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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Usa case studies: we currently have 97.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 97 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Klondike ice-cream creates a Twitter-based comedy competition to generate earned media


To engage with their young adult male target audience around comedy, and to create and spread positive earned media around the brand, ice cream brand Klondike created a campaign with Twitter at its heart. The Twitterverse audience was asked, through a video call-to-action from the comedian Rob Delaney, to post a funny joke on the social media platform in less than 140 characters. The competition, over a number of weeks, generated much interest and excitement from the online fan base.


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Brand: Klondike | Country: US | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Format: Social Media, Twitter


Converse’s Domaination campaign makes innovative use of paid search keyphrase bidding


Converse, the global footwear brand, took a novel and innovative way to connect with their teenage audience online. They took the Google paid search channel and turned an advertising space into a game experience. Rather than trying to capture the attention of their audience in the search channel through the normal way - of bidding against other brands on popular search terms - they decided to do the opposite. Converse identified peaking search terms via Google Zeitgeist and then bid against these low competition low cost phrases. Instead of presenting the viewer with an ad – they started a dialogue through the ad copy and dozens of interconnected microsites that engaged the viewer in a deeper content rich experience. Not only did this engage the audience in a total unexpected way – but also still helped drive large volumes of traffic to

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Brand: Converse | Country: USA | | Sector: FMCG, Clothing, Sports | Format: Search, Google


Little Baby’s Ice Cream YouTube video success


While Little Baby’s Ice Cream is only a relatively small manufacturer and retailer of premium, ice cream based in Philadelphia, PA they know how to do social media well. By placing this quirky, and slightly unnerving, promotional video / advertisement on YouTube with their website URL at the end – not only can they generate over 2.7 million video views but also a constantly stream of traffic to their website. This YouTube presence, coupled with a lively and well managed online community on Facebook and Twitter, has helped the business maintain a loyal fan base of regular visitors to their ice cream parlours.

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Brand: Little Baby’s Ice Cream | Country: USA | | Sector: FMCG, Food | Format: Video


Oak stages ‘reverse robberies’ to promote milk drink on Facebook


US flavoured milk brand Oak claimed it had been ‘inundated with fans complaining they coundn’t buy their product in their local stores. In response, parent company Parmalat staged a series of ‘reverse robberies’ and posted the results on YouTube and Facebook. The data captured from the campaign will be passed onto the OAK sales team to help pinpoint their efforts.

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Brand: Oak, Parmalat | Country: USA | Agency: The Monkeys | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Format: YouTube, Video, Facebook, Social Media

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

Starbucks puts new Latte to Facebook vote


Starbucks used Facebook to engage with fans by letting them choose which city gets the Pumpkin Spice Latte first. Starbucks let Facebook fans make the call on which U.S. and Canadian cities would get to enjoy the holiday-themed beverage for a week prior to the national launch. An app let fans earn points for their cities through activities like doing a city shout-out or solving a daily challenge, with the real-time leaderboard on Starbucks’ Page. It was a way to reward and empower the brand’s most passionate fans. The campaign resulted in Chicago and Calgary as the 2 winning cities from USA and Canada ans a total of 144 million points. Calgary was the winning Canadian city, earning 16 % of the 38 million points racked up across 142 cities, and Chicago was the winning city from USA beating out 2599 other cities.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Starbucks| Country: USA and Canada | Sector: Food and beverage| Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Moviefone gets 300% rise in Facebook traffic using film-related sharing buttons


Cinema ticket information service Moviefone used Facebook to attract users and engage by pushing unique content directly to interested audiences and drive additional traffic back to AOL Moviefone. The Facebook implementation leveraged Login with Facebook, Graph API, Events API, Like Button and the Activity Feed to enable social sharing and engagement with AOL Moviefone and its offerings. The Facebook integration since September 17th 2010 resulted in 300% increase in traffic from Facebook back to Moviefone. Referrals have increased from an average of approximately 40,000 per month to 250,000 per month. The average user returns and clicks back to Moviefone about seven times.

Facebook case study | Moviefone

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Brand: Moviefone| Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Bud Light 'Facebook Hotel' uses RFID technology to bring offline event to life


Bud Light used Facebook to generate more word of mouth. At the annual Super Bowl-related event, the brand took over an actual hotel, and it turned to Facebook to spread the experience beyond the hotel’s 200 rooms. Bud Light created a tab on its Facebook Page where people could follow the Dallas event. At the hotel, guests got RFID wristbands enabling them to take photos of themselves with friends at kiosks stationed throughout the hotel property. They could then tag the people in their pics and publish the shots to their news feeds, boosting awareness of the event within friends’ networks. Sharing the Bud Light Hotel event on Facebook resulted in a 200% increase in engagement on the brand’s page.

