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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Marketing case studies: we currently have 33.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 33 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Case study: Showing image with desired outcome boosts signups 89%

Makelaarsland is a Netherlands-based brokerage firm. Prospective home sellers can sign up on their website to make the company their estate agent. This case study shows how using a picture with a ‘sold’ sign increased signups by 89%.


08/10/2015  |  Full story...

How Greggs turned a Google fail into a social win

Greggs has been embarrassed after a crude spoof of its logo started appearing on a prominent Google search result- but the UK bakery chain managed to turn the situation to its advantage via some good humoured and timely social media management.

20/08/2014  |  Full story...

Best Vines of the year: Lowes 'lifehacks' tops 6-second video ads

Twitter’s new 6-second Vine video platform proved a big hit this year .If used correctly, Vine offers a quick yet extremely effective way for brands to reach wider, socially engaged audiences. And as one of the fastest growing mobile apps in the world, this means enormous potential for marketers. We look back at some of the best, starting with Lowes' ingenious visual tips that make DIY seem fun (well…almost).

26/11/2013  |  Full story...

Search case study: MoneySupermarket ads blocked from Google after AdWords breach


In April 2013, Finance site saw its search ads pulled from Google's search results due to a ‘lack of transparency’ over its payday loan adverts. Google pulled all paid search ads run by as part of a crackdown on payday loan vendors that disregard AdWords’ policies. The ads were down for over 24 hours before the issues were rectified by MoneySupermarket. The move also saw MoneySupermarket ads for car and home insurance removed from the rankings for 24 hours.

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Brand: | Sector: Finance | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales |Format: Google, search, AdWords

25/04/2013  |  Full story...

Email marketing case study: Saucy subject lines seduce subscribers


This year’s Valentine’s day ads have produced some eye-opening stats, with subject lines without discounts performing better than those offering a discount, and ‘lust’ getting higher clicks than ‘love’. This case study looks at promotions from from Ann Summers, La Senza and Time Out London to determine how to get the most out of seasonal email marketing campaigns.

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Brand: Ann Summers, La Senza, Time Out | Sector: Clothing, Magazines | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement, drive sales | Format: Email | Agency/ Partner: Return Path

07/03/2013  |  Full story...

Stockholm ‘iPad magic' gets 3 million views


Back in March 2012, a YouTube video of Swedish magicians promoting Stockholm using iPads and trickery took the internet world by storm, leaving audiences baffled and event organisers beaming. This ‘iPad magic’ campaign was created to promote Stockholm as a business centre. Since being posted to YouTube in March, on Friday, the clip has been viewed over 3m times.
This convention also made Scandinavian headlines after Swedish representatives placed banners and advertising with the slogan "Stockholm: The Capital of Scandinavia", outraging Norwegians and Danes who were also at the event.

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Brand: Stockholm Business | Country: Sweden/ France | Sector: Travel | Format: Video, Live event, YouTube

02/12/2012  |  Full story...

Search case study: ‘Ethical’ SEO campaign gets 52% boost in organic traffic


TopCashBack set digital marketing agency SiteVisibility the task of increasing its search rankings and overall brand awareness using SEO and linkbuilding methods. This case study shows how by the summer, the loyalty rewards site gained 51.8% in organic website traffic and doubled its monthly average ROI.

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Brand: TopCashBack | Country: UK | Agency: SiteVisibillity | Sector: Finance | Format: Search, SEO

19/11/2012  |  Full story...

Trip Advisor ‘Cities I’ve Visited’ Facebook app boosts gets 10 times more users


Trip Advisor used Facebook Open Graph to increase engagement with its user base. The app – Cities I've Visited- maps the frequent interactions people take to maximize the number of stories people publish. It accelerated the adoption of the app by launching a targeted ads and sponsored stories campaign on Facebook. They implemented Open Graph actions and objects such as pin a city / place, updated map, favourite place or city, rate a city or place and want to go to a place or city. Since launching with Open Graph, TripAdvisor's Cities I've Visited has seen the number of monthly active users increase by 10 times through the combination of Open Graph activity in news feed, timeline and a targeted advertising campaign.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Trip Advisor| Sector: Travel | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


iHeartRadio links mobile accounts to Facebook to get 30 times more growth


Social music app iHeartRadio uses Login with Facebook for web login and single sign-on in their Android and iOS apps to make it easy for people to access and avoid the churn of registration forms. Also, Facebook was used to build user trust by educating people on how to turn sharing on / off and showing a facepile of friends who like the app. Consistent education of their Open Graph publishing experiences minimizes user confusion and reduces unexpected sharing. The number of Facebook-connected monthly active users has increase by 30 times since launch of Open graph.

Facebook case study

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Brand: iHeart | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand awareness and increase user base | Format: Facebook Page


Fab pushes limited time offers on Facebook to double referral traffic


Design-centric online store used Facebook to attract users and engage by pushing limited time offers to encourage people to opt into the social shopping experience. It displays a ‘facepile’ of friends during authentication to make the experience more relevant to each person, which increases conversion. prompts people to use the most popular feature - Add to favorites - on their product pages to increase sharing and generate stories that appear in news feed and timeline on Facebook. Since launching with Open Graph in January, referral traffic from Facebook has doubled and membership has grown from 1.8 million to more than 3.2 million users.

