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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Online Advertising case studies: we currently have 11.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 11 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Baileys Christmas campaign gets social for year-long impact

For Christmas 2013, Baileys took a different approach, ditching festive imagery for a message about friends that resonated all year round. This case study looks at how the Diageo brand used traditional media as well as banners, pre-rolls, and social media. The campaign, under the slogan ‘Baileys, let’s do this again’, was composed of five TV executions, six print and outdoor executions, and various digital executions (banners, pre-rolls, RM, social media).

Brand: Baileys | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverages, Alcohol | Country: UK | Partner/agency: We Are Social | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: TV, Video, YouTube

29/10/2013  |  Full story...

Khaleej Times ‘banner that talks back’ boosts subscriptions

As social media and blogging sites pull readers away from traditional newspapers and their websites, one publisher decided to fight back with this clever banner campaign that highlights how opinions shared on social media aren't always reliable. The banner with an opinion on everything made one message clear: an educated opinion is based on fact. The banner had a 33% engagement rate and the newspaper increased its subscriptions by 1.6% as a result.

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Brand: Khaleej Times | Sector: Newspaper | Country: UAE | Objective: Build brand engagement, drive subscriptions | Format: Display advertising | Agency/ Partner: TBWA/RAAD Dubai

07/03/2013  |  Full story...

Windows 8- how are brands using in-app advertising?


Following the launch of Windows 8 Ads-in-Apps (AiA) Microsoft has unveiled the latest campaigns to make use of its new cross-platform ad formats. This case study looks at 4 brands- Jeep, Delta, Sony Pictures and Ford as they capitallise on the new Windows 8 format.

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Brand: Microsoft, Jeep, Delta, Sony, Ford | Sector: Automotive, Film, Travel | Country: UK | Agencies: Razorfish, Universal McCann/Sapient, Team Detroit, This is Tommy | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Display, Video, Mobile, Windows 8 |

14/02/2013  |  Full story...

iHeartRadio links mobile accounts to Facebook to get 30 times more growth


Social music app iHeartRadio uses Login with Facebook for web login and single sign-on in their Android and iOS apps to make it easy for people to access and avoid the churn of registration forms. Also, Facebook was used to build user trust by educating people on how to turn sharing on / off and showing a facepile of friends who like the app. Consistent education of their Open Graph publishing experiences minimizes user confusion and reduces unexpected sharing. The number of Facebook-connected monthly active users has increase by 30 times since launch of Open graph.

Facebook case study

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Brand: iHeart | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand awareness and increase user base | Format: Facebook Page


Case study: Search engine marketing strategy as Converse creates entertainment from Google


This case study from Conserve has to be the most innovative approach to search engine marketing that we have ever seen. In order to connect with their youth audience in a highly targeted and personal way Converse exploited the search engines results page by cleverly bidding on long tail keyphrases that they could assume were teenager generated.

This enabled them to own paid search advertising spaces (otherwise unexploited) to start a conversation and capture response (at a very low cost) from their target audience. With this simple tactic in place they generated numerous low cost microsites that collectively captured the imagination of their audience.

More on the case study:
Brand: Converse | Media: Search and websites | Country: USA / Global | Agency: Anomaly | Sector: Clothing - Footwear | Objective: Build brand equity, create relevant entertainment experiences | Format: Search engine marketing strategy that combines search with entertainment and microsites

25/05/2012  |  Full story...

Case Study: Vauxhall | Media: MSN | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Brand awareness, targeting, integration | Format: Online advertising

Vauxhall.jpgMicrosoft Advertising’s behavioural targeting technology ensured a high performance launch for Vauxhall’s new Insignia, steering ads directly to those actively engaged in researching auto purchases.

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Case Study: Gjensidige | Media: MSN | Country: Norway | Sector: Finance | Objectives: Engagement, cut-through | Format: Online advertising, rich media,

Gjen.jpgAn innovative, personalisable avatar brought the benefits of financial independence to life for banking and insurance company Gjensidige. Deployed to engage young adults, the avatar swung into action through expanding banner ads, tying up new levels of engagement for a target audience that is highly resistant to the insurance category.

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Case Study: All-Nippon-Airways - ANA | Media: MSN | Country: Japan | Sector: Travel | Objective: Click-through, direct response, engagement, lead generation | Format: Online advertising, Rich media

ANA.jpgEncouraging MSN users to browse flights and check availability through an innovative ‘mouse-over’ ad format gave All Nippon Airways (ANA) lift off in conversions.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: Motorola | Media: MSN | Country: Spain | Sector: IT telecommunications | Objective: Brand awareness, click-through, direct response, purchase intent | Format: Video, online advertising

Motorola.jpgInviting Spanish rock fans to jam online through MSN Video ensured a big audience reaction when Motorola’s new EM325 handset took to the stage. With ads on Windows Live Messenger alone delivering 39,500 click-throughs in 3 hours, a sell-out crowd was guaranteed.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: Mazda | Media: MSN | Country: Spain | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Brand awareness, purchase intent, integration | Format: Online advertising

Mazda.pngFuelling its launch of the Mazda2 through a mix of TV and online advertising delivered roaring results for Mazda. Exposure to the online ads increased awareness of the Mazda2 by 7 percentage points, with test drive applications increasing by 193 per cent during the campaign.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Agency: Taglab | Client: Betfair | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Event diary application

When Betfair launched in 2000, they were the world’s first online betting exchange. Since then, they’ve grown rapidly, and today they have 95,000 active users. Each year, Betfair would mail these users a branded diary. As their membership grew, this tradition became increasingly expensive. The time had come to consider an alternative approach. Taglab developed a sophisticated online sporting calendar targeting Betfair’s registered users. The calendar, featuring hundreds of sporting events. Functionality includes the ability to import events into Outlook, TV listing information and deep-links into Betfair’s markets.

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