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Sport case studies: we currently have 104.

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Social media case study: Super Bowl blackout hands victory to Twitter


A 35 minute power outage on the pitch at this year's Super Bowl XLVII led to a surge in traffic on social media. The showdown between the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers was shut down for 35 minutes when half of the lights in the New Orleans Superdome went out. The resulting confusion led to a surge in traffic on social media sites talking about what became known online as "the blackout bowl." Advertisers were quick to capitalise on the sudden ad space opportunity. Within four minutes of the outage, advertisers had sent out their first tweets 'newsjacking' the event with their own branded take on the story.

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Brand: Oreo, Tide, Audi | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage, Automotive, Household goods | Country: US | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Twitter, Social Media |

14/02/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Carling lets soccer fans ‘Be The Coach’

Last year, Carling Black Label ran a mobile campaign inviting South African soccer fans to ‘Be The Coach’. Using mobile voting users selected the team and make live substitutions in a huge South African soccer game. This case study looks at how the campaign generated almost 450% traffic increase to its Facebook page and a 600% Twitter following increase.

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Brand: Carling | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: South Africa | Agencies: Ogilvy South Africa | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Video, Mobile, Social Media |

14/02/2013  |  Full story...

Banned Sodastream Super Bowl ad becomes Internet hit

A Sodastream commercial has become a hit on YouTube, after being banned from an upcoming Super Bowl spot by broadcaster CBS for mocking rivals.CBS rejected the company's initial attempt at a Super Bowl spot, reportedly, because the content of the spot took a direct swipe at two other Super bowl participants - Coke and Pepsi. After the ban, Sodastream submitted a revised version featuring no brand names. It also released the spot that was rejected by CBS. The banned version is now on YouTube, and has ammased around 2 million views to date.

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Brand: Sodastream | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Common, Pale Dot Voyage, Octopus of the Mind | Format: YouTube, Video |

06/02/2013  |  Full story...

Tiger Woods returns to Nike… and gets 7m YouTube views

As Lance Armstrong falls from grace (and Nike’s sponsorship roster), another controversial sporting figure has made a return to the sports brand's video ads. Tiger Woods battles Rory McIlroy in this humourous golfing tee-off where ‘no cup is safe’. The commercial, produced by agency Wieden+Kennedy, came out earlier this week and became an immediate YouTube hit. To date, it has surpassed 7 million views.

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Brand: Nike | Sector: FMCG, Sport, Clothing | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Wieden+Kennedy | Format: Video, TV, Youtube, Viral |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

Converse’s Domaination campaign makes innovative use of paid search keyphrase bidding


Converse, the global footwear brand, took a novel and innovative way to connect with their teenage audience online. They took the Google paid search channel and turned an advertising space into a game experience. Rather than trying to capture the attention of their audience in the search channel through the normal way - of bidding against other brands on popular search terms - they decided to do the opposite. Converse identified peaking search terms via Google Zeitgeist and then bid against these low competition low cost phrases. Instead of presenting the viewer with an ad – they started a dialogue through the ad copy and dozens of interconnected microsites that engaged the viewer in a deeper content rich experience. Not only did this engage the audience in a total unexpected way – but also still helped drive large volumes of traffic to

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Brand: Converse | Country: USA | | Sector: FMCG, Clothing, Sports | Format: Search, Google


Mobile marketing case study: Reebok’s ‘Rondo’ integrated mobile campaign


Reebok built a quick and dirty mobile marketing campaign based around the popularity of the Boston Celtics star player Rajon Rondo. In just 8 working days a mobile campaign was launched that reached a valuable target audience of potential Reebok consumers in this entertaining and engaging campaign. Building upon the catch-phrase “You got Rondo’d”, a mobile internet site was created along with supporting viral videos. These bite-sized bits of content prompted users to enter their mobile details to receive a custom ringtone and real-time information via their phones. This case study shows that even on a tight time-line and budget, a targeted mobile marketing campaign can deliver impactful results.

Reebok Rondo'd case study

Video case study

Reebok "You Got Rondo'd"

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Brand: Reebok | Country: USA | | Sector: FMCG, Clothing, Sports | Format: Mobile

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

Facebook and fitness apps- a social success story?


