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Mobile Marketing case studies: we currently have 269.

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Case study: SkyyVodka captures consumer data in fun way with ‘Skypad’


This iPad app from South African vodka brand Skyy makes data capture fun for the consumer, with an entertaining cocktail mixer game. Skyy realised that no-one likes form filling when it comes to registering interest with brands, so the created an iPad game to capture data in an engaging way. The firm created the app and sent promoters to bars with iPads. Beyond boosting sales, the firm claimed the app captured data to boost long term loyalty.

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Brand: Skyy | Country: South Africa | Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: iPad App

11/10/2012  |  Full story...

Coca Cola uses mobile to send and share Coke across the globe


Coca-Cola re-imagined the classic 'Hilltop' commercial for a modern audience, in the digital age. Fulfilling the promise of the original ad, it allows users to connect with strangers by sending a Coke around the globe to an unsuspecting recipient, making the world feel just a little bit smaller. The ad can be experienced on mobile phone apps in Google’s AdMob network, across iOS and Android devices through AdMob rich media ads, coupled with custom-designed vending machines, viewers can buy the world a Coke, with a few taps on their mobile phones.

Video case study | Mobile demo | Case study |

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Brand: Coca-Cola | Country: USA| Sector:FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Grow Interactive, Johannes Leonardo | Format: Mobile Display Advertising

04/10/2012  |  Full story...

How Nike Fuelband created buzz about the brand


Nike introduced FuelBand, to increase the existing 7+ million community of Nike +. “Fuel” is a common, universal metric for activity; “Fuel Band” is a device that you wear device that tracks all your daily activity. Users can set targets and share their measurements with others. If a goal is reached, a motivational character called Fuelie shows up to applaud. The fuel band tracks all activities of consumer and with Bluetooth sync technology uploads all data and all activity is tracked on regularly. With the help of social integration one can see and compare activities with friends and motivates, consistently achieving the targets leads to the character Fuelie celebrating.

Fuelband homepage | Case Study | Cannes Lions awards page

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Brand: Nike | Country: USA| Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: R/GA New York


Case study: Samsung’s improvisation stars bring ‘Your Song’ live


As part of Samsung’s promotion of its new Galaxy S 3 in Singapore, the phone maker hires several improvisational musicians, including Merton of Chatroulette fame, to bring personalised songs to via a live webcast. By using fans’ Facebook friends and personal facts, the musicians performed spontaneous compositions to make it ‘Your Song." During the 6 hour show, 61 people had a personalised song sung to them live.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Samsung | Country: Singapore | Agency: Cheil Singapore | Sector: Mobile | Format: Video, Mobile, social media

14/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Nokia Finger Battle app


At the height of football fever this summer, Nokia launched a smartphone game to coincide with the Euro 2012 championships. This case study shows how the ‘Finger Battle app’ became one of the most popular application so the tournament. For the 2012 Euro Cup that took place in Poland and Ukraine, Nokia Poland wanted to create an app that could keep football fans entertained during the football fever in the country. The game became one of the top 10 most downloaded Euro Cup applications, and it became the 3rd most popular game app downloaded. There were more than 6 900 games played, and the app generated more than 5 000 downloads.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Nokia | Media: Mobile app and Facebook | Country: Poland | Sector: Sport/ Mobile | Agency: Wunderman | Format: Mobile app and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: The T-Mobile Royal Wedding gets 20m views


The sight of Prince William leapfrogging Prince Harry, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams getting his groove on and other royals dancing their way down the aisle was enough to create one of the most successful virals of the year. To date it the T-Mobile video has received more than 20 million views - that's not so far off the number who watched the big day on television in the UK.
The video was conceived by the mobile carrier brand T-Mobile and has gained well over 20 million views since being uploaded to YouTube on April 15. Set to East 17's "House of Love".

YouTube case study

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Brand: T-Mobile | Media: Video | Country: US |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

T-Mobile brings Angry Birds to life to get 10m views


This promotional video from T-Mobile highlighted the phenomenally popular “Angry Birds” mobile video games. Purportedly actual video of a promotional event held in Barcelona, Spain in May, the clip shows Angry Birds players at a kiosk in a public square which broadcasts their gameplay on a giant screen, followed by the eruption of large plastic bird heads into the square. The video attracted over 10 million views, and emphasised a key aspect of T-mobile offering in a fun and innovative way, while piggy-backing on the phenomenon of Angry Birds.

