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Talk To Frank case studies: we currently have 1.

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Case study: Talk to Frank | Agency: Profero | Sector: Health information | Format: Web graphical formats

When the UK government’s Central Office of Information commissioned the online elements of their health education campaigns to teach children about the dangers of drugs, they used a sophisticated mix of web formats to encourage interaction and solicit greater involvement. The ‘Talk to Frank’ campaign integrates the web, television, leaflets and face-to-face marketing activities to provide young people with access to detailed information about the specific risks of different drugs. This multi award-winning campaign included placements of banners and skyscrapers that encouraged viewers to take icons from one to the other in order to trigger an action: they could take the image of a drug from the banner to the brand character in the skyscraper and then see how it affected him. The activity delivered the message of the campaign without demanding a click through and as well as the visible skyscraper and banner formats included a rich media layer over the page.

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