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Rich Media case studies: we currently have 14.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 14 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Crate & Barrel uses rich media mobile advertising to boost clicks


Crate & Barrel used a Rich Media Ad Unit on mobile to create awareness and drive traffic to its mobile website. The US homewares retailer use AdMob’s rich media ad units with interactive interstitials, full screen expandable ads and banner ads Crate and Barrel created awareness resulting in more than 34,500 users on the website.

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Brand: Crate&Barrel|Media: Google Admob | Country: United States |Sector: Furniture| Agency: Ignited Agency | Format: rich media ad unit

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04/01/2012  |  Full story...

Avatar page takeovers attract high engagement and dwell rates


Twentieth Century Fox used interactive advertising to promote the Blu-Ray and DVD release of blockbuster film Avatar, resulting in a 35% higher than average dwell rate. The campaign used a homepage takeover and interactive video to showcase the video content and recreated the interface from the film.

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Brand: Avatar | Country: USA| Sector: Entertainment| Agency: Moxie (US), Vizeum (Int), Think Jam, Media Mind | Format: Screen Takeover

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01/01/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Predators game and expandable creates buzz and engagement


Twentieth Century Fox created an interactive game and expandable banners to promote action horror film Predators, resulting in high dwell rates and brand advocacy. The campaign used expandable banners, featuring an interactive game (complete with with blood spatters). The game gave users the opportunity to choose their weapons and engage with brand via the game. The gamification enabled users to experience the storyline of the film and also enabled to enter a global MPG. The average dwell time for the campaign was 35.7 seconds 80% above benchmark and the average dwell rate 8.27% nearly 10% higher than benchmark.

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Brand: Predators | Country: USA| Sector: Entertainment| Agency: Moxie (US), Vizeum (Int), Think Jam, Media Mind | Format: Interactive Game in expandable banner

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12/12/2011  |  Full story...

Case study: Despicable Me YouTube takeover gets 30 times more clicks than average


Universal made innovative use of YouTube’s homepage banners to promote its Despicable me movie, garnering high dwell and click through rates. The campaign took over the YouTube homepage in seven markets- UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands & Australia. Universal got viewers to click on banners and also share on Facebook and Twitter, with a click rate of 0.44% which is higher than the average CTR for the entertainment vertical. The average Dwell time of users interacting with the campaign was 90.40 seconds, 1.6 times higher than benchmark & the average dwell rate 54.83%, 7 times higher than benchmark. The CTR was 11.89% which was 30 times more than benchmark.

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Brand: Universal |Media: MediaCom UK | Country: Spain, Nethrlands, Australia, UK, Germany, France, Italy |Sector: Entertainment | Agency: Feref Digital, Media Mind | Format: YouTube Takeover

Read the case study here: MediaMInd


Inception’s Rich Media homepage takeover smashes CTR benchmarks


Warner Brothers used a striking rich media campaign to drive awareness of the DVD released of blockbuster movie Inception, achieving much higher than average dwell rates and click through rates as a result. The campaign employed a user-initiated video within a banner on gaming website GameSpot, showcasing the movie’s special effects. Warner worked with CBS interactive and used Media Mind’s Glider takeover format. The ad begins with the homepage falling towards the user, revealing the world of Inception. The ‘fallen back’ homepage remains visible throughout the experience, so the user maintains a connection to the GameSpot site while exploring the ad. The Dwell rate for Glider Takeover was 21.87%, 268% improvement over the benchmark & CTR was 247% improvement over the benchmark

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Brand: Warner Home Video |Media: CBS Interactive | Country: US |Sector: Telecommunications | Agency: Media Mind | Format: Glider Takeover on GameSpot

View the case study here: MediaMind


How Sony pictures used rich media to create buzz for 3D film Smurfs


To promote the Smurfs film in Malaysia, Sony Pictures used interactive rich media ad formats to closely engage with the target audiences and generate high dwell rates. The campaign’s tone was fun and entertaining, to keep in line with the feel of the movie.

This case study shows how, with rich media advertising on MSN and MSN Messenger, Sony Pictures got viewers to engage with the brand on the website itself. Users spent and average of 146.36 sec on the banner and the average dwell rates of the campaign were 8.62%, which is above the benchmarks of Malaysia. The campaign was targeted toward the key audience of the movie- teens and young adults age 12-25 and parents with children age 5-12 years. The purpose of the campaign was to create viral buzz about the movie and drive ticket sales for the release of the movie.

