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Taglab case studies: we currently have 11.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Shell | Sector: Oil industry | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Online forum

Shell Optimax was the first performance unleaded fuel to market in the UK. It quickly developed an enthusiastic following amongst “petrol-heads” who were generating online buzz on forums, chatrooms and blogs. Taglab developed a fully featured forum, complying with Shell’s corporate web templates, within a one month project turnaround. The site promoted Shell Optimax performance fuel, capitalising on grassroots support for the product by providing a forum for enthusiasts to post their views, plus a competition and Grand Prix news. Within one week of launch, hundreds of users had registered on the site.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Schroders | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Rich media

Schroders has historically focussed on direct marketing and trade press advertising in order to promote their funds to institutional investors. In order to test the effectiveness of online advertising, Taglab was briefed to adapt a series of fund campaigns into online treatments. They built a series of campaigns to promote fund launches and high performing funds to independent financial advisors. Whilst Schroders traditionally focusses on promoting funds to institutional investors, online advertising provides a cost effective means of reaching a wider IFA and retail audience.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: N&P | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Web content

Interactive Flash presentation aids used by financial planners at Norwich & Peterborough Financial Advice Service to inform and educate customers on a variety of topics including attitude to risk, the cost of delay in starting a pension and how the stock market works. In order to provide high quality, impartial advice to an audience who tend to be financially unsophisticated, N&P’s advisors require presentation aids that help them to discuss complex financial concepts such as attitude to risk in a clear and accessible manner. Taglab developed a range of interactive Flash presentation tools that could be integrated into N&P’s electronic financial advise system.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Lycos | Sector: Media | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Viral

Lycos has evolved from an early leader in search to the content portal that it is today. With a large registered user-base for services such as Lycos Mail, Lycos aims to monetise its audience by extending into new content areas, such as XY. XY is a new channel on Lycos, targeting a similar audience to magazines such as Zoo and Nuts. Taglab was developed PR-able content and Viral game featuring user generated content to promote the launch of Lycos UK’s new “XY” men’s channel. The campaign features a Flash photofit style application enabling users to combine the features of celebrity females to design the perfect woman. The images can then be sent to friends or published in an online gallery.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Centrica | Sector: Gas industry | Objective: Customer communication | Format: Website redesign

Taglab brought British Gas’ site in line with the new brand and accessibility guidelines. Before the site was redeveloped, most British Gas Business customers tended to make contact via the call centre, rather than using the website. Moving just a small proportion of customers online would result in a large saving in customer support costs. The British Gas Business site targets both SMEs and larger industrial and commercial customers. Offering a combination of gas, electricity, telecoms and other business services, the site provides a combination of marketing and customer service information.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: CBI and DTI | Sector: Regulatory | Objective: Brand awareness | Format: Website redesign

Fit for the Future, the national campaign for best practice, offered a lot of content online. However, their site was hard to navigate, making this content difficult to access. A new site design was required that made more effective use of the content. Fit for the Future campaign website was developed for the CBI and DTI to promote the adoption and exchange of best practice in British industry. The site features hundreds of regularly updated articles on best practice. The new site generated substantially higher page views per unique visit. It also helped to address the perception that the campaign had a region bias to the South East.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Big Picture | Sector: Research | Objective: Brand awareness | Format: Rich media

The Big Picture is a research agency with a difference – they specialise in design. Clients include some of the world’s leading brand owners. Their website needed to appeal to a wide audience, from research buyers at major multinationals, to designers at exclusive creative agencies. Taglab developed a trio of stickmen characters, adapted from the new Big Picture logo. The site presents a series of tableau featuring these stickmen to illustrate various key aspects of the way in which consumers interact with design. As the stickmen encounter brands in everyday situations, typographic symbols appear in their heads to illustrate this interaction.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Betfair | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer acquisition and retention | Format: Website redesign

Originally launched in 2004, Betfair Poker has grown rapidly to become one of the busiest poker rooms in Europe. The site was originally hosted on the main Betfair platform. Whilst this allowed for tight integration with user account functionality, there was limited scope for content management. The current site targets both existing customers and prospects. Content is regularly updated and features dynamic, flexible templates, supporting rich media and timesensitive content. The new site now performs substantially better that its predecessor.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Betfair | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Newsletter

Betfair is the world's leading online betting exchange. Taglab designs and produces their monthly "In-Play" newsletter. The contents include opinion pieces, event previews, community content, analysis, competitions, hints and tips. The newsletter combines an email and microsite, achieving consistently high clickthrough rates. In a recent issue, 36% of those opening the email clicked through to the microsite.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Betfair | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Event diary application

When Betfair launched in 2000, they were the world’s first online betting exchange. Since then, they’ve grown rapidly, and today they have 95,000 active users. Each year, Betfair would mail these users a branded diary. As their membership grew, this tradition became increasingly expensive. The time had come to consider an alternative approach. Taglab developed a sophisticated online sporting calendar targeting Betfair’s registered users. The calendar, featuring hundreds of sporting events. Functionality includes the ability to import events into Outlook, TV listing information and deep-links into Betfair’s markets.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Avis and Visa | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Dedicated website

A specially developed site to promote the customer benefits of the partnership between Avis and British Airways. The site recognised returning visitors automatically, delivering tailored offers and benefits based upon the user's Executive Club membership status. Taglab Publisher was used to control when offers were presented, and to whom. Taglab developed a microsite with “remember me” cookie functionality, that stores which tier of the Executive Club each passenger belongs to.

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