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Twitter case studies: we currently have 115.

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Best Vines of the year: Lowes 'lifehacks' tops 6-second video ads

Twitter’s new 6-second Vine video platform proved a big hit this year .If used correctly, Vine offers a quick yet extremely effective way for brands to reach wider, socially engaged audiences. And as one of the fastest growing mobile apps in the world, this means enormous potential for marketers. We look back at some of the best, starting with Lowes' ingenious visual tips that make DIY seem fun (well…almost).

26/11/2013  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Airbnb creates 4 minute film using Vine videos

Social accommodation app Airbnb launched its first video ad this month- compiled only using 6-second Vine videos from Twitter fans. The 4-minute long commercial was composed after the firm asked its Twitter followers to create their own short Vine videos for the film, each of which depicts a different scene with a paper airplane traveling across the world.

Airbnb’s commercial, dubbed ‘Hollywood & Vines’, aired on the Sundance Channel in September 2013, and can been viewed in the embedded YouTube video below:

Brand: Airbnb | Sector: Hospitality, Travel | Country: US | Partner/agency: Mullen | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Video, Vine, Twitter, Social media

09/10/2013  |  Full story...

Social case study: The government shutdown? Democrats fight back online #EnoughAlready


In September 2013, American politics exploded onto the web with a partial governement shutdown, and digital marketers got tough and took the fight to Twitter, email and beyond. And they made it personal with a massive campaign to hold Speaker John Boehner “responsible” for the shutdown. Here’s what they said…

Sector: Politics | Country: US | Objective: Petition, Social media followers | Format: Email, Twitter, Social media

07/10/2013  |  Full story...

Colgate campaign rewards Tweeters with coupons


In the summer of 2013, Colgate launched Twitter campaign ‘There's Something in Your Tweet', helping people alert people that they have food stuck in their teeth. The Canada-based campaign was created by Union Toronto, letting people send an anonymous alert via Twitter, or if they want to keep it private then they can send a quick email.

Brand: Colgate | Sector: FMCG healthcare | Country: Canada | Agency/Partner: Grand Union Toronto | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format:Twitter, Social media

18/09/2013  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Rayban promotes ‘real-life Instagram’ effect

Ray-Ban Belgium and DDB Brussels have launched a new campaign that makes creative use of public transportation to communicate Ray-Ban’s wide range of polarized color lenses: from sky blue to hot pink. In all major Belgian cities, trams were redesigned into "Ray-Ban Test-Drive Trams" that let consumers discover the city through different Ray-Ban color lenses.

Brand: Rayban Belgium | Sector: Clothing, Luxury | Country: Belgium | Agency/Partner: DDB Brussels | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Outdoor, Instagram, Social Media, Video

10/09/2013  |  Full story...

Kellogg's Krave 'Tweet When U Eat' campaign boosts audience engagement

This summer saw Kellogs embrace social media with a Krave campaign that encouraged users to use Twitter hashtags and linked with Alton Tower’s new ride ‘The Smiler’. This case study uses data from Crimson Hexagon to examine how the campaign generated a total of 76,498 Twitter and Facebook posts just 5% negative sentiments.

Brand: Kellog's | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverages | Country: UK | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Social Media

03/09/2013  |  Full story...

How Ryan Gosling, Dove and Space Oddity went viral: Twitter hunts for formula to web success

Going viral on the internet is a goal for all brands, but is there is secret to becoming a web sensation? This week, Twitter examined three big viral video hits - actor Ryan Gosling 'refusing' to eat cereal, astronaut Chris Hadfield singing Space Oddity and Dove's Real Beauty marketing campaign to demonstrate how internet buzz spreads.

Brand: Dove | Sector: FMCG, Health and Beauty | Country: Global | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Twitter, Social media, Video, YouTube

02/09/2013  |  Full story...

Rolex amplifies 30-year Wimbledon sponsorship with digital content

Swiss watchmaker Rolex amplified its 30-year sponsorship of Wimbledon with a raft of digital content based around the world’s most famous tennis competition. This case study showed how Rolex used a ‘scorecard’ Facebook app, Twitter hashtags and video content to deeply embed its brand into the event experience.

Brand: Rolex | Sector: Luxury, Clothing| Country: UK | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Video, Social media

31/07/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Mercedes-Benz Tweet Race gets 2m YouTube views

Back in February 2013, Mercedes-Benz used Tweet-powered cars to compete in the world’s first social media road race. This case study looks at how the luxury car maker made smart use of social platforms and video content to generate 25 million brand related Tweets and 2 million YouTube views.

Mercedes-Benz Tweet Race from thepixel on Vimeo.

Brand: Mercedes-Benz | Sector: Automotive | Country: US | Partner/agency: Razorfish | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Video, YouTube, Viral, Social media

31/07/2013  |  Full story...

