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Publishing Strategy case studies: we currently have 12.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 12 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Journalist-powered search engine tackles 'fake news'

French news organisation Liberation decided to take on a fight against fake news and hoaxes to clean the information landscape when the French presidential election entered its final stage in March last year. The result, Liberation took a bold step to stop the bleed and countered the algorithms that connect news article together without considering sources and created the first human search engine by gathering a team of journalists to answer any question asked with curated and sourced information. It started with “Desintox”, an exclusive twitter service before launching Checknews, the slowest search engine on the market, also, its most reliable.


04/01/2018  |  Full story...

Display ad case study: Cheapflights “Drag Drop and Go”

Cheapflights launched an image-based search function, Drag, Drop and Go for people wanting to find flights for worldwide events. This case study looks at how the travel site got a 95% clickthrough rate to the site with a quirky interactive banner search campaign

08/08/2017  |  Full story...

Near field communication case study: The end of the silent magazine

Billboard magazine in Brazil challenged its advertising agency Ogilvy to help their magazine stand out on shelves in newsagents. The result: the first music magazine in the world to play the music readers are reading about.

26/01/2015  |  Full story...

Agatha Christie site revamp gets 35% audience boost in first week


The official website for crime writer Agatha Christie got a revamp this month, resulting in a significant rise in visitors. This case study looks at how digital agency Tangent Snowball used a user-centred social media strategy to solve the mystery of fan engagement…

Brand: Acorn Productions | Sector: Publishing | Country: UK | Partner/agency: Tangent Snowball | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Website design, Social media

07/10/2013  |  Full story...

Do digital content partnerships work? LG, Majestic Wines, Boots, Disney and Lenor examined


The Association of Online Publishers (AOP) has revealed the results of a proprietary study into the value of premium content partnerships. Five bespoke partnerships were measured with media brands Haymarket, Guardian, Telegraph, and IPC and advertising brands LG, Majestic Wines, Boots, Disney and Lenor. This case study looks into the effect of these partnerships, and how consumers engaged with the brands.

Brand: LG, Majestic Wines, Boots, Disney and Lenor | Sector: FMCG, Consumer Electronics, Entertatinement | Country: UK | Agency/Partner: Haymarket, Guardian, Telegraph, and IPC | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Content partnerships, display advertising, Video, Publishing

11/09/2013  |  Full story...

Guardian boosts reader base with Facebook video content


The Guardian newspaper used Facebook to reach a new audience, increase engagement on their site and ultimately grow their base of readers through Open Graph. Guardian built a Facebook app to bring news, video and audio content to readers. The app publishes actions across a range of content: news articles, videos, and even podcasts. They also created lightweight actions 'agree' and 'disagree' for opinion articles to enable people to share their sentiment on issues. Open-graph actions and objectives such as read an article, watch a video, play a podcast, agree or disagree with an article were incorporated. The app has grown to over 3.9 million monthly active users, over half of which are under the age of 25.

Facebook case study | The Guardian Facebook App

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Brand: Guardian| Sector: News and Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Goodreads lets Facebook users rate books to boost engagement


Book-sharing app Goodreads used Facebook to generate book ratings and deepen engagement with users through the Open Graph. They used Open-graph actions to make it easy for people to take an action - rate a book and mark a book as to-read - with just a single click. The number of daily active users has increased by more than 77% and over 6 million books have been rated, marked as read or to-read on Goodreads since launch with Open-graph.

Facebook case study | Goodreads Facebook app

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Brand: Goodreads| Sector: News and Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Flipboard uses Facebook logins to get 50% higher retention rate


Online magazine content aggregator Flipboard used Facebook to increase distribution by letting users discover and share content in a visually beautiful magazine style. Flipboard integrated Facebook News Feed, Walls, Pages, Photo Albums, and Photos Tagged of You as sections within the Flipboard social magazine. They also added Page and Group search via the Graph API, to help users discover new sections to add to their Flipboard. This resulted in 50% higher retention for users who signed into Facebook compared to who didn’t. Also the majority of users who connected to Facebook spent about half their time in Flipboard on the Facebook section

Facebook case study | Flipboard

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Brand: Flipboard | Sector: Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Reuters turns event attendees into reporters via Twitter push


Reuters used Mass Relevance to curate over 100,000 Tweets for its Davos Media Wall during the World Economic Forum. When the Reuters editorial team had its kickoff meeting for Davos, the objective for their 2012 conference was clear: surface the best articles, blog posts, videos and photos from the event so everyone could see the active conversation happening at the event. Alex Leo, Reuters' Director of News Products, faced a familiar challenge. Reuters wanted to capture both the day-to-day networking, conversations, and on-line commentary taking place at the World Economic Forum, and the pictures and videos that offered viewers a deeper insight into the conference.

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Brand: Reuters | Country: US | Sector: Media | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Twitter

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

Future publishing boosts conversions 5% through customer understanding


Future Publishing worked with Maxymiser to boost subscriptions via a digital campaign that used multi-variate testing and optimisation of the entire customer journey to encourage conversions. By looking at basic elements around design, layout and navigation, the campaign tested 96 variants to reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates. This case study looks at how the publisher achieved a 5.1% rise in conversions.

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Brand: Future Publishing | Country: UK | Sector: Publishing, magazines | Objective: boost conversions and subscriptions | Format:Email, Display, Multi-variate Testing

18/10/2012  |  Full story...

Marie Claire runs first UK video ad in print magazine


In a UK first, Marie Claire inserted a video ad on the pages of its October issue, set to play once a reader turns to page 35 and 35. Despite featuring in a limited run, the campaign generated a huge amount of media buzz both online and offline.

YouTube video

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Brand: Procter and Gamble | Country: UK | Agency: MediaCom | Sector: Media, Digital, FMCG | Format: Video, Magazines

26/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Rocksound | Sector: Publishing | Format: Social media on Twitter

Rocksound TwitterA rock magazine for 15-24 year-olds has a naturally good fit with the profile of early adopting techno-heads. But that doesn’t mean their management team would know how to engage in the digital space or have the innovative spirit to try things out. But they do, they did, and here’s the result. It’s a great example of low cost digital publishing with the content driving brand adorers to build buzz about their passions and discussion about the brand.

Rocksound on Twitter


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