campaign. The ad featured a confessional-style video of a girl admitting that she had bullied others, realising the damage she had caused, and apologising. In the 26 weeks after the Mean Stinks campaign launched, Secret experienced a 9% increase in US sales and an increase in engagement with its Facebook Page.

YouTube case study |

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Brand: Procter and Gamble | Country: USA| Sector: FMCG Healthcare | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Leo Burnett, IMC2, Marina Maher Communications, UEG, iProspect | Format: Facebook, Video, YouTube, social media

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

Izlesene adds user’s friends to Facebook sign-up box to boost conversions


Video sharing site Izlesene used Facebook to attract new users and re-engage existing users by sharing the videos they watch with friends by using the built-in Open Graph watch action. Izlesene educates people and communicates the key benefits of sharing activity with friends. Izlesene discovered that some people who initially declined the auth dialog (application's first point of contact) will accept it if they are given more context. Presenting the dialog again with a ‘facepile’ of friends who use the app and a clear call to action made the experience relevant and familiar, which increased conversion. Open-Graph has increased number of videos a user views per day has by over 3 times and monthly active users have grown from 250,000 to over 4,000,000.

Facebook case study | Izlesene

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Brand: Izlesene| Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Kit Kat performs own ‘space jump’


In honour of Felix Baumgartner’s landmark skydive from the edge of space, Nestle sent a Kit Kat bar into the ether with a video camera. The 'Break from Gravity' project saw the four-fingered chocolate bar sent to a height of 22 miles after beginning its ascent from Cambridgeshire at 11.20am on Saturday (13 October). Camera footage, which tracked the Kit Kat’s ascent and descent, was shared via the brand’s social media channels.

YouTube video

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Brand: KitKat | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG, Foods | Agency: JWT London | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Video, Facebook, YouTube

24/10/2012  |  Full story...

Fedex captures data to create personalised jingle


FedEx has launched a new app on Facebook that highlights how they can help your business grow better than a cheesy advertising jingle. The app invites customers to input their business details which then become customisable parts of their very own 'jingle'. The tagline and copy is the same on all the videos. It simply and effectively communicates FedEx’s message: “There are more effective ways to promote your business. We can help with business cards, banners, and brochures. FedEx. Solutions that matter.”

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Brand: Fedex | Country: US | Sector: Delivery | Agency: BBDO New York | Objective: boost conversions and subscriptions | Format:Video, App

23/10/2012  |  Full story...

C4 strikes Paralympic gold with ‘Superhuman’ online ad campaign


This summer saw Channel 4 run its ‘Superhuman’ campaign to promote the London Paralympic games. Working with Mediasyndicator, the online element of the promotion attracted more than 150,000 interactions. As part of Channel 4’s ‘Meet the Superhumans’ online Paralympics advertising campaign, deployed in partnership with digital advertising specialists, Mediasyndicator, also captured the attention of online audiences – with results revealing the campaign achieved over 150,000 interactions.

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Brand: Channel 4 | Country: UK Sector: Broadcast | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Mediasyndicator, | Format: Video, display

11/10/2012  |  Full story...

Nestle puts GPS trackers in Kit Kat bars to deliver prizes


In the autumn of 2012, Nestle launched a (slightly creepy) new promotion for its Kit Kat, Yorkie and Aero bars, embedding GPS trackers in select bars, with the promise to track down the buyer within 24 hours to deliver a £10,000 prize. The UK promotion called 'We will find you', involved six KitKat 4 Finger, KitKat Chunky, Aero Peppermint Medium, or Yorkie bars. Nestlé devised the campaign to appeal to men, and backed the marketing blitz with TV ads and a smartphone campaign.

YouTube advert

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Brand: Nestle | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG Food | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: JWT London | Format: YouTube, social media, retail

05/10/2012  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Waitrose tweet contest- PR disaster or triumph?


A Twitter campaign from Waitrose became the subject of ridicule during September 2012, once again sparking the debate as to whether there’s ‘no such thing as bad publicity’ on social media. The supermarket invited Twitter customers to finish the sentence ‘I shop at Waitrose because…’, asking them to include the hashtag “#WaitroseReasons”. Most of the tweets made fun of Waitrose’s prices and its upmarket image. This case study examines the risks and rewards of running hashtag-based social media campaigns...

