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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Japan case studies: we currently have 9.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 9 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Cannes Lions 2017: Sperm count Smartphone App wins Mobile Grand Prix

The mobile jury at Cannes handed its Grand Prix to a very unusual app, one that counts your sperm. This case study looks at how the app allowed men to test fertility from the comfort of their own home.

06/07/2017  |  Full story...

LINE ChatBot case study: Knorr Auntie reply

Foods brand Knorr in Thailand, leveraged ChatBot technology on popular social media and messaging platform LINE to inspire local mothers to cook more at home and increase the usage of Knorr products in their recipes.

31/03/2017  |  Full story...

Geo-targeting case study: Uniqlo Check-In Chance

UNIQLO launched “Uniqlo Check-In Chance” campaign, giving anyone who checked-in at one of their 62 stores in Tokyo a 100 yen coupon. This case study looks at how the retailer worked with agency Dentsu and Facebook to generate sales of 10 billion Japanese yen for the three days of the campaign.

02/04/2015  |  Full story...

Ecommerce case study: How Japan's Muji used big data to personlise the shopping experience

With nearly 600 retail stores and a strong online presence, Muji deployed InteractEdge from Infosys to generate higher sales through personalised product recommendations for over two million registered customers. This case study looks at how the Japanese firm strengthened customer loyalty and boosted revenues.


27/11/2014  |  Full story...

Esri enriches maps with Tweets and the Streaming API


In March 2011, a 9.0 magnitude eartchquake hit Japan with catastrophic results. Mapping software firm Esri turned tweets, Flickr images and YouTube posts to help people track to status of the location anfd the impact of the earcthquake, resulting in result in hundreds of thousands of page views. Adding Tweets to mapping technology gives insights into what people are saying and where they are saying it. It can highlight spatial trends in the conversation. Combining a Twitter conversation with authoritative data sources, like 911 calls, insurance claims, demographics, weather reports, and earthquake feeds, can provide a human perspective on the situation.

20/12/2012  |  Full story...

Facebook case study- Intel soundtracks your life with ‘Me The Musical’


Intel has launched a new campaign that creates a personalised movie for Facebook users, drawing upon their social media data to create ‘Me The Musical’. The campaign, which launched in Japan to promote its new Ultrabook, takes Facebook users on an entertaining journey, via song and dance, through world events. Along the way, it adds a personal touch by including friends from Facebook and reminders of significant individual milestones.

YouTube case study |">Facebook campaign

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Brand: Intel | Media: Facebook app and video | Country: Japan | Sector: Computing | Agency: projector, Nexus Productions | Format: Video and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Toshiba ‘makes battery charging exciting’ with email dating game


Toshiba with ’15 minutes of love’ has shown how to closely engage with people. The brand uses consumer insight of men and made battery charging fun and entertaining. While men charge their Toshiba electric batteries, they are given 15 minutes (the standard time taken to charge the battery) to engage in a personalised email conversation with 5 attractive girls vying for his attention. If you can't keep up with the 5 girls, they get increasingly annoyed, displayed through their pictures on the microsite, the microsite set up for the campaign lets users exchange emails with girls of their dreams in the same time it takes to charge one of Toshiba’s new batteries. The end result of how many girls you have kept happy or more to the point who has given you the push is displayed at the end and can be tweeted out or posted to Facebook as well.

Digital case study | Toshiba campaign

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Brand: Toshiba | Country: Japan |Sector: Technology | Format: Email


Tohato uses mobile social gaming to create brand engagement


Savoury snack maker Tohato used mobile internet and QR codes on packaging to launch two new flavours and create a buzz in Japan. A mobile phone game called "World's Worst War" was designed pitting Tyrant Habanero's Imperial Army against Satan Jolokia's Demon Army in a war to decide the ‘hottest and tastiest snack’. Players purchased their preferred product, scanning a QR code on the package into their phones to select a faction on which to side. The participants could then accumulate points and rise in rank by recruiting friends to join twice-weekly massively multiplayer online battles against countless other players. This case study shows how to make advertising money work hard, to attract, engage and change behaviour. The campaign also drove advocacy and word of mouth and demonstrates the binding power of co-creation communication strategies. The game resulted in participation of over 10,000 people and led to communities discussing the battle strategies. The campaign resulted in increase page views on the website to 100,000 per day.

More on this Case study …
Brand: Tohato |Media: Mobile| Country: Japan |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Hakuhodo | Format: Multiplayer Online Game

YouTube case study

18/07/2012  |  Full story...

Case Study: All-Nippon-Airways - ANA | Media: MSN | Country: Japan | Sector: Travel | Objective: Click-through, direct response, engagement, lead generation | Format: Online advertising, Rich media

ANA.jpgEncouraging MSN users to browse flights and check availability through an innovative ‘mouse-over’ ad format gave All Nippon Airways (ANA) lift off in conversions.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


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