YouTube case study

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Brand: T-Mobile | Media: Video | Country: Spain | Sector: Mobile | Agency:Saatchi & Saatchi | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Mobile Case Study: Foot Asylum boosts mobile sales 500% after site revamp


At the end of last year, Footwear retailer Foot Asylum underwent a major revamp of its mobile site, with simpler navigation and more incentives to buy the products. This case study shows how the shop saw its mobile sales increase a massive 500%, even bucking seasonal dips. The challenge for Foot Asylum was to take advantage of the increased mobile traffic they were receiving. They enlisted One Iota to design and build a fully optimised mobile site. This made navigation simple and provided an intuitive way to add products to the basket as well as the ability to checkout with ease. Revenue generated by mobile handsets has increased by a staggering 500% from August – February.

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Brand: Foot Asylum | Media: Mobile | Country: UK |Sector: FMCG | Agency: One Iota, Affiliate Window| Format: Mobile

Mobile case study

20/07/2012  |  Full story...

Tohato uses mobile social gaming to create brand engagement


Savoury snack maker Tohato used mobile internet and QR codes on packaging to launch two new flavours and create a buzz in Japan. A mobile phone game called "World's Worst War" was designed pitting Tyrant Habanero's Imperial Army against Satan Jolokia's Demon Army in a war to decide the ‘hottest and tastiest snack’. Players purchased their preferred product, scanning a QR code on the package into their phones to select a faction on which to side. The participants could then accumulate points and rise in rank by recruiting friends to join twice-weekly massively multiplayer online battles against countless other players. This case study shows how to make advertising money work hard, to attract, engage and change behaviour. The campaign also drove advocacy and word of mouth and demonstrates the binding power of co-creation communication strategies. The game resulted in participation of over 10,000 people and led to communities discussing the battle strategies. The campaign resulted in increase page views on the website to 100,000 per day.

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Brand: Tohato |Media: Mobile| Country: Japan |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Hakuhodo | Format: Multiplayer Online Game

YouTube case study

18/07/2012  |  Full story...

Mobile case study- Coca-Cola branded iPhone game drives teen engagement


Coca-Cola has made a foray into advergaming with their new title, Crabs & Penguins. The beverage giant made smart use of gamification techniques, with a music soundtrack and social media links, to build long-term engagement with consumers by letting players unlock levels and learn about a story.

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Brand: Coco-Cola |Media: Communities & Gaming portals, Smartphones, Mobile | Sector: FMCG | Agency: Ember Lab | Format: iPhone App |

YouTube video: Coca-Cola | Mobile App: Crabs and Penguins | Micro-site campaign: Crabs and Penguins

04/07/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study- Beauty retailer Sephora mixes in-store, mobile and online to build brand love


Looking for a retail brand who has made best use of digital media to enhance the shopping experience? Then look no further than Sephora. This US-based beauty retailer has been incredibly savvy at seamlessly integrating all the latest web, social and mobile media platforms with the physical store to drive customer engagement and sales. They have cleverly leveraged social media – through Facebook, Twitter and more recently Pinterest – to build an on-going dialogue with a large and loyal online fan-base of beauty lovers. They have developed mobile, tablet and in-store digital media platforms to interweave the online / offline shopping journey.

27/06/2012  |  Full story...

‘Peephole’ Axe campaign mixes QR codes with Facebook to drive brand engagement


This risqué ‘Peephole’ campaign from men’s deodorant brand Axe made innovative use of QR codes. The ad targeted its demographic of young men with a ‘hot’ video that suddenly stops, prompting viewers to continue the experience at the brand’s Facebook page. Once on the social networking site, users could unblock hotter and more daring videos by sharing the experiences with their friends. The action kept getting hotter in the videos, all leading to one common message: STOP LURKING, START MATING. Experience the AXE Effect. A reminder that to get into the action, you need AXE.

The campaign worked by making smart use of QR codes, video content, Facebook Pages and consumer insight. The results were 14% of the target audience watched the videos daily. 33% increase in social interaction with the brand. 52 % increase in post views and feedback (engagement) on Facebook.

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Brand: Axe |Media: OOH, Facebook videos | Country: US |Sector: FMCG | Agency: DDB Puerto Rico, Guaynabo| Format: Facebook Page videos

Social media case study Axe Facebok campaign | YouTube Viral Video Peephole advert


Mobile marketing: Samsung-sponsored Angry Birds Christmas game gets half a million hours of brand exposure


Back in December 2011, Samsung sponsored 25 levels of new Angry Birds levels running on Google Chrome as part of a Christmas promotion. This case study shows how the campaign got the electronics brand nearly half a million hours of brand exposure from consumers.

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Brand: Samsung |Media: Communities & Gaming portals, Smartphones, Mobile| Sector: Electronics, Mobile | Agency: Enrich Mobile | Format: Online Games, iPhone & Android Apps

06/03/2012  |  Full story...

