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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Purchase Intent case studies: we currently have 25.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 25 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Case Study: Splenda | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

splenda.jpgMcNeil Nutritionals, a Johnson & Johnson company, was looking for the most effective way to test market Splenda Mist, a spray form of Splenda No Calorie Sweetener. In order to drive awareness among the target consumer (women 25+), facilitate sampling of and solicit feedback on the product, the Splenda Brand turned to Facebook. Splenda utilized Facebook advertising, marketing, and developer platforms to create the first-ever product launch and sampling campaign on Facebook. The resultant launch on Facebook exceeded all Brand expectations, demonstrating the power of Facebook as a highly effective tool for driving consumer engagement and feedback.

Download the case study: Splenda - Facebook | Facebook | Splenda


Case Study: Sephora | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Retail | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

sephora.jpgSephora turned to Facebook to increase brand awareness and strengthen their position as a leader in the natural and organic makeup category. The solution Facebook provided was through its Virtual Gift Engagement ad, which was a branded reusable shopping tote for users to give to their friends along with a message. Those who sent the virtual gift were awarded a promotional code they could redeem, with any purchase, for a real, limited edition tote bag. During the campaign, Sephora gained 10,274 new fans and orders and traffic to more than doubled.

Download the case study: Sephora - Facebook | Facebook | Sephora


Case Study: Universal Pictures - Bruno | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

Universal Studios turned to Facebook to promote the nationwide theatrical release of Bruno. By utilizing a one-day reach block to maximize reach, Bruno was able to drive significant engagement and incremental distribution in the form of organic stories inherent to the platform. They also successfully leveraged a variety of engagement ads and tools such
as Events and Pages to drive incremental awareness, engagement and distribution culminating in a “fan” base of over 700,000 users prior to the release of the film.

Download the case study: Universal Studios - Facebook | Facebook | Universal Studios


Case Study: Wendy's | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Food | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent, brand awareness | Format: Social media

wendys.jpgWendy’s wanted to increase awareness and drive excitement around the launch of their new ‘Flavour Dipped Chicken Sandwich’ in October 2008. The solution was provided by Facebook in the form of an engagement ad: the virtual gift. This allowed users to send a virtual ‘Flavour Dipped’ sandwich with a personal message underneath. The result was a boost in awareness for the brand with over 191,000 gifts given in the first week; as well as buzz creation, with discussions about ‘Wendy’s’ rising 60% while the gift was available.

Download the case study: Wendy's - Facebook | Facebook | Wendy's


Case Study: Lionsgate - Saw V | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

Saw%20V.jpgLionsgate wanted to drive awareness and intent to the film Saw V by advertising on Facebook. The solution Facebook provided was to build a fan page, create an event for the opening weekend of the film, and allowed users to become a ‘fan’ of the film. Finally they created a virtual ‘Jigsaw’ gift that lived on the recipient's wall and spread through news feeds. The results were clear, with 43,000 Facebook users becoming ‘fans’ of the film and the phrase “Saw V” on Facebook walls increased over 18 times during the campaign

Download the case study: Lionsgate - Facebook | Facebook | Lionsgate


Case Study: Festival | Media: MSN | Country: Columbia | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Purchase intent, buzz, engagement | Format: Social media

Festival.jpgThe chance to design their own emoticon kept tweens clicking on the cookie brand’s Windows Live Messenger tab, with over 306 million hits helping to drive a 35 per cent increase in sales.

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Case Study: Coca-Cola | Media: MSN | Country: Coca-Cola | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Engagement, click through, integration, purchase intent | Format: Video, social media

CocaCola.jpgA spectacular two-stage campaign across a range of Microsoft Advertising channels turned Coca-Cola’s popular ‘Happiness Factory’ ad into an online cinema event with a nation-wide community following and spectacular engagement levels. With over 13 million ad impressions, double-digit click-through rates and 600,000 downloads, there was a lot of happiness to go around.

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Case Study: Johnnie Walker | Media: MSN | Country: Taiwan | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Cut-through, engagement, purchase intent | Format: Interactive media

Johnnie%20Walker.jpgMaking strides into the online space enabled Johnnie Walker to reach an astonishing one fifth of Taiwanese 25-34-year-olds, engaging a new generation of tech-savvy, sociable drinkers and proving the value of interactive media in any liquor marketing blend.

