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Travel And Tourism case studies: we currently have 81.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 81 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Case study: Radisson Edwardian | Agency: Greenlight | Sector: Travel | Format: Search

Radisson Edwardian HotelsA solid application of smart search marketing principles deep in the long tail of search engine queries. The Radisson campaign succeeded in delivering multimillion pound returns at massive scale. Their processes used extensive and deep optimisation techniques to deliver outstanding ROI - showing just how powerful search engine marketing can be.

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Case study: STA Travel and Off Exploring | Sector: Travel | Format: Website & platform

STA TravelThis pioneering use of blogging by the STA travel business found a way of engaging hundreds of thousands of customers. Rather than creating a corporate blog, STA worked with the technology team at Off Exploring to build a powerful platform their customers could use. They gave the customers of their travel services a blog and by doing this connected together an online community of like-minded individuals. Customers were encouraged to tell the story of their travels, building content and emailing their friends. Instantly the technology was a success, with backpackers writing their letters home to friends and family in the form of web pages that could instantly be linked to from Facebook and other social media. It's a rare example of pioneering social media because it went against the conventions at the time it was created. The technologists at Off Exploring created the framework for this social media platform and then continued to add more tools to it. As consumers are more exposed to different forms of advertising (and in ever-increasing amounts), brands need to listen carefully to what they want: providing the right tools and utility assures cut-through in an increasingly cluttered market.

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Agency: Incentivated | Client: British Airways | Sector: Transport | Objective: Customer retention | Format: mobile and search

ba.jpgThrough the website customers could enter their mobile numbers to receive up-to-the minute flight and contact information. During disruption caused by terrorist activity in August 2006 over 20,000 SMS messages were sent to BA passengers and cabin crew in 87 countries over a four-day period, which was 18 times more traffic than the previous highest. This campaign combined direct response mechanics of search with the awareness building properties of graphical formats.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: Warner Breaks | Sector: Travel | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Viral email marketing

Warner Breaks saw a 2000% increase in its return on investment in email marketing and a 48% increase in open rates when it began working with RedEye. Using RedEye’s segmentation and event-driven email tools, Warner was able to obtain and utilise detailed information about online customer activity and use this data to automatically send timely and highly targeted emails. RedEye also advised Warner Breaks on the most effective creative designs in order to improve deliverability rates.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: easyJet | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand building, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

easyJet wanted to accurately measure return on investment for its online advertising spend to help it understand and improve its ROI and conversion rates. By identifying and recording each person’s exposure to the brand and their subsequent activity on the site, easyJet could easily rate each campaign not only for click-throughs but also for the quality and loyalty of the customers it was attracting. RedEye helped easyJet to understand the ‘branding effect’ of its advertising, attributing customer spend to advertising campaigns even when customers did not purchase immediately. Measuring customer activity over a period of time gave easyJet a reliable indicator of the long-term profitability of customers acquired from each campaign.

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Agencies: RedEye and Sonaa | Client: Warner Breaks | Sector: Travel | Objective: Customer acqusition | Format: Email marketing

To target older consumers online, Warner Breaks (part of Bourne Leisure Group, which also runs Butlins, Haven and British Holiday) decided to revamp its email marketing. RedEye was employed to manage the email campaigns and agency Sonaa to design the creative. New customers were acquired by competitions and third party promotions, run through the sites such as and Teletext holidays. Since Warner began working on the new programme it has seen 2000% return on investment.

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