Twitter fail: Microsoft director leaves after Xbox 'deal with it' outburst


In April 2013, Microsoft Creative Director Adam Orth resigned after posting flippant remarks on Twitter over the Xbox 720’s controversial 'always-online' rumours, telling frustrated customers to ‘deal with it”. The tweets caused outrage among internet users and Xbox fans alike, doing the rounds on several popular message boards such as Reddit. Now it has emerged that Orth has left the company.

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Brand: Microsoft Xbox | Sector: Gaming | Country: US | Objective: Build brand enagagment, drive sales | Format: Twitter, Social Media, CRM

25/04/2013  |  Full story...

The fail trail: How 3 brands handled a social media crisis


When Domino’s employees were caught on YouTube defiling a pizza, the company took less than 3 weeks to claw back a 22% drop in customer sentiment. However, when Nestle and United Airlines suffered setbacks, the brands took considerably longer to recover. This infographic from software and consultancy firm SDL Social Intelligence looks at all three case studies and charts the ‘fail trail’ as companies recover from a social media crisis.

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Brand: Dominos, Nestle, United Airlines | Sector: FMCG, Travel | Country: US/ Global | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: Social Media

22/03/2013  |  Full story...

Maker’s Mark backlash- proof that a week’s a long time in social media?


Last month, whisky brand Maker’s Mark reduced its alcohol proof from 90% to 84%, sparking outcry as customers flocked to Facebook and Twitter to discuss ‘watered-down whisky’ and switching to rival brands. After nine days of social media, national newspaper and TV coverage, the brand was forced into an extraordinary U-turn. This case study from Gemma Storey at Carrot Communications takes a day-by-day look at how the crisis unfolded for the premium bourbon brand and how it could have managed things differently.

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Brand: Maker's Mark/ BEAM | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US, UK | Objective: Social media, Crisis Management, email, PR | Format: Social Media

07/03/2013  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Magnum's coupon giveaway with #GrabaSpoon hashtag


Magnum worked with to run a Twitter camapign promoting its new pleasure pots, offering free ice-cream to the first 5,000 respondents. The camapgin made smart use of the micro-blogging plaform, raising awareness of the luxury ice-cream brand's latest product in an engaging and fun way.

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Brand: Unilever, Magnum | Sector: FMCG, Food and beverage | Country: UK | Agency;, GolinHarris | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Twitter |

25/02/2013  |  Full story...

Social media case study: Super Bowl blackout hands victory to Twitter


A 35 minute power outage on the pitch at this year's Super Bowl XLVII led to a surge in traffic on social media. The showdown between the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers was shut down for 35 minutes when half of the lights in the New Orleans Superdome went out. The resulting confusion led to a surge in traffic on social media sites talking about what became known online as "the blackout bowl." Advertisers were quick to capitalise on the sudden ad space opportunity. Within four minutes of the outage, advertisers had sent out their first tweets 'newsjacking' the event with their own branded take on the story.

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Brand: Oreo, Tide, Audi | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage, Automotive, Household goods | Country: US | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Twitter, Social Media |

14/02/2013  |  Full story...

Twitter marketing case study - HMV's weak social media policy damages brand


Does your brand have a good social media policy in place? This Twitter marketing case stud shows what can happen when firms engage in social media without having the right approach. Marketers being sacked by struggling retailer used the company's official Twitter feed to release their anger, creating a PR crisis. It makes for painful reading, but reminds every business how transparent the world is today.

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Brand: HMV | Sector: FMCG, Retail, Recruitment | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Social Media, Twitter |

08/02/2013  |  Full story...

Kit Kat ‘dancing babies’ gets 1m views in a week

Nestlé's latest video campaign in India featured dancing babies- seeding the ad on YouTube ahead of its first TV broadcast and getting 1.5m views in the process. As part of promoting the TVC, television will be the lead medium for the campaign with a high frequency intensive burst on a mix of mass and regional channels. Digital and Facebook were also key pegs in the campaign. In a similar vein to Evian’s 2010 ‘Roller Babies’ ad, the Nestle campaign centres of a group of babies that begin dancing (with the aid of CGI) in a daycare centre.

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Brand: Nestle, Kit Kat | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: India | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: JWT Delhi | Format: YouTube, Video, Social Media, Twitter, Facebook |

08/02/2013  |  Full story...

Feeding America grows site traffic 2.5 times using Twitter


Domestic hunger charity Feeding America looked to share their web site content on Twitter to maximize traffic back to their website. The charity targeted audiences who often tweeted about topics very similar to Feeding America's site content. As a result of tweeting about trending topics recommended by the BrightEdge, and tweeting about specific topics (including specific web pages) in those tweets, Feeding America yielded 2.5 times the average traffic levels per post relative to similar Tweets made in the same period.

20/12/2012  |  Full story...

