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Mobile Marketing case studies: we currently have 269.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 269 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Case Study: MMA | Media: MSN | Country: France | Sector: Financial services - Insurance | Objectives: Brand awareness, engagement, driving traffic, click-through | Format: Mobile marketing

MMA.jpgMobile advertising provided French insurance company MMA with a highly personal platform for warning young French adults of the dangers of drink driving. An innovative range of mobile content, including virtual breath tests and designated driver generators, drove a 2 per cent clickthrough rate, and a ten-fold increase in traffic on MMA’s road safety mobile site.

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Case Study: Warner Bros | Media: MSN | Countries: Europe | Sector: Entertainment | Objective:Brand positioning, brand awareness | Format: Mobile marketing, rich media

WarnerBros.jpgDeployed to boost brand metrics and key perceptions for secret agent movie Get Smart, web and mobile advertising proved that arming a campaign with multiple platforms dramatically increases brand impact. Viewing intent rose by a spectacular 49.9 percentage points amongst those exposed to the online campaign who also recalled seeing Get Smart ads on their phones.

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Case Study: Emirates | Media: BBC Worldwide | Country: Global | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Mobile

Emirates utilised the BBC Worldwide mobile site to launch their advertising campaign.
High stand-out on the screen benefited the brand. As well as the weighting of the advertising content, the prestige of the BBC environment and the associated BBC brand halo effect. Emirates are also reaping the benefits of being seen as early adopters of the mobile channel.
Emirates was one the BBC's global launch partners advertising on BBC Mobile first started. This campaign not only hugely raised Emirates' awareness, but also drove a high volume of usage to Emirates' own mobile site. Key performance indicators included the uplift in mobile check-in use and the awareness of mobile check-in services.


Case study: Snickers Get Some Nuts | Agency: Mediacom Create | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Purchase intent, lead generation | Format: Rich media, mobile & viral

Case study: Snickers Get Some NutsThis example of data capture inside an advertising space is a good way of showing how brands can build lists and email addresses of prospects without needing them to visit the website. In this particular example, the confectionery brand Snickers uses mobile marketing as a way of sending messages between friends that are from their brand spokesperson – Mr T. The messaging is customised by name and gives the person who triggers the message a range of options. A neat way of reaching into social networks and getting people with mobiles to forward the brand message to their friends.

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Case study: KDDI | Sector: Telecomms | Objectives: Brand awareness, targeting | Format: Rich media

cKDDIFor mobile operators, business and enterprise users are vital customers. But they are difficult to reach—particularly the decision makers. When KDD I brand Business au! launched the E03CA mobile phone, a rugged, secure handset that meets the needs of a business lifestyle, it had to find a way to get the message to the people that mattered—high-level executives. Microsoft Advertising had the answer.

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Case study: AIS | Sector: Telecomms | Objectives: Traffic-driving, buzz, brand awareness | Format: Rich media

AISThailand-based telecommunications company Advanced Info Service PLC (AIS) is a market leader. With traditional ad channels having less impact among tech-savvy professionals, it was time for a new approach. AIS believed that many tech-savvy Thais went online for the best deals on new mobiles. So the company wanted to try online for its latest phone and airtime package. The problem was finding a media owner with high reach who could deliver measurable results.

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Case study: Nokia on Facebook | Sector: Telecommunications | Objectives: Brand repositioning, buzz, trend creation | Format: Sponsorship and content integration

Nokia on FacebookNokia is about connecting people. The pioneers of mobile phones created the handsets a generation grew up with, and the handsets a generation learned to ‘talk’ with. So how smart and how fitting that Nokia is the brand behind an initiative for writing the rules for mobile and SMS conversations. Getting the most from a new technology isn’t about understanding the functions it’s about understanding how to behave with it. We master the functions quickly, but the behaviour takes longer and as people try out new technologies (from texting to tweeting), there’s a new type of behaviour we have to discover. So when Nokia started thinking about how people connect, it seemed only natural to let their customers do the talking. And that’s what you have right here. A great example of a wider social message, linked to a brand truth, delivered through a sponsorship, inside a community space, using social content - and along the way some great marketing. Like the strapline says, Nokia really are about ‘connecting people’.


Case study: Bookstart | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: Public | Objectives: Targeting | Format: Mobile


Mobile drives free book giveaway

In this campaign by Incentivated TV ads were run featuring a prominent text call to action ran during daytime TV shows on 34 channels for four weeks. By texting BOOK along with their name, house no. and postcode to 80800, viewers can receive a free book from bookstart. Mobile was the only medium used to request a book.Texts were totally free to viewers.

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Case study: Jaguar | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Brand positioning, click-through | Format: Mobile

Jaguar MobileMobile enhances passenger experience for BA

A mobile banner advertising campaign across the whole Yahoo! US mobile network
on the day of the motor show, as well as at other times on other sites. The ads clicked through to a mobile internet site* where user could read about the design, performance and innovative
features of the car or download videos and wallpapers. (*As well as unique iPhone site) Users could also submit their email address to receive the XF email brochure or enter their zipcode to locate their nearest dealer to arrange a test drive.