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Case Study: Hong Kong Tourist Board | Media: MSN | Country: Hong Kong | Sector: Tourism | Objective: Brand awareness, purchase intent | Format: Website

HK.jpgTantalising potential visitors with a whirlwind tour of the city’s hottest dating spots proved an irresistible online strategy for Hong Kong, doubling the target number of visitors to the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s promotional webpage, and seducing Japanese tourists in dramatically increased numbers.

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Case Study: 20th Century Fox | Media: MSN | Country: UK | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Brand awareness, purchase intent, cut-through | Format: Video, In-game advertising

Fox.jpgDigital media turned in a star-making performance for the launch of 20th Century Fox’s The Day The Earth Stood Still, as a groundbreaking study showcased its huge potential for film marketing.

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Case Study: Warner Music | Media MSN | Country: Thailand | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Brand repositioning, purchase intent, driving traffic | Format: Online radio

Warner.jpgAn innovative online radio station, integrated into the Windows Live
Messenger platform, soon had a new generation of Thai listeners moving to Warner Music’s beat.

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Case Study: Motorola | Media: MSN | Country: Spain | Sector: IT telecommunications | Objective: Brand awareness, click-through, direct response, purchase intent | Format: Video, online advertising

Motorola.jpgInviting Spanish rock fans to jam online through MSN Video ensured a big audience reaction when Motorola’s new EM325 handset took to the stage. With ads on Windows Live Messenger alone delivering 39,500 click-throughs in 3 hours, a sell-out crowd was guaranteed.

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Case Study: Vaseline | Media: MSN | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG- Healthcare | Objective: Brand repositioning, purchase intent | Format: In-game advertising

Vaseline.jpgPositioning its “strong and resilient” skincare message alongside a series of highaction, male-interest games drove home Vaseline’s message that taking care of your skin isn’t just for women.

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Case Study: Toyota Prius | Media: MSN | Country: Japan | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Brand awareness, brand repositioning, purchase intent | Format: Rich media

The Toyota Prius, the world’s first mass-produced hybrid vehicle, went on sale in 1997 as an environmentally friendly car. However, many consumers were put off by the new look of the vehicle. A light-hearted driving adventure, with users riding alongside through online video travelogues and Windows Live Messenger, persuaded consumers to spend more time with the Toyota Prius.

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Case Study: Mazda | Media: MSN | Country: Spain | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Brand awareness, purchase intent, integration | Format: Online advertising

Mazda.pngFuelling its launch of the Mazda2 through a mix of TV and online advertising delivered roaring results for Mazda. Exposure to the online ads increased awareness of the Mazda2 by 7 percentage points, with test drive applications increasing by 193 per cent during the campaign.

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Case Study: Ford | Media: MSN | Country: Denmark | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Brand awareness, brand repositioning, purchase intent | Format: Social Media, Design

Ford%20logo%201.jpgA bold, content-driven campaign, in which young women auditioned to present Fashion TV online drove Ford’s image makeover and helped to position the Fiesta as Denmark’s next top auto model.

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Case Study: Emirates | Media: BBC Worldwide | Country: Global | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Mobile

Emirates utilised the BBC Worldwide mobile site to launch their advertising campaign.
High stand-out on the screen benefited the brand. As well as the weighting of the advertising content, the prestige of the BBC environment and the associated BBC brand halo effect. Emirates are also reaping the benefits of being seen as early adopters of the mobile channel.
Emirates was one the BBC's global launch partners advertising on BBC Mobile first started. This campaign not only hugely raised Emirates' awareness, but also drove a high volume of usage to Emirates' own mobile site. Key performance indicators included the uplift in mobile check-in use and the awareness of mobile check-in services.


Case Study: Qatar Airways | Media: BBC Worldwide | Countries: Global | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Rich Media

Qatar Airways developed a rich media expandable unit to be placed on the BBC Worldwide website. This unit allowed for extended video, promotions of fares and useful tools like currency converter and weather info.
The result was a great benefit to the brand. As well as the audience reach and the BBC brand halo effect, it let users interact with the brand without leaving the environment.


Case study: Volkswagen Twitter Banner | Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Engagment, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Rich media & social media

Case study: Volkswagen Twitter BannerVW capture the moment by aligning their brands with the Twitter messaging tool. Using Twitter in the advert creates interest and helps VW stand out from other motor manufacturers. By typing in your Twitter name it then looks for your tweets and claims to be finding the right car for you based on your content. Behind the scenes it seems to pull language from your Twitter feed and display this within the advert. It’s a neat way of dipping into Twitter, but the real benefit here is threefold: engagement with the customer, creating the spark of talkability about the brand, and VW’s alignment with the funky microblogging platform tech trendsetters have gravitated towards.

