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Universal Studios case studies: we currently have 3.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 3 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Interactive mobile ad unit drives trailer views for Universal’s ‘The Wolfman’


Universal used AdMob’s Interactive Ad Unit on mobile to create buzz around the brand and encourage brand engagement.

With the use of AdMob’s auto-play interactive a units and text and banner ads Universal created a buzz resulting in 31% increase in the intent to view its upcoming movie ‘The Wolfman’. The campaign resulted in 69% increase in mobile ad awareness and a 31% increase in both release date association and intent to see the film.

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Brand: Universal |Media: Google Admob | Country: Spain |Sector: Entertainment| Agency: Ignited Agency | Format: Auto-Play Interactive Ad Unit

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02/01/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Despicable Me YouTube takeover gets 30 times more clicks than average


Universal made innovative use of YouTube’s homepage banners to promote its Despicable me movie, garnering high dwell and click through rates. The campaign took over the YouTube homepage in seven markets- UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands & Australia. Universal got viewers to click on banners and also share on Facebook and Twitter, with a click rate of 0.44% which is higher than the average CTR for the entertainment vertical. The average Dwell time of users interacting with the campaign was 90.40 seconds, 1.6 times higher than benchmark & the average dwell rate 54.83%, 7 times higher than benchmark. The CTR was 11.89% which was 30 times more than benchmark.

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Brand: Universal |Media: MediaCom UK | Country: Spain, Nethrlands, Australia, UK, Germany, France, Italy |Sector: Entertainment | Agency: Feref Digital, Media Mind | Format: YouTube Takeover

Read the case study here: MediaMInd


Client: Universal Studios | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer acquisition, brand awareness | Format: Rich media, banners

 The vast majority of Universal Studios advertising budget is spent on TV. Around 6% of the budget was spent on banner ads and less than 1% on rich media ads which floated animations on top of web pages. The results of the online advertising proved to be significantly better than the TV commercials. The most successful format was rich media.

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