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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Television case studies: we currently have 12.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 12 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Interactive first aid video helps ‘save the boy’

In a hard-hitting TV and digital campaign, St Johns Ambulance offered interactive advice on giving first aid to youngsters, in a bid to help boost awareness of potentially life-saving skills. The campaign, created by BBH London, features a TV and YouTube commercial that links to an interactive video adapted for both desktops and smartphones, with instructions on basic first aid. On their smartphone or on the desktop they will then be asked to swipe the screen or click a mouse at various points to help the father carry out first aid and move the boy into the right position to enable him to survive.

View the video ad here:

Brand: St Johns Ambulance | Sector: Healthcare, Public Service Announcment | Country: UK | Partner/agency: BBH London | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Video, TV, YouTube

09/10/2013  |  Full story...

Banned Sodastream Super Bowl ad becomes Internet hit

A Sodastream commercial has become a hit on YouTube, after being banned from an upcoming Super Bowl spot by broadcaster CBS for mocking rivals.CBS rejected the company's initial attempt at a Super Bowl spot, reportedly, because the content of the spot took a direct swipe at two other Super bowl participants - Coke and Pepsi. After the ban, Sodastream submitted a revised version featuring no brand names. It also released the spot that was rejected by CBS. The banned version is now on YouTube, and has ammased around 2 million views to date.

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Brand: Sodastream | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Common, Pale Dot Voyage, Octopus of the Mind | Format: YouTube, Video |

06/02/2013  |  Full story...

Social media case study: Nutella Facebook ad campaign outperforms TV


Last Christmas, Nutella ran a cross-platform ad campaign in Germany, mixing traditional and new media spend, including TV and Facebook. This case study looks at how the Facebook campaign generated more sales than TV ads for the food brand. Nutella claims that their Facebook ads accounted for 15 per cent of sales over Christmas, far outperforming their TV campaign. The Facebook ads, which took the form of a full reachblock campaign, promoted the Nutella Deutschland page.

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Brand: Ferrero, Nutella | Country: Germany | Sector: FMCG- Food | Objective: build brand awareness | Format: Facebook, TV

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

Moviefone gets 300% rise in Facebook traffic using film-related sharing buttons


Cinema ticket information service Moviefone used Facebook to attract users and engage by pushing unique content directly to interested audiences and drive additional traffic back to AOL Moviefone. The Facebook implementation leveraged Login with Facebook, Graph API, Events API, Like Button and the Activity Feed to enable social sharing and engagement with AOL Moviefone and its offerings. The Facebook integration since September 17th 2010 resulted in 300% increase in traffic from Facebook back to Moviefone. Referrals have increased from an average of approximately 40,000 per month to 250,000 per month. The average user returns and clicks back to Moviefone about seven times.

Facebook case study | Moviefone

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Brand: Moviefone| Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


ESPN uses Twitter Web Intents to send thousands of Tweets every day


US news network ESPN works with Twitter to drive both the distribution and conversations about the articles and videos that it produces. Whether it's the ESPN staff editorials after a big game or new video snippets coming from the SportsCenter team, Twitter helps ESPN spread the conversation to people everywhere. With the’ Web Intents’ campaign, ESPN readers sent over 1,250 Tweets a day, resulting in 15 clicks per Tweet back to the site. The five ESPN Local sites also became one of the top local sports destinations for fans in each respective market.

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Brand: ESPN | Country: US | Sector: Broadcast | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Twitter

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

Cookie case study: C4 uses new cookie law to its advantage


As the controversial EU cookie law came into effect last weekend, Channel 4 managed to communicate the idea of collecting user data as part of a positive brand message, with a little help from comedian Alan Carr. The ‘Viewer Promise’ email and video campaign drew upon the broadcaster’s 2011 data strategy 2011 to give viewers a more personalised experience, which helped it amass a database of 2 million viewer profiles.

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Brand: Channel 4 | Media: Video, email | Country: UK | Sector: TV| Format: Email, Video

14/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: 4Music mixes video, search and social media to boost reach


Launched in August 2008, 4Music is the most watched music channel in the UK. It is free to air, and part of the Box TV music channel portfolio. This case study shows how the a multi-layered digital campaign was used to elevate the brand and increase the value of to its advertisers. The campaigns generated a 25% increase in their total from campaign start date. Paid search campaigns drove 118,450 users to to view information about their favourite shows – the average users from these campaigns spent an unprecedented 13 minutes browsing content on the site.

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Brand: 4Music | Media: Facebook, Google, TV | Country: UK | Sector: TV, Music | Agency: Blowfish Digital | Format: Social media, Search, TV

14/09/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: TNT’s ‘dramatic surprise’ becomes second most shared YouTube ad of all time


In April 2012, Belgian TV channel TNT posted this ad on YouTube, getting 23m views in just one week and becoming the second most shared video on the website. Published on April 11, the 'A Dramatic Surprise On a Quiet Square' video campaign has clocked a whopping 30m views and 250,000 likes with a fortnight. This case study takes a look behind the success...

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Brand: TNT | Media: YouTube, TV, Social Media | Agency: Duval Guillaume Modem, Belgium | Country: Belgium | Sector: TV, Media

24/04/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: How comedian Louis C.K. made $1m from own-brand video download site

cslouisck.jpg At the end of 2011, US comedian Louis C.K. cut out TV networks and video sharing sites by selling his latest comedy special online direct to fans. This case study shows how he made $1m from the venture in just 1 month (and then gave half of the revenue away).

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Brand: Louis C.K. | Media: Video, Social Media | Country: US | Sector: Entertainment / Media

04/04/2012  |  Full story...

TV channel G4 gets 3,800 app installs from mobile CPC banner campaign


TV channel G4 used mobile ads as a cost-effective way to get consumers to install their Android App. G4 used CPC text and banner ads on the AdMob mobile display network reached its target audience. The campaign drove over 3,800 installs and a 8.01% conversion rate for the campaign over all.

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Brand: G4|Media: Google Admob |Sector: Telecommunications | Format: Text & Banner ads

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03/01/2012  |  Full story...

Interactive mobile ad unit drives trailer views for Universal’s ‘The Wolfman’


Universal used AdMob’s Interactive Ad Unit on mobile to create buzz around the brand and encourage brand engagement.

With the use of AdMob’s auto-play interactive a units and text and banner ads Universal created a buzz resulting in 31% increase in the intent to view its upcoming movie ‘The Wolfman’. The campaign resulted in 69% increase in mobile ad awareness and a 31% increase in both release date association and intent to see the film.

More on this Case study …

Brand: Universal |Media: Google Admob | Country: Spain |Sector: Entertainment| Agency: Ignited Agency | Format: Auto-Play Interactive Ad Unit

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02/01/2012  |  Full story...

Client: Ford | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Banners

Ford has launched a cross media advertising campaign both on English and Spanish TV, radio, print, outdoor and via direct mail and online. The online ads that ran on auto-related pages proved to be the most cost effective at raising purchase intention: the portal roadblock ads and magazine ads were more expensive at raising purchase intention than in-market interactive ads, but they were both a great value in terms of cost-per-impact compared to television.

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