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Sony case studies: we currently have 2.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 2 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Sony Xperia Facebook 'Face Off' game beats click averages


To promote the Sony Xperia-T range handset, Say Media used an ad unit containing a short video inviting viewers to signup for Face Off, a driving game in which viewers could compete with other drivers, live. Participants clicked through to the site, and registered their personal details to gain access to the game. The Face Off campaign comfortably raced past the 2% click-to-site (CTS) benchmark, complimented by a very healthy video completion rate. The Say Media AdFrame featured the Face Off video shown in the bottom right.

Gaming case study- link to creative | Face Off Video Link

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Brand: Sony | Sector: Mobile | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement, drive sales | Format: Display advertising, ,Facebook, Gaming, Social media | Agency/ Partner: Say Media

04/03/2013  |  Full story...

How Sony pictures used rich media to create buzz for 3D film Smurfs


To promote the Smurfs film in Malaysia, Sony Pictures used interactive rich media ad formats to closely engage with the target audiences and generate high dwell rates. The campaign’s tone was fun and entertaining, to keep in line with the feel of the movie.

This case study shows how, with rich media advertising on MSN and MSN Messenger, Sony Pictures got viewers to engage with the brand on the website itself. Users spent and average of 146.36 sec on the banner and the average dwell rates of the campaign were 8.62%, which is above the benchmarks of Malaysia. The campaign was targeted toward the key audience of the movie- teens and young adults age 12-25 and parents with children age 5-12 years. The purpose of the campaign was to create viral buzz about the movie and drive ticket sales for the release of the movie.

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Brand: Sony Pictures| Media: MSN Malaysia, MSN Windows Live Messenger | | Country: Malaysia | Sector: Entertainment |Agency: Universal McCann MY, Monster Interactive MY |Format: Rich Media Interactive 3D ads

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