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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Nestle case studies: we currently have 17.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 17 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Maggi web series reaches 2 million Snapchatters

Nestle’s Maggi won over a younger audience with a web series about a French Food Tour, hosted on Snapchat. This case study looks at how the cooking seasoning brand reached 2 million people with engaging long-form video content.


16/03/2018  |  Full story...

Instagram case study: Nestea boost purchase intent with video ads

Iced tea giant Nestea ran a variety of Instagram ads to successfully introduce its new iced tea drinks, achieving a 5-point lift in purchase intent overall.


04/01/2018  |  Full story...

App marketing case study: Nestlé gets 3% click-through on King games

Candy Crush-owner King tested a new advertising platform with Double Click to boost in-app ads. This case study looks at how FMCG giant Nestle created a ‘value exchange’ within mobile games to get player’s attention.


06/11/2017  |  Full story...

KitKat and YouTube create real life “Crossy Road”

KitKat was looking for ways to engage the gaming community and encourage them to turn to the brand for snacking during breaks. Working with JWT London and Google, KitKat developed a concept that gave them a way to talk to gamers directly in gamer language.

09/03/2017  |  Full story...

Nescafé gives students study break with “Instant Manga” app campaign

How do you sell coffee to people who are never really tired? Nescafe had this challenge when it tried to target the student market in China with and ‘Instant Manga’ study break app.

05/01/2017  |  Full story...

#HardWokLife: Maggi uses Facebook Video to boost ad recall

Facebook video ads delivered a strong increase in ad recall and brand awareness in South Africa for this popular food brand.

04/01/2017  |  Full story...

Nescafe reaches 12m in Egypt with Facebook video

Nescafe enjoyed a huge boost in awareness through a video-led campaign that encouraged Egyptians to reconnect with old friends over a cup of coffee.

25/08/2016  |  Full story...

Video marketing: Sequential storytelling with Nespresso

To raise awareness of its commitment to sustainability, Nespresso designed an innovative YouTube campaign, with George Clooney and Matt Damon. Featuring a sequential storytelling approach, the campaign was executed across multiple markets through a central campaign “command centre” where brand team’s agencies and YouTube/Google worked closely, making strategic decisions and fast executional adjustments.

20/04/2016  |  Full story...

Periscope case study: Nestle turns camera on customers to generate social buzz

Nestlé’s Drumstick used a different angle for its Periscope marketing. Rather than running video feeds of its facilities and employees, it made its customers the focal point of the Periscope campaign. This case study looks at how the FMCG giant generated more than 5,000 views and more than 50,000 hearts in just over 12 hours with smart social marketing.


12/04/2016  |  Full story...

Crisis management case study: Nestlé’s Maggi noodles banned in India

At the end of May 2015, India’s Food safety administration (FDA) ordered Nestlé India to recall its popular 2-minute Maggi noodles after tests showed that the product contained high levels of lead and MSG. This case study looks at how the situation developed, and how Nestlé reacted and managed the situation using multiple digital channels.


16/07/2015  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Nescafe shows social power of a coffee with global experiment

Everyone has Facebook friends that we barely know in real life- but can a real cup of coffee bring us closer together? Nestle challenged a Facebook user with 1,200 Facebook friends to meet as many of them as possible over a two-month period- surprising them with two cups of coffee and film their reactions and conversations. This case study looks at how the coffee brand got 8 million views with a unique social experiment that put the brand at the heart of the story.

Nescafe Really Friends 2min from Charlotte Buisson on Vimeo.

23/04/2015  |  Full story...

Gaming case study: Shreddies' Nana interactive video campaign gets high engagement

To promote its Shreddies cereal brand, Nestle UK launched a PlayCaptcha+ campaign to raise awareness and increase viewership of two short videos in the 'Great British Nana Holiday' series.Campaign results reported that 80% of users viewed 5 seconds or more of the video ads and the format worked well on mobile, with 61% of interactions occurring on tablet platforms.


19/11/2014  |  Full story...

The fail trail: How 3 brands handled a social media crisis


When Domino’s employees were caught on YouTube defiling a pizza, the company took less than 3 weeks to claw back a 22% drop in customer sentiment. However, when Nestle and United Airlines suffered setbacks, the brands took considerably longer to recover. This infographic from software and consultancy firm SDL Social Intelligence looks at all three case studies and charts the ‘fail trail’ as companies recover from a social media crisis.

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Brand: Dominos, Nestle, United Airlines | Sector: FMCG, Travel | Country: US/ Global | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: Social Media

22/03/2013  |  Full story...

BenNaNa digital campaign tops Sina Weibo charts


To promote BenNaNa in China, Nestlé Ice Cream ran a digital campaign on a microsite and social network Sina Weibo. Nestle worked with Social@Ogilvy (a team of social experts from OgilvyOne and Ogilvy PR) to run the two-part campaign. It consisted of a microsite based on the kid-friendly theme of a magical island as well as a hugely popular corporate Sina Weibo account complete with bespoke funny videos that has seen close to three million users share posts or upload their own BenNaNa pictures.

More on this case study…
Brand: Nestle | Sector: FMCG, Food | Coutry: China | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency | Saachi and Saachi | Format: Social media, Gaming |

30/01/2013  |  Full story...

Kit Kat performs own ‘space jump’


In honour of Felix Baumgartner’s landmark skydive from the edge of space, Nestle sent a Kit Kat bar into the ether with a video camera. The 'Break from Gravity' project saw the four-fingered chocolate bar sent to a height of 22 miles after beginning its ascent from Cambridgeshire at 11.20am on Saturday (13 October). Camera footage, which tracked the Kit Kat’s ascent and descent, was shared via the brand’s social media channels.

YouTube video

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Brand: KitKat | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG, Foods | Agency: JWT London | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Video, Facebook, YouTube

24/10/2012  |  Full story...

Nestle puts GPS trackers in Kit Kat bars to deliver prizes


In the autumn of 2012, Nestle launched a (slightly creepy) new promotion for its Kit Kat, Yorkie and Aero bars, embedding GPS trackers in select bars, with the promise to track down the buyer within 24 hours to deliver a £10,000 prize. The UK promotion called 'We will find you', involved six KitKat 4 Finger, KitKat Chunky, Aero Peppermint Medium, or Yorkie bars. Nestlé devised the campaign to appeal to men, and backed the marketing blitz with TV ads and a smartphone campaign.

YouTube advert

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Brand: Nestle | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG Food | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: JWT London | Format: YouTube, social media, retail

05/10/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Nestle tweets in online ads | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Targeting, click-through, buzz | Format: Banner adverts, Social media on Twitter

061008-TwitterAd.jpgFood manufacturing giant Nestle has come up with an innovative use for Twitter that combines together a mix of digital channels. Their latest advertising campaign for JuicyJuice includes a Twitter feed within the advertising creative. This social media campaign lets people post their own tweets within the advertising that appears online. At the time of writing, the brand is testing it on US sites CafeMom and BabyCenter. Here’s how it works: there are questions inside the advertising space that relate to parenting (How do you stimulate your child's mind? How important are vitamin-enhanced foods to you?). People can write their message or tweet inside the advertising.

15/06/2009  |  Full story...

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