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Outdoor case studies: we currently have 3.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 3 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Twitter case study: Rayban promotes ‘real-life Instagram’ effect

Ray-Ban Belgium and DDB Brussels have launched a new campaign that makes creative use of public transportation to communicate Ray-Ban’s wide range of polarized color lenses: from sky blue to hot pink. In all major Belgian cities, trams were redesigned into "Ray-Ban Test-Drive Trams" that let consumers discover the city through different Ray-Ban color lenses.

Brand: Rayban Belgium | Sector: Clothing, Luxury | Country: Belgium | Agency/Partner: DDB Brussels | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Outdoor, Instagram, Social Media, Video

10/09/2013  |  Full story...

Huggies Hong Kong drives sales with Facebook baby competition


Facebook is well known for its popularity among mothers sharing baby photos, and Huggies Hong Kong made smart use of this via a snapshot competition, resulting in 4,000 photos in just 3 weeks and and a boost to brand awareness. Working with Social@Ogilvy, Huggies asked fans in Hong Kong to upload their favorite baby snapshots to its Huggies HK Facebook Page. The 60 photos receiving the most fan votes would appear on the city’s buses. At least, that was the plan. Using Facebook Ads to help drive campaign awareness, Huggies received an overwhelming response—more than 4,000 photos were uploaded in just three weeks.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Huggies | Country: Hong Kong | Sector: FMCG- Healthcarel | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook, Social Media, Outdoor

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

Dove Facebook App outshines beauty pageant with 23,000 new social media fans


Ahead of an annual Beauty Queen pageant held on International Women's Day, Dove created a social media campaign entitled "Beauty Does Not Have Just One Queen." This case study looks at how, with one outdoor billboard and a highly targeted Facebook app, the brand created a huge amount of online engagement and 23,000 new Facebook fans.

The campaign, for the Unilever-owned cosmetic and toiletry brand, used a Facebook application that was connected to a digital billboard in the heart of Tel Aviv. Women uploaded a picture of themselves using the app, and their portrait was then screened on the billboard with the caption "Beauty Does Not Have Just One Queen".

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Brand: Dove |Media: OOH, Facebook videos | Country: Israel |Sector: FMCG | Agency: McCann Erickson | Format: Facebook App, TV spot

14/05/2012  |  Full story...

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