Facebook is touting the success of a number of fitness apps, including Nike, as social networkers go digital to track and map their work out sessions. The site’s developers blog has highlighted four applications that have taken advantage of Facebook’s Open Graph to find success on the social network. With these apps, users can post a map of their run, gain a personal trainer in their pocket, count calories burned and share successes.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Nike | Media: Facebook | Country: US | Sector: Sport | Format: Social media and Mobile

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

Sporting News referrals jump 63% with Facebook social plugin


AOL-owned sports media brand Sporting News used Facebook to provide a quick and easy way to share articles with friends with like button and recommendations plugin increase engagement on their site. Sporting News also used traffic data to optimize the implementation and refine their utilization approach. Facebook referrals to Sporting News increased 63% from October to December 2010. Facebook activity on Sporting News increased 49% in total in January and February 2011. Three months after the Facebook Social Plugin integrations, traffic to the Sporting News site doubled. Since the integration, Facebook has become one of the top three referrers of traffic to Sporting News – up from #16.

Facebook case study |
Sporting News

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Brand: Sporting News| Sector: News | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Endomondo boosts Facebook traffic 75% via sharing workout stats


Fitness app Endomondo used Facebook to streamline the registration process, allowing users to register and sign in with no need to create a new username and password. The app associates an Open Graph object – such as running, biking, cycling and hiking – with each workout, allowing them to determine a user's last workout and top sports. Through the activity feed, users can find friends who recently joined and follow their workout, which starts conversations and encourages sharing. They complement its mobile app with a desktop web app where users can analyse their own workout statistics. It uses location to display workout routes, which appear as rich maps on a user's timeline. The app also calculates and shows workout metrics – including total distance, average speed and calories burnt – to create more interesting stories. Since launching with Open Graph in March, Endomondo has seen traffic from Facebook increase by more than 75% and the number of workouts shared daily on Facebook grow by over 150%.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Endomondo| Sector: Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Bud Light 'Facebook Hotel' uses RFID technology to bring offline event to life


Bud Light used Facebook to generate more word of mouth. At the annual Super Bowl-related event, the brand took over an actual hotel, and it turned to Facebook to spread the experience beyond the hotel’s 200 rooms. Bud Light created a tab on its Facebook Page where people could follow the Dallas event. At the hotel, guests got RFID wristbands enabling them to take photos of themselves with friends at kiosks stationed throughout the hotel property. They could then tag the people in their pics and publish the shots to their news feeds, boosting awareness of the event within friends’ networks. Sharing the Bud Light Hotel event on Facebook resulted in a 200% increase in engagement on the brand’s page.

Facebook case study | Video case study

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Brand: Bud Light | Country: USA| Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


ESPN uses Twitter Web Intents to send thousands of Tweets every day


US news network ESPN works with Twitter to drive both the distribution and conversations about the articles and videos that it produces. Whether it's the ESPN staff editorials after a big game or new video snippets coming from the SportsCenter team, Twitter helps ESPN spread the conversation to people everywhere. With the’ Web Intents’ campaign, ESPN readers sent over 1,250 Tweets a day, resulting in 15 clicks per Tweet back to the site. The five ESPN Local sites also became one of the top local sports destinations for fans in each respective market.

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Brand: ESPN | Country: US | Sector: Broadcast | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Twitter

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

C4 strikes Paralympic gold with ‘Superhuman’ online ad campaign


This summer saw Channel 4 run its ‘Superhuman’ campaign to promote the London Paralympic games. Working with Mediasyndicator, the online element of the promotion attracted more than 150,000 interactions. As part of Channel 4’s ‘Meet the Superhumans’ online Paralympics advertising campaign, deployed in partnership with digital advertising specialists, Mediasyndicator, also captured the attention of online audiences – with results revealing the campaign achieved over 150,000 interactions.

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Brand: Channel 4 | Country: UK Sector: Broadcast | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Mediasyndicator, | Format: Video, display

11/10/2012  |  Full story...

