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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Targeting case studies: we currently have 11.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 11 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Case Study: Oracle | Media: BBC | Country: SE Asia | Sector: Technology | Objective: Lead generation, targetting | Format: Online Advertising

Oracle are the world's largest producers of enterprise software. In the Autumn of 2008 they launched a banner advertisment campaign with a view to targetting small to mid-sized companies in South-East Asia. The objective was to encourage downloads of eBooks and Whitepapers and, consequently, convert these downloads into sales leads. Through creation of a special landing page and placement of banners on and BBC Video on Demand, the campaign generated a significant spike in interest for the company.

Download the case study: - Oracle | BBC | Oracle


Case Study: NetSupport | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: IT software | Objectives: Direct response, increasing conversion, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

NetSupport.jpgNet Support, a software development company from Peterborough, UK, needed efficient and cost-effective marketing to expand into new markets in North America, Asia and the Middle East.. To achieve this goal they began by targeting relevant inventory in international markets on the Google content network. It developed this strategy by launching rich media advertising created by Google Display Ad Builder. As a result they achieved 15-25% conversion rates on the Google content network, 1.5 million+ impressions per day on the content network and saved design costs on creating individual image ads.

Download the case study: NetSupport - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | NetSupport


Case Study: Cambria Automobiles | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

motorparks.jpgCumbria Automobiles ( in the UK needed a marketing tool to drive their expansion in tough economic conditions. To achieve these goals the company invested in Google AdWords to promote new dealerships and utilised the the reporting on Google Analytics. As a result, quadrupled its market share and helped fuel exponential growth of new dealerships.

Download the case study: Cambria Automobiles - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | Cambria Automobiles


Case Study: Golden Pages | Media: Google | Countries: Ireland | Sector: Directory | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

Golden%20pages.jpgGolden Pages, a household directory name in Ireland for over 40 years, was in need of efficient tools to help manage their directory of products and services as well as client accounts. To resolve this problem, the company began using the new Google AdWords interface. The effect of the implentation of AdWords meant greater convenience and time saved, with improved navigability and interactive graphs.

Download the case study: Golden Pages - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | Golden Pages


Case Study: Ambergreen | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: Marketing agency | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

ambergreen.jpgAmbergreen, a digital marekting agency based in Edinburgh, UK, needed more efficient management of AdWords accounts. To address this problem they began exploring the new tools and functionalities of the new Google AdWords interface. The result was clear as significant time savings were made along with improved account management effectiveness for Ambergreen's range of blue chip clients.

Download the case study: Ambergreen - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | Ambergreen


Case Study: 1upSearch | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: Marketing agency | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

1upsearch.jpg1upsearch, a digital marketing agency based in Bedford, UK, needed a powerful website analysis tool to help drive ROI for their customers. To achieve this goal they set up Google Website Optimiser experiments. This allowed them to run tests on websites of different shapes and sizes, with Website Optimiser consistently providing the insight to make the website better. Following the experiments 1upsearch implemented the winning site variations. The result has been clear, as the agency achieved a 20% improvement in conversions for one their largest clients.

Download the case study: 1upSearch - Google Website Optimisation | Google Website Optimiser | 1upSearch


Case Study: Vauxhall | Media: MSN | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Brand awareness, targeting, integration | Format: Online advertising

Vauxhall.jpgMicrosoft Advertising’s behavioural targeting technology ensured a high performance launch for Vauxhall’s new Insignia, steering ads directly to those actively engaged in researching auto purchases.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: McDonald's | Media: MSN | Country: Finland | Sector: Food | Objective: Optimisation, targeting | Format: Targeting

McD%27s.jpgGroundbreaking econometric modelling from Brand Science has established online advertising’s impact on McDonald’s offline sales and helped to boost Return on Investment (ROI) by optimising media choices. Following hugely successful campaigns in Denmark and Sweden, McDonald’s extended the strategy to Finland – with spectacular results.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: Sympatico | Media: MSN | Country: Canada | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Targeting, traffic-driving | Format: Targeting

Sympatico.jpgDriving additional traffic to four emerging channels on the popular Sympatico/ MSN portal required an ad network with great reach and powerful targeting. The attention-grabbing Open Your Eyes display ad campaign delivered the impact
to engage audiences. However, it was the contribution of the Microsoft Media Network, delivering reach and targeting to maximise a limited budget, which proved most eye opening.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: Eczema eTutorials for nurses and pharmacists | Country: UK | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Engagement, targeting | Format: Video, e-workbook downlaods

cs_lacta.jpgThis e-tutorial is helping to educate nurses at a time when NICE guidelines require more nurses to deliver eczema care. Developed for Schering-Plough in association with a panel of specialist dermatology nurses, makes learning easy, accessible and fun. It puts the busy nurse in control of their own education, and allows them to dip in and out of the programme and learn at their own pace. Each of the twelve tutorials contain reflective practice exercises, downloadable workbooks, certificates and practical tools and is accredited by the Royal College of Nurses - that's 12 hours of CPD. This campaign is bang on trend. With recent NICE guidelines aiming to improve eczema management across England, and an increasing number of nurses having to deliver holistic care and patient education with little or no training, is helping to bridge the gap.


Case study: Emirates | Agency: Chemistry UK | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Travel | Objectives: Targeting, brand positioning, brand awareness | Format: Rich media

Case study: EmiratesA neat way of bringing mapping and personalisation into an advertising space. David Carr, Head of Interactive at Chemistry UK Says:

"Emirates is the only long haul airline to fly from 6 UK airports. Despite this, most people still associate mid and long haul flights for business or pleasure with Heathrow or Gatwick. Miles Better used geographic and behavioural targeting coupled with in-advertising mapping to encourage people to fly from their local airport. It demonstrated the ease of getting there by plotting a route and showed how quick the trip would be. The campaign was part of the 6 UK Airports strategy that combined brand led comms, direct response offers, and even brand utility applications to increase passenger numbers for Emirates flights at Newcastle, Birmingham, Glasgow and Manchester."

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