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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Trend Creation case studies: we currently have 8.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 8 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Case Study: Splenda | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

splenda.jpgMcNeil Nutritionals, a Johnson & Johnson company, was looking for the most effective way to test market Splenda Mist, a spray form of Splenda No Calorie Sweetener. In order to drive awareness among the target consumer (women 25+), facilitate sampling of and solicit feedback on the product, the Splenda Brand turned to Facebook. Splenda utilized Facebook advertising, marketing, and developer platforms to create the first-ever product launch and sampling campaign on Facebook. The resultant launch on Facebook exceeded all Brand expectations, demonstrating the power of Facebook as a highly effective tool for driving consumer engagement and feedback.

Download the case study: Splenda - Facebook | Facebook | Splenda


Case Study: Sephora | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Retail | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

sephora.jpgSephora turned to Facebook to increase brand awareness and strengthen their position as a leader in the natural and organic makeup category. The solution Facebook provided was through its Virtual Gift Engagement ad, which was a branded reusable shopping tote for users to give to their friends along with a message. Those who sent the virtual gift were awarded a promotional code they could redeem, with any purchase, for a real, limited edition tote bag. During the campaign, Sephora gained 10,274 new fans and orders and traffic to more than doubled.

Download the case study: Sephora - Facebook | Facebook | Sephora


Case Study: Universal Pictures - Bruno | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

Universal Studios turned to Facebook to promote the nationwide theatrical release of Bruno. By utilizing a one-day reach block to maximize reach, Bruno was able to drive significant engagement and incremental distribution in the form of organic stories inherent to the platform. They also successfully leveraged a variety of engagement ads and tools such
as Events and Pages to drive incremental awareness, engagement and distribution culminating in a “fan” base of over 700,000 users prior to the release of the film.

Download the case study: Universal Studios - Facebook | Facebook | Universal Studios


Case Study: Wendy's | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Food | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent, brand awareness | Format: Social media

wendys.jpgWendy’s wanted to increase awareness and drive excitement around the launch of their new ‘Flavour Dipped Chicken Sandwich’ in October 2008. The solution was provided by Facebook in the form of an engagement ad: the virtual gift. This allowed users to send a virtual ‘Flavour Dipped’ sandwich with a personal message underneath. The result was a boost in awareness for the brand with over 191,000 gifts given in the first week; as well as buzz creation, with discussions about ‘Wendy’s’ rising 60% while the gift was available.

Download the case study: Wendy's - Facebook | Facebook | Wendy's


Case Study: Lionsgate - Saw V | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

Saw%20V.jpgLionsgate wanted to drive awareness and intent to the film Saw V by advertising on Facebook. The solution Facebook provided was to build a fan page, create an event for the opening weekend of the film, and allowed users to become a ‘fan’ of the film. Finally they created a virtual ‘Jigsaw’ gift that lived on the recipient's wall and spread through news feeds. The results were clear, with 43,000 Facebook users becoming ‘fans’ of the film and the phrase “Saw V” on Facebook walls increased over 18 times during the campaign

Download the case study: Lionsgate - Facebook | Facebook | Lionsgate


Case Study: H&M | Media:MSN | Country: Norway | Sector: Clothing | Objective: Engagement, buzz, cut-through, trend creation | Format: Social media

A bold campaign from H&M in co-operation with Costume magazine and MSN was created to engage fashion bloggers in Norway. The brand’s fashion blogging contest drew a fantastic response rate, with 700 bloggers taking part from across the country, and acted as the centrepiece of a successful integrated campaign.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: Moonfruit’s Twitter contest | Sector: Online Media | Objective: Buzz, trend creation | Format: Social media

cs_moon.jpgFor its tenth birthday, web hosting company Moonfruit, gave away a Macbook Pro laptop every day for ten days. To win one, users had to tweet using the hashtag #moonfruit. The result? A 350% increase in product trials, a 600% increase in traffic… and Twitter forcibly removing it from the top trending topics.

The hashtag #moonfruit topped Twitter's trending lists for three days, accounting for 2.5% of all tweets at its peak. People drew pictures, made videos and sang songs about the brand in a bid to win the laptops. The secret to the success of the campaign, spearheaded by founder Wendy Tan-White, was engagement.

"The biggest surprise was the brand affinity and awareness it created. The name of the company helped a lot, because people asked what it meant. They really picked up on the message we wanted to get across. They made the brand their own and we couldn't have done that without Twitter. It creates a relationship," Tan-White said.

Moonfruit Twitter

15/07/2009  |  Full story...

Case study: San Diego Zoo | Agency: M&C Saatchi | Technology: MediaMind | Country: USA | Sector: Entertainment | Objectives: Engagement, trend creation | Format: Rich media & viral

Case study: San Diego ZooA good example of creativity within the advertising space. This simple advert for a Zoo in San Diego achieves interaction and creates a short entertainment experience. The player can create a mythical animal but connecting different parts of a zoo animal’s body together. The send-to-a-friend feature is a real neat way to let kids share the content, and the payback of saying that whatever the animal, you’ll find it at the zoo clearly fits with the attraction’s position in the market. The forwarding tool is a simple example of how to tap into social networks and the interaction a good way to make otherwise flat advertising something people want to engage with.

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