How Nike Fuelband created buzz about the brand


Nike introduced FuelBand, to increase the existing 7+ million community of Nike +. “Fuel” is a common, universal metric for activity; “Fuel Band” is a device that you wear device that tracks all your daily activity. Users can set targets and share their measurements with others. If a goal is reached, a motivational character called Fuelie shows up to applaud. The fuel band tracks all activities of consumer and with Bluetooth sync technology uploads all data and all activity is tracked on regularly. With the help of social integration one can see and compare activities with friends and motivates, consistently achieving the targets leads to the character Fuelie celebrating.

Fuelband homepage | Case Study | Cannes Lions awards page

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Brand: Nike | Country: USA| Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: R/GA New York


Case Study: Sun Fantasy Football League doubles digital growth with targeted emails


The Sun worked with Underwired to increase the engagement and revenue on its Fantasy Football league via an eCRM programme. This case study shows how very simple use of customer knowledge can have a dramatic impact on campaign results. After moving away from a volume-based, ‘one size fits all’ approach to email, The Sun saw a 32% increase in ROI and a 16% increase in Average Transaction Value, which nearly doubled the growth in revenue from digital channels.

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Brand: The Sun | Country: UK | Agency: Underwired | Sector: Media, Digital, Newspapers, Sport | Format: email, eCRM

26/09/2012  |  Full story...

Cannes Cyber Lions winners: Nike and Curators of Sweden


Sportswear brand Nike and a Swedish tourism campaign scooped the top digital prizes at the 59th Annual Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, the largest and most coveted awards in the industry’s calendar. A key theme that the judges found this year was a shift from storytelling to behaviour, with the most successful campaigns showcasing what a brand can do, rather than via ‘stunts’ or clever messages that create buzz but have little substance or relation to the brand.

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Brand: Nike, Curators of Sweden | Media: Video, Twitter, Facebook | Country: Global

14/09/2012  |  Full story...

Old Spice video case study: ‘Muscle Music’


Old Spice has returned with another interactive viral video, letting viewers make music with their keyboards (via a muscle-bound American football star, naturally). The new ad stars former American football and Expendables star Terry Crews, wired up to a series of makeshift musical instruments. Each time the actor and former NFL football player flexes his muscles he makes a sound. Once the advert has finished playing, viewers are invited to create and record their own version using their keyboard.

Video case study

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Brand: Old Spice | Media: Vimeo | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG- Healthcare | Agency: Wieden & Kennedy | Format: Video and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Huggies turns Facebook babies into Olympic stars


To coincide with the Olympics, Huggies Israel launched this Facebook video campaign, adding personalised sports commentaries for user-submitted baby videos. Huggies Israel enlisted the help of Israel’s most famous sports commentator, Zoheir Bahalool who provided a running commentary on each burp, roll and tumble for each baby video submitted to the Facebook page. The campaign attracted 40,000 unique users in Israel, with the average time on the page reaching 2 minutes and 14 seconds.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Huggies/ Hogla | Media: Facebook | Country: Israel | Sector: Pharmaceutical & Medical | Agency: McCann Digital, Tel aviv | Format: Video and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Nokia Finger Battle app


At the height of football fever this summer, Nokia launched a smartphone game to coincide with the Euro 2012 championships. This case study shows how the ‘Finger Battle app’ became one of the most popular application so the tournament. For the 2012 Euro Cup that took place in Poland and Ukraine, Nokia Poland wanted to create an app that could keep football fans entertained during the football fever in the country. The game became one of the top 10 most downloaded Euro Cup applications, and it became the 3rd most popular game app downloaded. There were more than 6 900 games played, and the app generated more than 5 000 downloads.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Nokia | Media: Mobile app and Facebook | Country: Poland | Sector: Sport/ Mobile | Agency: Wunderman | Format: Mobile app and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Procter & Gamble takes Olympic sponsorship to 34 brands


Procter & Gamble's Olympic sponsorship is set to generate an addition $500m in sales according to its CEO. This case study looks at how the FMCG giant is using the digital channel to push its umbrella Olympic message across 34 of its brands. In announcing the firm’s positive Q2 results, Proctor and Gamble CEO Bob McDonald has cited P&G's Olympics sponsorship as an example of its "scale brought to life". Covering 34 brands and 4m stores over six months, this umbrella campaign should yield $500m in incremental sales, and a payback 50% higher than single brand efforts.