Facebook case study | Video case study

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Brand: Bud Light | Country: USA| Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


American Express 'Small Business Saturday' boosts local purchases via Facebook promo


American Express used Facebook to engage with people to encourage shopping at local merchandisers on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The initiative ‘Small Business Saturday’ used the Facebook Premium Ad format to drive people to the Small Business Saturday Page, where visitors got further information. Shoppers who used their American Express cards on the designated day received a $25 credit when they spent $25 at a participating merchant. American Express also provided 10,000 small businesses with free advertising on Facebook to promote the day. After the campaign, 40% of the general public was aware of Small Business Saturday, the company claims.

Facebook case study | Video case study

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Brand: American Express | Country: USA| Sector: Finance | Objective: build brand awareness & engagement | Format: Facebook Page


AT&T ‘Facebook team’ answers social questions to boost conversions


US telecoms giant AT&T used 20 representatives on Facebook to respond within 15 mins of any query / post. The effort also resulted in word of mouth and fans talking to each other by responding to posts, queries of other subscribers on the page. Customers whose problems are resolved via social media often come back to the page to thank AT&T. The Facebook page resulted in two times higher conversion rates compared to other online and offline marketing campaigns.

Facebook case study | Video case study

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Brand: AT&T | Sector: Telecom | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook page


Case study: Norway tourist firm targets US travellers with Facebook app


Innovation Norway, a state-owned company with a focus on promotion and development of Norway, used a previous successful experience with a Facebook app to run a new campaign targeting travellers in the US. This case study demonstrates how the firm managed to boost engagement and add 23,000 fans to its Facebook page, as well as lift website referrals by a massive 238%.

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Brand: Innovation Norway | Country: US | Sector: Travel, Tourism | Objective: build brand awareness | Format: Facebook

06/11/2012  |  Full story...

Delta Airlines pioneers Windows 8 ads in NBC News App


US airline Delta launched a new advertising campaign called “Up” that is all about upping the ante in travel with the airline. The Razorfish creative team leveraged the unique, creative campaign and content of “Up” to conceptualise a Windows 8 Ads in Apps concept for Delta in the NBC News app that is an intuitive, contextually relevant and immersive experience, which is ideal for a tablet. When in the NBC News app, a user can initiate the ad by touching on the Delta tile so that it expands up the screen. The user can swipe ‘up’ to continue a visual journey of a travel experience—from checking in at the airport, to bags going up the ramp, until the plane is up in the sky—that is simple and aspirational. Once the experience is closed, users are returned to the NBC News app content.

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Brand: Delta | Country: US | Agency; Razorfish | Sector: Travel | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Windows 8, Display, App, Mobile

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

ESPN uses Twitter Web Intents to send thousands of Tweets every day


US news network ESPN works with Twitter to drive both the distribution and conversations about the articles and videos that it produces. Whether it's the ESPN staff editorials after a big game or new video snippets coming from the SportsCenter team, Twitter helps ESPN spread the conversation to people everywhere. With the’ Web Intents’ campaign, ESPN readers sent over 1,250 Tweets a day, resulting in 15 clicks per Tweet back to the site. The five ESPN Local sites also became one of the top local sports destinations for fans in each respective market.

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Brand: ESPN | Country: US | Sector: Broadcast | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Twitter

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

Fedex captures data to create personalised jingle


FedEx has launched a new app on Facebook that highlights how they can help your business grow better than a cheesy advertising jingle. The app invites customers to input their business details which then become customisable parts of their very own 'jingle'. The tagline and copy is the same on all the videos. It simply and effectively communicates FedEx’s message: “There are more effective ways to promote your business. We can help with business cards, banners, and brochures. FedEx. Solutions that matter.”

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Brand: Fedex | Country: US | Sector: Delivery | Agency: BBDO New York | Objective: boost conversions and subscriptions | Format:Video, App

23/10/2012  |  Full story...

Volkswagen uses 'The Force' to net 45m YouTube views


This Volkswagen ad originally aired during the February 2011 Super Bowl broadcast, featuring a little boy dressed as “Star Wars” villain Darth Vader. He tries to use The Force to get his dog to rise, open the dryer, move a sandwich across the counter, and all in vain. Finally, dad comes home in the Passat. Junior Darth starts with the Jedi gesticulations to get the car to do something. Dad uses remote start from inside the house to fire up the ignition. His son is shocked. He got the force to work. He thinks he started the car with Jedi mind tricks. The ad combines humor with feel-good cutesiness and pop culture, and was one of the biggest virals of the year, generating a huge 45 million views on Youtube.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Volkswagen | Media: Video | Country: US | Sector: Automotive | Agency: Deutsch LA | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: Tipp- Ex 'A Hunter Shoots a Bear' gets 26m views