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Case study: Nivea For Men | Agency: TBWA, Pixelpusher | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Pharmaceuticals | Objectives: Engagement, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Rich media & video

Case study: Nivea For MenA neat use of video story-telling. The Nivea-for-men brand plays on the wider marketing proposition of personal grooming products for young male audiences and gives the viewer an option of a couple of different videos. The storyline of the actor when he has the women’s product is to transfer him to a shoe shop where he is amusingly out of place, while the right (male) lotion clearly does the trick and has his girlfriend march straight into the storyline. A simple way to build engagement and interactive humour into otherwise static, linear advertising.

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Case study: Snickers Get Some Nuts | Agency: Mediacom Create | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Purchase intent, lead generation | Format: Rich media, mobile & viral

Case study: Snickers Get Some NutsThis example of data capture inside an advertising space is a good way of showing how brands can build lists and email addresses of prospects without needing them to visit the website. In this particular example, the confectionery brand Snickers uses mobile marketing as a way of sending messages between friends that are from their brand spokesperson – Mr T. The messaging is customised by name and gives the person who triggers the message a range of options. A neat way of reaching into social networks and getting people with mobiles to forward the brand message to their friends.

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Case study: L’Oréal Derma Genesis | Agency: Compass Interactive | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Pharmaceuticals | Objectives: Brand awareness, engagement, purchase intent | Format: Rich media, microsite & video

Case study: L’Oréal Derma GenesisAchieving dwell time in media is a massive challenge. The click happy generation rarely spend seconds with commercial messages and have become adept at filtering out what doesn’t interest them. However this campaign from L’Oréal achieved 2-3 minutes of dwell time, here’s why…

Derma Genesis was a new product line from L’Oréal designed to revitalize and illuminate the skin. To promote brand awareness they launched a campaign in the Malaysian market to promote the range of products. L’Oréal has a reputation for forward thinking, and this was further proven by their first foray into online advertising. Rather than “testing the waters” with a minimum buy campaign, L’Oréal decided to pull out all the stops with Derma Genesis and launched a heavyweight campaign with free samples, a video contest, interactive product information and a really integrated campaign. For consumer packaged goods firms there’s a real challenge in building both awareness and encouraging trial, but the brand achieved this with the bespoke ‘MSN Homepage skinner’ advertising format. The presence of the brand clearly caught the attention of users on the MSN Homepage and also reached Windows Live Hotmail visitors. L’Oréal spokesmodel Penelope Cruz prominently featured on the home page.

Download the case study: L’Oréal Derma Genesis | View campaign creative


Case study: Revels | Agency: Skive Creative | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Brand positioning, purchase intent , engagement | Format: Rich media, social media, microsite & video

Case study: RevelsUsing the idea of reality TV shows and voting for eviction, this campaign is about the idea of evicting one of the varieties of sweets. It’s a neat way of riding a current social trend with creating simple interaction within an advertising format. For fast moving consumer packaged goods brands like Revel’s, they’re not trying to sell off the page, their goal is to build brand image, discussion and front of mind awareness. That’s exactly what this creative achieves – even without deep interaction on the website.

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Case study: Pepsi Dear Mr President | Agency: R/GA | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positiong, purchase intent, engagement | Format: Rich media, social media, microsite & video

Case study: Pepsi Dear Mr PresidentThe goals for Pepsi were to bring awareness to their updated brand and logo, re-establish Pepsi’s position as a youthful challenger brand and tap into the iconic “change” social/political movement of the Obama election. They also wanted to foster brand community through 2-way communication with customers and chose the web and a social marketing model as the way to achieve this. Their ‘Refresh Everything’ message was a natural fit with Obama’s drive for change in politics and social values, and the campaign harnessed video content, social media and digital marketing in innovative ways to reach the millennial generation. The model centered around an open letter to Barack Obama and saw consumers recording their webcam messages directly from a video banner. This got them not only interacting with the banner, but actually creating content and pushing it back to the brand.

Download the case study: Pepsi Dear Mr President | View campaign creative


Case study: Pedigree | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Purchase intent, increasing conversion | Format: Mobile

Pedigree mobileMobile encourages 5x more voucher redemption

This mobile campaign was kick started with 300,000 mailers containing vouchers being delivered nationwide. A text & win was offered giving customers the chance to win a year’s supply of dog food and a digital camera. Customers were invited to text SMALL DOG to 82222 to enter the competition and then reminded to use the vouchers each month, by text message.

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