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Brand: Sony Pictures| Media: MSN Malaysia, MSN Windows Live Messenger | | Country: Malaysia | Sector: Entertainment |Agency: Universal McCann MY, Monster Interactive MY |Format: Rich Media Interactive 3D ads

Download the Case Study: Sony Pictures


City of San Diego uses 3D golf game to drive user engagement

The city of San Diego made smart use of rich media and gaming techniques to drive user engagement, getting a 2.54% click-through-rate from potential customers in the process…

San Diego worked with MediaMInd to use a golf-based game to promote the city as a premier golf destination, reaching out to golf enthusiasts using a combination of demographic, behavioural and geographic targeting. The campaign featured an interactive golf buggy driving game ‘Tee Box Derby ‘ embedded in a banner. The rich-media game showcased the city’s three premier golf courses as levels in the game, driving engagement with the brand. The campaign paid-off, achieving a CTR of 2.54% within the first two weeks alone. The In-banner engagement averaged 90-163 seconds, on different publishers.

Brand: San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau | Media: Interactive Game & banner ads | Country: USA | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Agency: MeringCarson, Illusion Factory & Media Mind | Format: Rich Media Interactive game | Objective: Promote San Diego as Premier resort & golf destination

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Case Study: Gjensidige | Media: MSN | Country: Norway | Sector: Finance | Objectives: Engagement, cut-through | Format: Online advertising, rich media,

Gjen.jpgAn innovative, personalisable avatar brought the benefits of financial independence to life for banking and insurance company Gjensidige. Deployed to engage young adults, the avatar swung into action through expanding banner ads, tying up new levels of engagement for a target audience that is highly resistant to the insurance category.

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Case Study: Warner Bros | Media: MSN | Countries: Europe | Sector: Entertainment | Objective:Brand positioning, brand awareness | Format: Mobile marketing, rich media

WarnerBros.jpgDeployed to boost brand metrics and key perceptions for secret agent movie Get Smart, web and mobile advertising proved that arming a campaign with multiple platforms dramatically increases brand impact. Viewing intent rose by a spectacular 49.9 percentage points amongst those exposed to the online campaign who also recalled seeing Get Smart ads on their phones.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: All-Nippon-Airways - ANA | Media: MSN | Country: Japan | Sector: Travel | Objective: Click-through, direct response, engagement, lead generation | Format: Online advertising, Rich media

ANA.jpgEncouraging MSN users to browse flights and check availability through an innovative ‘mouse-over’ ad format gave All Nippon Airways (ANA) lift off in conversions.

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Case Study: Mars | Media: MSN | Country: Belgium | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning | Format: Video, Rich media

Mars.jpgA funky online video campaign for Mars got 16-34-year-old Belgians moving to the brand’s beat, and sent brand recognition scores dancing past industry benchmarks.

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Case Study: Toyota Prius | Media: MSN | Country: Japan | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Brand awareness, brand repositioning, purchase intent | Format: Rich media

The Toyota Prius, the world’s first mass-produced hybrid vehicle, went on sale in 1997 as an environmentally friendly car. However, many consumers were put off by the new look of the vehicle. A light-hearted driving adventure, with users riding alongside through online video travelogues and Windows Live Messenger, persuaded consumers to spend more time with the Toyota Prius.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: Qatar Airways | Media: BBC Worldwide | Countries: Global | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Rich Media

Qatar Airways developed a rich media expandable unit to be placed on the BBC Worldwide website. This unit allowed for extended video, promotions of fares and useful tools like currency converter and weather info.
The result was a great benefit to the brand. As well as the audience reach and the BBC brand halo effect, it let users interact with the brand without leaving the environment.


Case study: e-detail aid for ADHD treatment | Agency: Creative Lynx | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Brand repositioning, engagement | Format: Video, rich media

cs_lacta.jpg Creative Lynx were commissioned by Janssen-Cilag to create a pilot eDetail Aid for their ADHD treatment Concerta XL. The Concerta XL eDetail was developed as the centrepiece of the brand revitalisation campaign carried out by Creative Lynx.The market was becoming increasingly competitive and Janssen-Cilag needed something to give their sales force an edge over the competition. The eDetail aid delivers a unique user experience, whilst engaging interactive exercises provide audience profiling and segmentation. Complex medical data is delivered in a clear format whilst rich media content of videos, algorithms and animations encourage interaction and aid message retention. This valuable clinician insight allows the distribution of targeted promotional direct mails and ensures that follow-up presentations address specific barriers to prescribing. The rep feedback for the Concerta XL eDetail was extremely positive and the results were excellent, with a 20% increase in prescribing patterns and a significant boost to year on year sale figures. Such was the success that the project was extended to develop e-Detail aids across a range of Janssen-Cilag brands. Creative Lynx has progressed to become the lead creative agency for Concerta XL in the UK.


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