Tiny Prints sees 47% increase in search rankings via Twitter and Bright Edge


Photo printer Tiny Prints aligned its Twitter strategy with its organic search strategy, in a bid to boost search engine rankings with greater engagement using Twitter. Using the Bright Edge platform, the firm measured and tracked the influence that Tweets had on organic search rankings. saw a 47% increase in organic search rankings on "long-tail" keywords and URLs that were popular and engaging on Twitter. The gains occurred as follower engagement on those pages and keywords grew 300% over a month-long focused campaign that aligned Tweets with their content strategy.

20/12/2012  |  Full story...

Klondike ice-cream creates a Twitter-based comedy competition to generate earned media


To engage with their young adult male target audience around comedy, and to create and spread positive earned media around the brand, ice cream brand Klondike created a campaign with Twitter at its heart. The Twitterverse audience was asked, through a video call-to-action from the comedian Rob Delaney, to post a funny joke on the social media platform in less than 140 characters. The competition, over a number of weeks, generated much interest and excitement from the online fan base.


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Brand: Klondike | Country: US | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Format: Social Media, Twitter


Special K creates earned media around new product launch with pop-up Tweet Shop


Special K found a great way to generate online conversation / earned media around a new product launch. As part of the launch of their new Cracker Crisp product range the brand set up a temporary shop in London’s Soho and asked visitors to use Twitter in order to receive a free sample. All they had to do was post a positive message about the new product on Twitter including the hashtag #tweetshop and the product sample was theirs. This innovative way to bridge the physical and digital via the imaginative use of social media and smartphones meant that the launch received a great deal of online PR and buzz.

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Brand: Special K | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Format: Social Media, Twitter, PR


Little Baby’s Ice Cream YouTube video success


While Little Baby’s Ice Cream is only a relatively small manufacturer and retailer of premium, ice cream based in Philadelphia, PA they know how to do social media well. By placing this quirky, and slightly unnerving, promotional video / advertisement on YouTube with their website URL at the end – not only can they generate over 2.7 million video views but also a constantly stream of traffic to their website. This YouTube presence, coupled with a lively and well managed online community on Facebook and Twitter, has helped the business maintain a loyal fan base of regular visitors to their ice cream parlours.

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Brand: Little Baby’s Ice Cream | Country: USA | | Sector: FMCG, Food | Format: Video


Evian’s Roller Babies: The viral video that rocked so viciously


Viral video ad campaign superstars like Evian’s Roller Babies show they’ve got the power to spread marketing messages globally with a huge return on investment. This case study shows how Evian’s YouTube campaign became the most viewed online video advertisement. One of the first YouTube-exclusive ad campaigns, Evian’s record breaking viral video, Roller Babies, set the way for a new strategy of seeding content, testing creative, and building on a global brand. Launched as a web-centric ad campaign, Roller Babies quickly became a viral tour-de-force. It was so successful that in 2009 the Guinness Book of World Records officially declared Roller Babies as the most viewed online ad.

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Brand: Evian | Media: YouTube | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: awareness | Agency: BETC Euro RSCG & Unruly | Format: YouTube online ad

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

Reuters turns event attendees into reporters via Twitter push


Reuters used Mass Relevance to curate over 100,000 Tweets for its Davos Media Wall during the World Economic Forum. When the Reuters editorial team had its kickoff meeting for Davos, the objective for their 2012 conference was clear: surface the best articles, blog posts, videos and photos from the event so everyone could see the active conversation happening at the event. Alex Leo, Reuters' Director of News Products, faced a familiar challenge. Reuters wanted to capture both the day-to-day networking, conversations, and on-line commentary taking place at the World Economic Forum, and the pictures and videos that offered viewers a deeper insight into the conference.

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Brand: Reuters | Country: US | Sector: Media | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Twitter

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

ESPN uses Twitter Web Intents to send thousands of Tweets every day


US news network ESPN works with Twitter to drive both the distribution and conversations about the articles and videos that it produces. Whether it's the ESPN staff editorials after a big game or new video snippets coming from the SportsCenter team, Twitter helps ESPN spread the conversation to people everywhere. With the’ Web Intents’ campaign, ESPN readers sent over 1,250 Tweets a day, resulting in 15 clicks per Tweet back to the site. The five ESPN Local sites also became one of the top local sports destinations for fans in each respective market.

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Brand: ESPN | Country: US | Sector: Broadcast | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Twitter

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

Kit Kat performs own ‘space jump’


In honour of Felix Baumgartner’s landmark skydive from the edge of space, Nestle sent a Kit Kat bar into the ether with a video camera. The 'Break from Gravity' project saw the four-fingered chocolate bar sent to a height of 22 miles after beginning its ascent from Cambridgeshire at 11.20am on Saturday (13 October). Camera footage, which tracked the Kit Kat’s ascent and descent, was shared via the brand’s social media channels.

YouTube video

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Brand: KitKat | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG, Foods | Agency: JWT London | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Video, Facebook, YouTube

24/10/2012  |  Full story...

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