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Palm case studies: we currently have 1.

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Agency: AKQA | Client: Palm | Sector: IT | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Interactive media

palm%20100.jpg New campaign: Palm Treo 680 Launch
Palm targeted a broader audience for the launch of the Treo 680 because of the model's lower price point. As part of the global multimedia initiative, Palm allied with brands that consumers are passionate about: Amazon, Google, Flickr, The Onion, Yahoo and Zagal. Static and interactive media formats (such as the first ever SMS-activated kiosks) were used to communicate the breadth of Treo's features. 700 bus shelters in New York were equipped to allow users to receive horoscopes from The Onion via SMS. A WAP/mobile jump page was also created to drive users to a microsite for the full Palm experience.

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