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Procter & Gamble | Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Format: Viral Video »

07/08/2012  |  Full story...

British Airways encourages Brits to stay home to support team GB


Olympic sponsor British Airways is asking supporters of the British Olympics team not to fly during the games in order to help British athletes. For their 2012 Olympic campaign British Airways highlighted the importance of the "home advantage" to athletes when they compete and encouraging Brits to stay home during the games in order to support them as much as possible and provide "the greatest home advantage we can give them".

YouTube Case Study | YouTube Video | Facebook Page

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Brand: British Airways | Media: Facebook, Social Media | Country: UK |Sector: Travel | Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty |

07/08/2012  |  Full story...

Mobile Case Study: Foot Asylum boosts mobile sales 500% after site revamp


At the end of last year, Footwear retailer Foot Asylum underwent a major revamp of its mobile site, with simpler navigation and more incentives to buy the products. This case study shows how the shop saw its mobile sales increase a massive 500%, even bucking seasonal dips. The challenge for Foot Asylum was to take advantage of the increased mobile traffic they were receiving. They enlisted One Iota to design and build a fully optimised mobile site. This made navigation simple and provided an intuitive way to add products to the basket as well as the ability to checkout with ease. Revenue generated by mobile handsets has increased by a staggering 500% from August – February.

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Brand: Foot Asylum | Media: Mobile | Country: UK |Sector: FMCG | Agency: One Iota, Affiliate Window| Format: Mobile

Mobile case study

20/07/2012  |  Full story...

Video viral- Nike Euro 2012 ad gets 9 million views in 3 days


Nike’s football tournament ads have become something of an event in themselves in recent years, but the new “My Time is Now” YouTube ad could be their most successful online venture yet. The YouTube video hit 3 million views in only three days and features an all-star cast of footballers. The video release coincided with the beginning of the European Championships. At time of writing, the has racked over 14 million YouTube views and 80,000 ‘likes’.

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| Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: India | Sector: Film | Objective: Build brand equity| Format: Viral Video »

27/06/2012  |  Full story...

Video viral case study: P&G’s ‘Olympic Moms’ ad gets over 4m YouTube views


Procter & Gamble embarked on the company’s biggest campaign in its 174 year history, using its Olympic sponsor status to push an emotive message celebrating mothers worldwide (a key demographic for the FMCG brand). P&G’s ‘Best Job’ video has taken off since launching April 17. More than 4m people watched the video on the main site, which has been seeded in different languages to appeal to different territories.

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Procter & Gamble | Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Format: Viral Video »

24/05/2012  |  Full story...

How PepsiCo India uses Facebook Reach Block to get 19 million video ad views


Ahead of the Cricket World Cup 2011, PepsiCo India used Facebook’s video ad formats to closely engage with target audiences. The campaign’s main objectives were to create buzz, get the cricket-centric TV spots closer to consumers, create deeper level of engagement for the brand and drive traffic to an application created for the World Cup.

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Brand: PepsiCo India | Media: groupm | Country: India |Sector: Beverages | Agency: Komli | Format: Facebook Reach Block

24/04/2012  |  Full story...

Samsung targets sports app fans to boost TV sales


Engaging a high net-worth, tech-savvy adult male audience with a brand is a tough challenge, but Samsung made smart use of mobile advertising to build brand engagement, driving 198,000 users to a post-click experience.

The purpose of the campaign was to build awareness about the LED 3D TV and drive purchase intent. The campaign resulted in 113% increase in mobile ad awareness & 27% increase in both purchase consideration. Samsung used targeting, and multiple ad formats including interactive ads for iPhone and Android . It also sponsored the popular Sports Tap app, which reached their target audience on mobiles irrespective of the handset and technology they were using. The campaign got a CTR of 1.21% and 50,000 video views. The greater impact of the campaign was the positive inclination towards the brand, with 38% increase in agreement with the statement “Samsung is a leader in new technology”

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Brand: Samsung | Media: Google Admob | Sector: Telecommunications| Agency: MediaVest | Format: Interactive video ads, Expandable canvas ads, Banners and Text links

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