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Nokia case studies: we currently have 5.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 5 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Real time marketing: Nokia challenges Blackberry with its QWERTY me campaign

Nokia launched a real time marketing campaign in Mexico and Indonesia to take on Blackberry and demonstrate the limitations of the popular Blackberry handset compared to the Nokia ASHA 303.

Nokia: Qwerty Me-Indonesia from we are fallon on Vimeo.

19/03/2015  |  Full story...

Case study: Nokia Finger Battle app


At the height of football fever this summer, Nokia launched a smartphone game to coincide with the Euro 2012 championships. This case study shows how the ‘Finger Battle app’ became one of the most popular application so the tournament. For the 2012 Euro Cup that took place in Poland and Ukraine, Nokia Poland wanted to create an app that could keep football fans entertained during the football fever in the country. The game became one of the top 10 most downloaded Euro Cup applications, and it became the 3rd most popular game app downloaded. There were more than 6 900 games played, and the app generated more than 5 000 downloads.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Nokia | Media: Mobile app and Facebook | Country: Poland | Sector: Sport/ Mobile | Agency: Wunderman | Format: Mobile app and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Nokia N95 | Sector: Telecomms | Objectives: Lead generation, purchase intent, brand awareness | Format: Video, email, rich media

Nokia N95The Nokia N95 broke new ground in smartphone technology. To create advocates for the new device, Nokia turned to Microsoft to reach techsavvy target groups. Cross-media research was conducted by MetrixLab to measure how the different combinations of media affected brand metrics such as awareness, recall, imagery, message association, and purchase intent. Around 3,400 people took part in the research.

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Case study: Nokia on Facebook | Sector: Telecommunications | Objectives: Brand repositioning, buzz, trend creation | Format: Sponsorship and content integration

Nokia on FacebookNokia is about connecting people. The pioneers of mobile phones created the handsets a generation grew up with, and the handsets a generation learned to ‘talk’ with. So how smart and how fitting that Nokia is the brand behind an initiative for writing the rules for mobile and SMS conversations. Getting the most from a new technology isn’t about understanding the functions it’s about understanding how to behave with it. We master the functions quickly, but the behaviour takes longer and as people try out new technologies (from texting to tweeting), there’s a new type of behaviour we have to discover. So when Nokia started thinking about how people connect, it seemed only natural to let their customers do the talking. And that’s what you have right here. A great example of a wider social message, linked to a brand truth, delivered through a sponsorship, inside a community space, using social content - and along the way some great marketing. Like the strapline says, Nokia really are about ‘connecting people’.


Case study: Coca-Cola Zero & Nokia | Sector: FMCG | Format: Mobile

Coca-Cola Zero offers Coca-Cola taste with zero calories. Brazil has become one of its most important markets, and Coke Zero was looking for ways to reinforce its position as a leading low-calorie soft drink. To extend its relationship with young audiences it launched Coca-Cola Zero Studio, a project that fuses different types of music together. Two Brazilian artists recorded a show mixing their musical styles in association with a major music broadcaster, so Coca-Cola was seeking a way to share this content with consumers, and raise awareness of the recently launched Coca-Cola Zero brand.

Download Nokia Coke Zero case study


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