1-800-FLOWERS.COM uses mobile advertising to build brand awareness and boost CTR


1-800-FLOWERS.COM used mobile advertising to drive traffic and incremental orders and create competitive advantage. The campaign used Google’s AdMob platform to run a sponsored link on mobile search results, telling customers that they could purchase flowers and gifts from a mobile device even at the last minute. The campaign resulted in 2 million mobile impressions, driving traffic and incremental orders. CTRs were 2-3 times higher than the Google desktop based campaign.

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Brand: 1-800-FLOWERS.COM |Media: Google Admob | Country: US |Sector: Retail| Format: Google Ad words

Digital Marketing Case Study

25/01/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Yes rich media campaign gets 140% higher click-through rate


Malaysian 4G mobile operator Yes made innovative use of rich media to engage and convert the target audiences, resulting in a click through rate 140% higher than average. The campaign encouraged consumers to subscribe and pre-register for the service before its official commercial launch by rich media site takeovers via Better Digital Solutions across all major news portals in the country. This case study shows how with the use of innovative rich media advertising and with clear call to action, Yes enticed and engaged users and also led to strong branding and conversions. Not just clicking customers but approx 0.79% of non clicking impressions also led to conversions. The average Dwell time of users interacting with the campaign was 73.06 seconds 1.6 times the benchmark and average dwell rate 13.39% 1.9 times the benchmark. The CTR for the campaign was 140% higher than the Malaysian CTR benchmarks of 0.73%.

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Brand: Yes |Media: Better Digital Solutions MY | Country: Malaysia |Sector: Telecommunications | Agency: Agenda Asia MY, Carat MY, Media Mind | Format: Rich Media, Site takeover

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25/01/2012  |  Full story...

Fluent Mobile uses mobile advertising to acquire 400,000 new customers


Mobile software developer Fluent Mobile made use of mobile display ads to efficiently reach a large percentage of their target audience: iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users. The purpose of the campaign was customer acquisition at a cost of less than $1/install. Since advertising began Fluent Mobile acquired 400,000 users and earnings were up by 2500%.

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Brand: Fluent |Media: Google Admob | Country: US |Sector: Telecommunications| Format: CPC Ads

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06/01/2012  |  Full story...

Crate & Barrel uses rich media mobile advertising to boost clicks


Crate & Barrel used a Rich Media Ad Unit on mobile to create awareness and drive traffic to its mobile website. The US homewares retailer use AdMob’s rich media ad units with interactive interstitials, full screen expandable ads and banner ads Crate and Barrel created awareness resulting in more than 34,500 users on the website.

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Brand: Crate&Barrel|Media: Google Admob | Country: United States |Sector: Furniture| Agency: Ignited Agency | Format: rich media ad unit

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04/01/2012  |  Full story...

Samsung targets sports app fans to boost TV sales


Engaging a high net-worth, tech-savvy adult male audience with a brand is a tough challenge, but Samsung made smart use of mobile advertising to build brand engagement, driving 198,000 users to a post-click experience.

The purpose of the campaign was to build awareness about the LED 3D TV and drive purchase intent. The campaign resulted in 113% increase in mobile ad awareness & 27% increase in both purchase consideration. Samsung used targeting, and multiple ad formats including interactive ads for iPhone and Android . It also sponsored the popular Sports Tap app, which reached their target audience on mobiles irrespective of the handset and technology they were using. The campaign got a CTR of 1.21% and 50,000 video views. The greater impact of the campaign was the positive inclination towards the brand, with 38% increase in agreement with the statement “Samsung is a leader in new technology”

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Brand: Samsung | Media: Google Admob | Sector: Telecommunications| Agency: MediaVest | Format: Interactive video ads, Expandable canvas ads, Banners and Text links

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TV channel G4 gets 3,800 app installs from mobile CPC banner campaign


TV channel G4 used mobile ads as a cost-effective way to get consumers to install their Android App. G4 used CPC text and banner ads on the AdMob mobile display network reached its target audience. The campaign drove over 3,800 installs and a 8.01% conversion rate for the campaign over all.

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Brand: G4|Media: Google Admob |Sector: Telecommunications | Format: Text & Banner ads

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03/01/2012  |  Full story...

Interactive mobile ad unit drives trailer views for Universal’s ‘The Wolfman’


Universal used AdMob’s Interactive Ad Unit on mobile to create buzz around the brand and encourage brand engagement.

With the use of AdMob’s auto-play interactive a units and text and banner ads Universal created a buzz resulting in 31% increase in the intent to view its upcoming movie ‘The Wolfman’. The campaign resulted in 69% increase in mobile ad awareness and a 31% increase in both release date association and intent to see the film.