Initially launched in 2010, this ad for European correction fluid Tipp-Ex continued its success into the new year. To coincide with the back-to-school period, Tipp-ex, promoted its whiteout Pocket Mouse. The ad features two obnoxious hunters confronted by a bear, and lets the viewer choose their own ending by typing a verb into the ‘tipp-exed area’. The video has so far racked up over 26 million views, with the average number of verbs tipped in by user coming in at 15.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Tipp-Ex | Media: Video | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG, Stationary | Agency: Buzzman | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study- Beauty retailer Sephora mixes in-store, mobile and online to build brand love


Looking for a retail brand who has made best use of digital media to enhance the shopping experience? Then look no further than Sephora. This US-based beauty retailer has been incredibly savvy at seamlessly integrating all the latest web, social and mobile media platforms with the physical store to drive customer engagement and sales. They have cleverly leveraged social media – through Facebook, Twitter and more recently Pinterest – to build an on-going dialogue with a large and loyal online fan-base of beauty lovers. They have developed mobile, tablet and in-store digital media platforms to interweave the online / offline shopping journey.

27/06/2012  |  Full story...

Pinterest case study: Mixing Pinterest with Facebook gets 32% increase in followers

cs%20lowes%20pinterest.jpg Social media ‘pinboard’ Pinterest is on the rise, but how can marketers tap into its potential? This case study looks at how US-based home improvement company Lowes combined its Pinterest board with Facebook to boost its follows by 32%.

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Brand: Lowes | Media: Pinterest, Facebook, Social Media | Country: US | Sector: Retail, Ecommerce, FMCG

04/04/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: How comedian Louis C.K. made $1m from own-brand video download site

cslouisck.jpg At the end of 2011, US comedian Louis C.K. cut out TV networks and video sharing sites by selling his latest comedy special online direct to fans. This case study shows how he made $1m from the venture in just 1 month (and then gave half of the revenue away).

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Brand: Louis C.K. | Media: Video, Social Media | Country: US | Sector: Entertainment / Media

04/04/2012  |  Full story...

The new Old Spice? Dollar Shave Club viral video gets 3m YouTube views in two weeks


This witty Old Spice-style video ad from the Dollar Shave Club might just shake-up the shaving industry and give Gillette something to worry about. The viral video posted on YouTube garnered 3 million views and 32,000 'likes' within two weeks of going live in February 2012.

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Brand: Dollar Shave Club | Media: YouTube, TV, Social Media | Country: US | Sector: FMCG

15/03/2012  |  Full story...

Crate & Barrel uses rich media mobile advertising to boost clicks


Crate & Barrel used a Rich Media Ad Unit on mobile to create awareness and drive traffic to its mobile website. The US homewares retailer use AdMob’s rich media ad units with interactive interstitials, full screen expandable ads and banner ads Crate and Barrel created awareness resulting in more than 34,500 users on the website.

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Brand: Crate&Barrel|Media: Google Admob | Country: United States |Sector: Furniture| Agency: Ignited Agency | Format: rich media ad unit

Read the case study here

04/01/2012  |  Full story...

City of San Diego uses 3D golf game to drive user engagement

The city of San Diego made smart use of rich media and gaming techniques to drive user engagement, getting a 2.54% click-through-rate from potential customers in the process…

San Diego worked with MediaMInd to use a golf-based game to promote the city as a premier golf destination, reaching out to golf enthusiasts using a combination of demographic, behavioural and geographic targeting. The campaign featured an interactive golf buggy driving game ‘Tee Box Derby ‘ embedded in a banner. The rich-media game showcased the city’s three premier golf courses as levels in the game, driving engagement with the brand. The campaign paid-off, achieving a CTR of 2.54% within the first two weeks alone. The In-banner engagement averaged 90-163 seconds, on different publishers.

Brand: San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau | Media: Interactive Game & banner ads | Country: USA | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Agency: MeringCarson, Illusion Factory & Media Mind | Format: Rich Media Interactive game | Objective: Promote San Diego as Premier resort & golf destination

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Case study: Jaguar | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Brand positioning, click-through | Format: Mobile

Jaguar MobileMobile enhances passenger experience for BA

A mobile banner advertising campaign across the whole Yahoo! US mobile network
on the day of the motor show, as well as at other times on other sites. The ads clicked through to a mobile internet site* where user could read about the design, performance and innovative
features of the car or download videos and wallpapers. (*As well as unique iPhone site) Users could also submit their email address to receive the XF email brochure or enter their zipcode to locate their nearest dealer to arrange a test drive.

Download the Jaguar mobile case study


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