Digital marketing industry case study library

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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Technology And Software case studies: we currently have 7.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 7 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Case study: How AI-based ecommerce personalisation tech helped a golf retailer increase online order values by 18%

Function18 doubled its on-site engagement and made visitors 1.3x more likely to buy with newly launched Nosto technology that delivers a ‘personalised store to every customer’.


18/09/2018  |  Full story...

Content marketing case study: How Intel and Toshiba got an audience of 70 million with social storytelling

Two electronics giants had a challenge. Intel wanted to refresh "Intel Inside" and Toshiba wanted to boost awareness of its Ultrabook. They teamed up to create a social storytelling campaign that garnered 70 million views. See how below…

25/03/2015  |  Full story...

Going viral the B2B way: Sungard prepares IT managers for Zombie Apocalypse

Filling in an online registration form is possibly the most tedious online activity- so how can brands make their customer retention campaigns more fun? IT firm Sungard had the answer: zombies. This case study looks at how a novel approach to selling an Enterprise Disaster Recovery Plan boosted customer reactivations.

03/09/2014  |  Full story...

Tumblr case study: Samsung Tumblr blog pushes Galaxy camera content to other social networks

Samsung wanted to create a destination that could show off its GALAXY Camera and generate buzz among photographers and tech fans on four major social networks. This case study looks at how the electronics giant used Tumblr’s API as a central hub to push images to Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, getting a 70% increase in earned impressions.


17/07/2014  |  Full story...

Most boring ad ever made’ gets exciting viewing figures

Forget dancing babies, star-studded ensembles and big budget action- this 45 minute video of a Leica Camera being polished has created quite a stir on the internet for being the most tedious ad ever created.

The Most Boring Ad Ever Made? from Leica Camera on Vimeo.

07/05/2014  |  Full story...

Case Study: NetSupport | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: IT software | Objectives: Direct response, increasing conversion, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

NetSupport.jpgNet Support, a software development company from Peterborough, UK, needed efficient and cost-effective marketing to expand into new markets in North America, Asia and the Middle East.. To achieve this goal they began by targeting relevant inventory in international markets on the Google content network. It developed this strategy by launching rich media advertising created by Google Display Ad Builder. As a result they achieved 15-25% conversion rates on the Google content network, 1.5 million+ impressions per day on the content network and saved design costs on creating individual image ads.

Download the case study: NetSupport - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | NetSupport


Case Study: Canon | Media: MSN | Country: Germany | Sector: IT technology supplier | Objective: Brand awareness, brand repositioning | Format: In-game advertising

canon.jpgAdapting creative to the in-game environment propelled Canon to impressive recall amongst opinion formers and helped to establish the brand as leader of the camcorder pack.

Download the MSN case studies compendium

26/04/2010  |  Full story...

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