Facebook case study | Fab

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Brand: Fab| Sector: ecommerce | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Starbucks puts new Latte to Facebook vote


Starbucks used Facebook to engage with fans by letting them choose which city gets the Pumpkin Spice Latte first. Starbucks let Facebook fans make the call on which U.S. and Canadian cities would get to enjoy the holiday-themed beverage for a week prior to the national launch. An app let fans earn points for their cities through activities like doing a city shout-out or solving a daily challenge, with the real-time leaderboard on Starbucks’ Page. It was a way to reward and empower the brand’s most passionate fans. The campaign resulted in Chicago and Calgary as the 2 winning cities from USA and Canada ans a total of 144 million points. Calgary was the winning Canadian city, earning 16 % of the 38 million points racked up across 142 cities, and Chicago was the winning city from USA beating out 2599 other cities.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Starbucks| Country: USA and Canada | Sector: Food and beverage| Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


How Squishable used Facebook to improve product development


Stuffed toy maker Squishable used Facebook to engage with its customers and devlop new products via crowdsourcing . The company uses customer feedback to develop the products. The company puts its customers at the centre of product innovation. All key decisions are made by fans, ranging from which animal should be the next squishable to what colour it should be. has found a reliable and cost-saving product innovation tool in Facebook.’s social product innovation seems to be a hit, products are back-ordered for months and the company’s fan base continues to grow.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Secret | Country: USA| Sector: Toys | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Spotify spreads music news via Facebook Ticker


Music streaming service Spotify used Facebook to spread awareness about its latest releases via Facebook updates. Spotify used an app on Facebook to show which songs their friends have listened to recently through updates in the Facebook Ticker. It also allowed sharing music with their Facebook friends through the use of the service’s inbox. When music is discovered through friends, people are more likely to listen and to check out a wider variety of artists.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Spotify | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand awareness and increase user base | Format: Facebook Page


Sporting News referrals jump 63% with Facebook social plugin


AOL-owned sports media brand Sporting News used Facebook to provide a quick and easy way to share articles with friends with like button and recommendations plugin increase engagement on their site. Sporting News also used traffic data to optimize the implementation and refine their utilization approach. Facebook referrals to Sporting News increased 63% from October to December 2010. Facebook activity on Sporting News increased 49% in total in January and February 2011. Three months after the Facebook Social Plugin integrations, traffic to the Sporting News site doubled. Since the integration, Facebook has become one of the top three referrers of traffic to Sporting News – up from #16.

Facebook case study |
Sporting News

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Brand: Sporting News| Sector: News | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


ShoeDazzle boosts Facebook sharing by 600% with API tools


Hollywood-based fashion accessory network ShoeDazzle used Facebook to provide customer service and enable conversations with friends and the overall ShoeDazzle community. ShoeDazzle leveraged Facebook Pages, the Comments plugin, Feed APIs, Graph API’s, Like button to create more easy ways for people to share the ShoeDazzle shopping and discovery experience with friends and encourage people to share and surface their tastes. Members who used Facebook Connect demonstrated above average loyalty, buying more frequently than members who had not connected through Facebook. Shares through customized News Feed invitations increased over 600%, making Facebook one of ShoeDazzle’s highest volume referral channels. Likes on products, reached hundreds of thousands.

Facebook case study Shoedazzle Facebook page | Shoedazzle

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Brand: ShoeDazzle | Sector: Fashion| Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Pose creates stylish Facebook buttons to attract Fashionistas


Fashion app Pose used Facebook to attract new users and re-engage existing users by encouraging people to create and share their sense of style and fashion through Open Graph. It mapped the most frequent interactions people take in their app - pose, comment and love - to Open Graph actions to maximize the number of stories users publish. As more people interact with the story, the more the story will appear in news feed. Open-graph has increase in daily signups for their mobile app and web site since launching by 5 times and made it easy for people to share the different products and fashion they like with friends.

Facebook case study | Pose

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Brand: Pose| Sector: Fashion | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Pinterest creates own ‘pin’ and follow’ buttons on Facebook to boost daily visits 60%


Pinterest attracted new users and re-engage existing users by creating ‘pin’ and ‘follow’ actions on Facebook. Pinterest focused on the most frequent and social things people do on their site - pin and follow - and built Open Graph stories that people could identify with. It prompts people to add the app to their timelines through a clear call out that is integrated into the design of the site. They implemented Pinning, following pinners and comment and liking pins into open-graph. Daily visits have increased by more than 60% since the integrations of open-graph.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Pinterest | Sector: Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Moviefone gets 300% rise in Facebook traffic using film-related sharing buttons


Cinema ticket information service Moviefone used Facebook to attract users and engage by pushing unique content directly to interested audiences and drive additional traffic back to AOL Moviefone. The Facebook implementation leveraged Login with Facebook, Graph API, Events API, Like Button and the Activity Feed to enable social sharing and engagement with AOL Moviefone and its offerings. The Facebook integration since September 17th 2010 resulted in 300% increase in traffic from Facebook back to Moviefone. Referrals have increased from an average of approximately 40,000 per month to 250,000 per month. The average user returns and clicks back to Moviefone about seven times.