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Case study: MacMillan Cancer Support | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: Charity | Objectives: Sales | Format: Mobile

cs_i-mcmillan.jpgMobile generates 59% of donations from press campaign

This campaign featured a Call-to-action in national newspapers and on television. Donors text SUPPORT, NURSE, HELP or MACMILLAN to 85222, which deducts £3 from the donor’s mobile. Donors are sent a WAP push message inviting them to fill out a mobile internet Gift Aid form. By confirming they are tax payers, Macmillan can claim extra 28% from HM Revenue & Customs. (An SMS questionnaire alternative was offered.)

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Case study: Pedigree | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Purchase intent, increasing conversion | Format: Mobile

Pedigree mobileMobile encourages 5x more voucher redemption

This mobile campaign was kick started with 300,000 mailers containing vouchers being delivered nationwide. A text & win was offered giving customers the chance to win a year’s supply of dog food and a digital camera. Customers were invited to text SMALL DOG to 82222 to enter the competition and then reminded to use the vouchers each month, by text message.

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Case study: British Airways | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: Travel | Objectives: Engagement, reputation management | Format: Mobile

British Airways MobileMobile enhances passenger experience for BA

British Airways launched a new mobile service that could provide passengers with up to the minute the information about their flights. Passengers enter their mobile numbers via Up-to-the-minute SMS alerts are sent if their flight is going to be delayed or is cancelled. Messages are sent in a number of languages. The service integrates with BA’s existing information system.

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Case study: Transport for London Cabwise | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: Public | Format: Mobile

cs_i-cabwise.jpgMobile helps to reduce cab-related attacks by 46%

In an effort to reduce crime related to illegal taxis in London Incentivated launched the Cabwise initiative where by subscribers could text HOME to 60835 (spells ’G0TFL’) to receive local licensed minicab and taxi information in the area they are texting from. A Location Based Service search is used to pinpoint the subscriber’s exact location, enabling the relevant information to be identified and sent. The database of 45,000 licensed minicab operators and drivers is updated daily to maximise safety.

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Case study: Blink TV and GirlsAloud | Sector: Entertainment | Format: Mobile

Mobile Girls AloudThis is a simple example of integrated mobile marketing. UK agency g8wave worked with Blink TV (the leading supplier of video screens and equipment to the music industry) to target Girls Aloud fans by offering the chance to meet their band. The mobile marketing promotion for Girls Aloud was based around the band’s Out of Control tour, which opened in Manchester. Blink were behind the stunning mix of visuals on the tour and as part of the pre-show build-up, fans saw a short film inviting them to text in their details to win a VIP trip to Wembley Stadium to meet the girls when they support Coldplay in September.

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Case study: Reebok | Agency: Inside Mobile | Sector: Retail | Format: Mobile

Reebok Rondo'dWorld class strategic thinking, aligned with excellent creative. This is a ground-breaking campaign that sets the standard for what mobile marketing can achieve. Mobile was at the heart of a massive integrated campaign combining advertising, social media and experiential channels, creating discussion and building engagement. Astonishingly, the campaign was all put together in just 8 days.

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07/05/2009  |  Full story...

Case study: Coca-Cola Zero & Nokia | Sector: FMCG | Format: Mobile

Coca-Cola Zero offers Coca-Cola taste with zero calories. Brazil has become one of its most important markets, and Coke Zero was looking for ways to reinforce its position as a leading low-calorie soft drink. To extend its relationship with young audiences it launched Coca-Cola Zero Studio, a project that fuses different types of music together. Two Brazilian artists recorded a show mixing their musical styles in association with a major music broadcaster, so Coca-Cola was seeking a way to share this content with consumers, and raise awareness of the recently launched Coca-Cola Zero brand.

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Agency: AKQA | Client: Palm | Sector: IT | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Interactive media

palm%20100.jpg New campaign: Palm Treo 680 Launch
Palm targeted a broader audience for the launch of the Treo 680 because of the model's lower price point. As part of the global multimedia initiative, Palm allied with brands that consumers are passionate about: Amazon, Google, Flickr, The Onion, Yahoo and Zagal. Static and interactive media formats (such as the first ever SMS-activated kiosks) were used to communicate the breadth of Treo's features. 700 bus shelters in New York were equipped to allow users to receive horoscopes from The Onion via SMS. A WAP/mobile jump page was also created to drive users to a microsite for the full Palm experience.

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Agency: Incentivated | Client: British Airways | Sector: Transport | Objective: Customer retention | Format: mobile and search

ba.jpgThrough the website customers could enter their mobile numbers to receive up-to-the minute flight and contact information. During disruption caused by terrorist activity in August 2006 over 20,000 SMS messages were sent to BA passengers and cabin crew in 87 countries over a four-day period, which was 18 times more traffic than the previous highest. This campaign combined direct response mechanics of search with the awareness building properties of graphical formats.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: The Body Shop | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Customer acqusition | Format: Email and SMS

The Body Shop wanted to find a way to attract customers to specific Love Your Body events. Using Digital Marketeer The Body Shop was communicating with their customer base on a regular basis. They used this form of communication to invite people to register for the Love Your Body events in people’s local areas. A direct mail piece was sent to all registrants advising them of the upcoming events two weeks before the event. An email was sent to 60,000 people one week before the event and followed by an SMS reminder message on the day of the event.

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