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Case study: Pepsi Dear Mr President | Agency: R/GA | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positiong, purchase intent, engagement | Format: Rich media, social media, microsite & video

Case study: Pepsi Dear Mr PresidentThe goals for Pepsi were to bring awareness to their updated brand and logo, re-establish Pepsi’s position as a youthful challenger brand and tap into the iconic “change” social/political movement of the Obama election. They also wanted to foster brand community through 2-way communication with customers and chose the web and a social marketing model as the way to achieve this. Their ‘Refresh Everything’ message was a natural fit with Obama’s drive for change in politics and social values, and the campaign harnessed video content, social media and digital marketing in innovative ways to reach the millennial generation. The model centered around an open letter to Barack Obama and saw consumers recording their webcam messages directly from a video banner. This got them not only interacting with the banner, but actually creating content and pushing it back to the brand.

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