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Monarch case studies: we currently have 1.

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Case study: Fly Monarch | Agency: Greenlight | Sector: Recruitment | Format: Search

Fly Monarch case studyWhen Monarch Airlines approached Greenlight in 2004, their organic search presence was limited, leaving their competitors to capture the lion’s share of search traffic for low-cost air travel. Today Monarch Airlines occupies positions one to three in Google’s organic results for all of their main flight destinations and they are consistently ranked in the top 3 spots for highly sought after travel search terms including ‘Cheap Flights.’

Tasked with increasing Monarch Airlines’ share of organic traffic, Greenlight devised a full scale search engine optimisation campaign to target 500+ keywords, auditing more than 800 web pages and targeting some fiercely competitive search terms.

Since teaming up with Greenlight, the volume of qualified traffic to has grown exponentially, reaching a current rate of 200,000 unique visits every month. The success of this campaign is evident in the 143,000 flight bookings it has generated and the 360:1 ROI it has delivered. With consistently prominent rankings across the major search engines Monarch Airlines is now the most visible airline in organic search results for the UK.

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