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Brand: Waitrose | Country: UK | Sector: Retail, Supermarket | Format: Twitter, social media

26/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Topshop live shopping fashion show gets 2 million viewers


Topshop attracted more than 2 million people to its live streamed fashion show at London Fashion Week, with the retailer claiming to sell out of some lines during the broadcast. The show, streamed live on Facebook, allowed users to share their favourite looks with friends using the social network. Viewers used ‘open graph’ technology allowing them to post messages about the Topshop show, called ‘Unique’ automatically on Facebook and Twitter. The retailer trended globally on latter social networking site.

YouTube case study

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Brand: TopShop | Country: UK | Sector: Retail, Fashion | Format: Facebook, ecommerce, social media

26/09/2012  |  Full story...

Marie Claire runs first UK video ad in print magazine


In a UK first, Marie Claire inserted a video ad on the pages of its October issue, set to play once a reader turns to page 35 and 35. Despite featuring in a limited run, the campaign generated a huge amount of media buzz both online and offline.

YouTube video

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Brand: Procter and Gamble | Country: UK | Agency: MediaCom | Sector: Media, Digital, FMCG | Format: Video, Magazines

26/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case Study: Sun Fantasy Football League doubles digital growth with targeted emails


The Sun worked with Underwired to increase the engagement and revenue on its Fantasy Football league via an eCRM programme. This case study shows how very simple use of customer knowledge can have a dramatic impact on campaign results. After moving away from a volume-based, ‘one size fits all’ approach to email, The Sun saw a 32% increase in ROI and a 16% increase in Average Transaction Value, which nearly doubled the growth in revenue from digital channels.

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Brand: The Sun | Country: UK | Agency: Underwired | Sector: Media, Digital, Newspapers, Sport | Format: email, eCRM

26/09/2012  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Toyota offers sweets for tweets


To promote its new Etios car in South Africa, Toyota promised to make people smile. The Sweets for Tweets installation, created by HelloComputer and ThingKing, did just that by rewarding virtual smile tweets with real-life candy via a Wonka-like contraption. The campaign matched the new Toyota Etios tagline, “Here to make you smile”, promoting a positive brand message and putting the car across as a fun machine to drive.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Toyota | Country: South Africa | Agency: HelloComputer, ThingKing | Sector: Retail, Automotive | Format: Twitter,Mobile, social media

21/09/2012  |  Full story...

YouTube case study: LEGO tells its story with 17-minute CGI cartoon


This 17 minute video from LEGO provides a prime example of how a brand can engage users with long-form online content, rather than 30 second TV commercials. To celebrate its 80th birthday, Lego released an engaging animated short that recounts the company’s beginnings as a carpentry business in Billund, Denmark to the global toy brand it’s become today. Launched on August 10th, the video has so far attracted over 2.3 million views and 34,000 ‘likes’ on YouTube. The viral links back to the brand's Facebook page, with has over 2 million fans so far.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Lego | Country: Denmark | Agency: Lani Pixels | Sector: Retail, Toys | Format: YouTube

21/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Samsung’s improvisation stars bring ‘Your Song’ live


As part of Samsung’s promotion of its new Galaxy S 3 in Singapore, the phone maker hires several improvisational musicians, including Merton of Chatroulette fame, to bring personalised songs to via a live webcast. By using fans’ Facebook friends and personal facts, the musicians performed spontaneous compositions to make it ‘Your Song." During the 6 hour show, 61 people had a personalised song sung to them live.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Samsung | Country: Singapore | Agency: Cheil Singapore | Sector: Mobile | Format: Video, Mobile, social media

14/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Louis Vuitton explains ‘The Art of Packing’


This interactive ad from Louis Vuitton makes smart use of the brand’s luxury image, targeting high-end shoppers ahead of the holiday season. But why was it developed in Flash, alienating affluent iPhone and iPad users? This case study looks at the pros and cons of the fashion brands latest foray into digital marketing.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Louis Vuitton | Country: Sweden| Agency: Kokokaka | Sector: Clothing, Retail | Format: Web, Video

14/09/2012  |  Full story...

Cannes Cyber Lions winners: Nike and Curators of Sweden


Sportswear brand Nike and a Swedish tourism campaign scooped the top digital prizes at the 59th Annual Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, the largest and most coveted awards in the industry’s calendar. A key theme that the judges found this year was a shift from storytelling to behaviour, with the most successful campaigns showcasing what a brand can do, rather than via ‘stunts’ or clever messages that create buzz but have little substance or relation to the brand.

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Brand: Nike, Curators of Sweden | Media: Video, Twitter, Facebook | Country: Global

14/09/2012  |  Full story...

Further video case studies

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