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Brand: Universal |Media: Google Admob | Country: Spain |Sector: Entertainment| Agency: Ignited Agency | Format: Auto-Play Interactive Ad Unit

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02/01/2012  |  Full story...

How Reckitt Benckiser used mini game apps to recruit talent


Reckitt Benckiser used a suite of eight online and mobile mini-games to raise brand awareness among students and graduates early in their career, as part of a recruitment drive. The games are available online and via iPhone and Android Apps. The games are promote the 8 ‘power brands’ of Reckitt Benckiser; Harpic, Durex, Clearasil, Air Wick, Dettol/Lysol, Veet, Vanish & French Mustard. The games were promoted via social media seeding strategy which targets relevant gaming portals, news groups and communities.

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Brand: Reckitt Benckiser |Media: Social feeds, Communities & Gaming portals| Sector: FMCG | Agency: TAMBA, The Workroom | Format: Online Games, iPhone & Android Apps

View a video of the campaign: Reckitt Benckiser | View the Facebook page | View the official website: CrazieRBrands | View Tamba's Case Study


How Lego used an augmented reality gaming app for brand engagement


Lego engaged customers with a ‘Life of George’ app, inviting consumers to combine real Lego bricks and an iPhone to take part in an augmented reality game. Using a free EyeCue-enabled iOS app, players are tasked with recreating ‘George's’ photographs using 144 included Lego bricks on a specialized "green screen-like" gaming mat. Once the model is complete, the user takes a photo with the iDevice to be scored based on building speed and accuracy to the original picture. The $30 kit promises 12 levels featuring 10 photos each, and varying difficulty levels. For added replay value, there's a two player game and a creation mode which lets users create playable models out of their own snapshots. In addition, a Facebook page, lets users chare scores and photos of their creations.

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Brand: Lego |Sector: Games | Format: Augmented RealityGaming App

View a video of the campaign: Lego | View the iTines store: Life of George | View the Facebook page: I am George


How Movistar used Twitter to engage sports fans on interactive banners


This ‘battle of the tweets’ football campaign pitted Real Madrid and Barcelona fans against each other to promote Spanish mobile network Movistar. The firm worked with MediaMind to engage with the target audiences, achieving dwell rates 3 times higher than the national average. The campaign invited fans of Real Madrid or Barcelona to tweet for their team and demonstrate support via banners on

Using interactive rich media advertising on, Movistar got readers to demonstrate their passion for soccer, with real time tweets appearing in the ad. More than 300,000 users viewed the campaign. The campaign used the homepage of as a huge screen based on a new masthead format of 990x250 . The average Dwell time of users interacting with the campaign was 53 seconds and average dwell rate 17.27% nearly 3 times the Spanish benchmark of 6%.

“The most striking thing is that the rate of impressions with dwell time was almost three times the average for the Spanish telecommunications sector, confirming this new format of as great brand placement” – Cesar Alonso, Head of Online Advertising at Movistar

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Brand: Movistar |Media: | Country: Spain |Sector: Telecommunications | Agency: McCann, Arena Quantum, Media Mind | Format: Twitter Connect, FileGrab

View the campaign: Movistar | Download the Case Study: Battle of the Tweets


How Volvo used mobile advertising to build brand engagement


Getting mobile users to engage with a brand for a whole minute is a tough challenge, but Volvo put its mobile advertising to smart use to build brand engagement. This case study shows how Volvo used mobile and video ads to create buzz around the launch of its new sedan S60. A series of interactive video ads showcased a fast-paced 30-second video of the S60 and allowed users to browse additional images of the car and even visit the site, all without taking the user out of the video ad and the original content that they were browsing. According to its research partner InsightExpress, the campaign resulted in an 88% in purchase intent.

Brand: Volvo | Media: Google Admob | Country: North America | Sector: Automobile | Agency: Mobext | Format: Mobile display & interactive video Ads

Download the Case Study: Volvo


Case Study: Roy's Restaurants | Media: Google Admob | Country: USA | Sector: Hospitality | Objective: Lead generation, targetting | Format: Mobile only ads with hyperlocal ad feature and click to call functionality | Agency: G&M Plumbing

Hawaiian fusion fine dining restaurant Roy’s used a mobile ad campaign to maximise ROI. With the use of hyperlocal feature & click to call functionality on Google they targeted on the go customers searching for restaurants. This drove 40% increase in calls, and 539% higher clicks on the campaign as compared previous desktop campaigns. The purpose of the campaign was to increase call volumes and reservations.

Download the case study: Roy's Restaurants - Google Admob | Roy's Restaurants | Google Admob


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