Facebook case study | Moviefone

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Brand: Moviefone| Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


How Kobo used Facebook to increase brand engagement


eReader Kobo used Facebook for single sign-on to simplify the registration process, avoiding the need for people to create new usernames and passwords. The firm educated people on the benefits of logging in with Facebook and provide detailed controls for people to manage what stories are shared to Facebook. Kobo defined Open Graph actions for some of the most conversational aspects of reading a book – such as beginning and finishing a book, highlighting a passage in book, write a note, add a book – to encourage sharing and stimulate discussions with friends. Since launching with Open Graph in January, Kobo has seen traffic from Facebook grow by more than 50% and daily registrations increase by more than 90%.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Kobo | Sector: News and Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Izlesene adds user’s friends to Facebook sign-up box to boost conversions


Video sharing site Izlesene used Facebook to attract new users and re-engage existing users by sharing the videos they watch with friends by using the built-in Open Graph watch action. Izlesene educates people and communicates the key benefits of sharing activity with friends. Izlesene discovered that some people who initially declined the auth dialog (application's first point of contact) will accept it if they are given more context. Presenting the dialog again with a ‘facepile’ of friends who use the app and a clear call to action made the experience relevant and familiar, which increased conversion. Open-Graph has increased number of videos a user views per day has by over 3 times and monthly active users have grown from 250,000 to over 4,000,000.

Facebook case study | Izlesene

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Brand: Izlesene| Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Guardian boosts reader base with Facebook video content


The Guardian newspaper used Facebook to reach a new audience, increase engagement on their site and ultimately grow their base of readers through Open Graph. Guardian built a Facebook app to bring news, video and audio content to readers. The app publishes actions across a range of content: news articles, videos, and even podcasts. They also created lightweight actions 'agree' and 'disagree' for opinion articles to enable people to share their sentiment on issues. Open-graph actions and objectives such as read an article, watch a video, play a podcast, agree or disagree with an article were incorporated. The app has grown to over 3.9 million monthly active users, over half of which are under the age of 25.

Facebook case study | The Guardian Facebook App

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Brand: Guardian| Sector: News and Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Goodreads lets Facebook users rate books to boost engagement


Book-sharing app Goodreads used Facebook to generate book ratings and deepen engagement with users through the Open Graph. They used Open-graph actions to make it easy for people to take an action - rate a book and mark a book as to-read - with just a single click. The number of daily active users has increased by more than 77% and over 6 million books have been rated, marked as read or to-read on Goodreads since launch with Open-graph.

Facebook case study | Goodreads Facebook app

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Brand: Goodreads| Sector: News and Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Foodspotting creates stories and actions to boost Facebook sharing


Visual food app Foodspotting used Facebook to attract users and engage by newsfeeds from friends. It creates interesting stories by providing detailed information about each dish such as location, number of friends who have loved a dish. It also displays large user generated photos to make the newsfeed relevant. Open-graph actions such as spot a dish, love a dish, nom a dish, try a dish and want a dish were implemented. Since launching with Open Graph in January, Foodspotting has seen referral traffic from Facebook increase by 4 times and monthly active users grow by 2 times.

Facebook case study | Foodspotting

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Brand: Foodspotting| Sector: Food and beverages / Hospitality | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Flipboard uses Facebook logins to get 50% higher retention rate


Online magazine content aggregator Flipboard used Facebook to increase distribution by letting users discover and share content in a visually beautiful magazine style. Flipboard integrated Facebook News Feed, Walls, Pages, Photo Albums, and Photos Tagged of You as sections within the Flipboard social magazine. They also added Page and Group search via the Graph API, to help users discover new sections to add to their Flipboard. This resulted in 50% higher retention for users who signed into Facebook compared to who didn’t. Also the majority of users who connected to Facebook spent about half their time in Flipboard on the Facebook section

Facebook case study | Flipboard

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Brand: Flipboard | Sector: Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Diamond Dash uses Facebook registrations to reach new audiences


Diamond Dash implemented ‘Login with Facebook’ to create an easy way for new users to sign up, and helping users find friends and recruit new customers quickly by logging in with their Facebook account, without the need to create new usernames and passwords and unnecessary typing. It allows players to invite friends to join the game and lets players who finished their daily allocation of games ask their friends to send them new lives. It implemented the Open Graph actions such as reach a level, win a medal, unlock feature. As a result users who log into the game via Facebook are eight times more likely to spend money, and spend 50% more on average. The percentage of users choosing to Login with Facebook via single sign on has continued to rise since the game launched – from 28% of users in December 2011, to 64% and rising at the end of March 2012.

Facebook case study | Diamond Dash

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Brand: Diamond Dash| Sector: Gaming | Objective: Reach out new audiences| Format: Facebook Page


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