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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Mars case studies: we currently have 5.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 5 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Whiskas creates Kitten Kollege on YouTube

Whiskas wanted to expand its influence to the kitten category, so its agency partners produced a one-of-a-kind YouTube series, with data informing every step of development. The campaign drove 39m total views and a 47% lift in ad recall for Whiskas.

07/09/2017  |  Full story...

Snickers ‘Hungerithm’ bases 7/11 prices on internet’s mood

Snickers teamed up with 7/11 for an interactive campaign which saw prices of the brand's flagship chocolate bar lower when the internet got angry.

Snickers Hungerithm from Jackson Harper on Vimeo.

08/08/2017  |  Full story...

Snickers ‘misspelling’ search keyword campaign reaches 500,000 people in 3 days

Targeting fat-fingered typists across the UK, this clever search campaign from Snickers used misspelled words in Google keywords to capture hungry office workers’ attention during the working day. This case study outlines how the chocolate bar brand managed to reach 500,000 people within just three days of launch, without any seeding and for less cost than bidding on brand keywords.

Brand: Mars, Snickers | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverages | Country: UK | Partner/agency: AMV BBDO & Mediacom | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Search, AdWords

03/09/2013  |  Full story...

Case Study: Mars | Media: MSN | Country: Belgium | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning | Format: Video, Rich media

Mars.jpgA funky online video campaign for Mars got 16-34-year-old Belgians moving to the brand’s beat, and sent brand recognition scores dancing past industry benchmarks.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case study: Mars Planets | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Cut-through, brand positioning | Format: Rich media

Case study: Mars PlanetsThis expandable banner was both a game and achieved data capture for the Mars brand. Targeted at 18-34 year olds and running on high impact spaces such across the MSN portal, Hotmail and MSN Messenger, it’s a good example of how heavyweight partnerships with a single media owner can build massive campaign reach and achieve the type of audiences that traditionally only television could deliver.

Download the case study: Mars Planets | View campaign email banner creative | View campaign website banner creative | View campaign messanger banner creative


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