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Integrated Marketing case studies: we currently have 59.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 59 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Facebook case study- Intel soundtracks your life with ‘Me The Musical’


Intel has launched a new campaign that creates a personalised movie for Facebook users, drawing upon their social media data to create ‘Me The Musical’. The campaign, which launched in Japan to promote its new Ultrabook, takes Facebook users on an entertaining journey, via song and dance, through world events. Along the way, it adds a personal touch by including friends from Facebook and reminders of significant individual milestones.

YouTube case study |">Facebook campaign

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Brand: Intel | Media: Facebook app and video | Country: Japan | Sector: Computing | Agency: projector, Nexus Productions | Format: Video and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Cadbury Joyville train stunt creates online buzz in Australia


This marketing stunt from Cadbury involved a giant purple ‘Joyville’ branded train pulling into select stations across Australia, rewarding surprised commuters with an array of chocolate treats. The campaign was amplified through a deeply integrated social media campaign with a Facebook page encouraging and supporting user generated content, as well as the dedicated website which features games, information and lets users share the campaign.

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Brand: Cadbury |Media: Facebook | Country: Australia |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Wonder | Format: Facebook page, website

YouTube case study | Facebook Page


Social media case study: Copa Airlines uses Facebook page to increase brand engagement and sales


Copa Airlines with a social marketing campaign 'Passport America' to grows its' Facebook fan base, generates and awareness and increase ticket sales on its website. The campaign resulted in 59% conversion and ROI expanded to 50 times. A total of 279,000 users registered for the promotion and 1.3 million invitations were sent out. This Facebook-centric campaign featured the prize draw of a lifetime: a Grand Prize consisting of round trip airfare for the winner and a guest to each of Copa's 59 destinations. To enter, people registered through Facebook Connect and to keep people engaged and the momentum going additional chances to win were integrated at different levels, including their social muscle could help them win.

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Brand: Copa Airlines |Sector: Travel | Format: Facebook Apps, Facebook Platform, Marketplace Ads, Facebook Pages| Agency: Nobox, Miami | Language: English (US), Portugese (Brazil), Spanish

Facebook case study | YouTube case study

29/06/2012  |  Full story...

Digital case study: Ace uses soap-opera style mystery to create awareness and triple sales


The Brazilian campaign saw detergent brand Ace use consumer insight and an integrated use of media to reach 8.7 million people in less than three months. Ace created a campaign in soap opera style, an episode with 5 different endings, presenting five suspects for a great mystery: Whose is the grubby bra? The suspects defended themselves. The mystery was heated trough placement in TV shows, films on Facebook page and consistently engaging digital content. It also led to word of mouth in Twitter, blogs, radio stations talking about it and parody. The campaign reached 2.3 million people on Facebook with more than 60,000 fans and 227,000 visualizations on YouTube.

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Brand: Ace | Language: Portugese (Brazil) | Format: Marketplace Ads, Facebook Premium Ads, Facebook Pages| Agency: Leo Burnett Tailor Made

Facebook case study | YouTube advert

29/06/2012  |  Full story...

Gamification case study: Allianz uses popular game to create awareness about insurance


Worldwide insurance company Allianz transformed the popular game Frogger into a live interactive experience on Facebook. By creating a virtual game, Allianz advice the consumers in an entertaining way that everyone can easily prevent real-life dangers. Allianz integrated the realtime heavy São Paulo traffic feeds with the popular game to create the Facebook App and generate awareness through a fun way. This was achieved by placing a 24/7 camera on the rooftop of a building that live-streams the view of a busy street. Using the Facebook app, people can log in to help the amphibians cross safely to the other side of the road while jumping in between real cars.

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Brand: Allianz | Format: Facebook Apps, Facebook Platform | Agency: Ogilvy Brazil

Facebook case study | YouTube video


Pinterest case study: Mixing Pinterest with Facebook gets 32% increase in followers

cs%20lowes%20pinterest.jpg Social media ‘pinboard’ Pinterest is on the rise, but how can marketers tap into its potential? This case study looks at how US-based home improvement company Lowes combined its Pinterest board with Facebook to boost its follows by 32%.

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Brand: Lowes | Media: Pinterest, Facebook, Social Media | Country: US | Sector: Retail, Ecommerce, FMCG

04/04/2012  |  Full story...

Mobile marketing: Samsung-sponsored Angry Birds Christmas game gets half a million hours of brand exposure


Back in December 2011, Samsung sponsored 25 levels of new Angry Birds levels running on Google Chrome as part of a Christmas promotion. This case study shows how the campaign got the electronics brand nearly half a million hours of brand exposure from consumers.

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Brand: Samsung |Media: Communities & Gaming portals, Smartphones, Mobile| Sector: Electronics, Mobile | Agency: Enrich Mobile | Format: Online Games, iPhone & Android Apps

06/03/2012  |  Full story...

The secret is out there: How Coca Cola used a multi-channel advertising campaign to engage the teen market


Many companies worry about how their brand is being talked about online as it is seems unpredictable and uncontrollable. This case study shows how Coca Cola encouraged conversations to happen about their brand with a multi-channeled digitally focused ad campaign full of relevant, engaging and viral content.

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Brand: Coca Cola | Media: interactive digital marketing | Country: US | Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: engage the youth market | Agency: Wieden+Kennedy | Format: multi-channel advertising

Digital Marketing Case Study Video

07/02/2012  |  Full story...

Case Study: Vauxhall | Media: MSN | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Brand awareness, targeting, integration | Format: Online advertising

Vauxhall.jpgMicrosoft Advertising’s behavioural targeting technology ensured a high performance launch for Vauxhall’s new Insignia, steering ads directly to those actively engaged in researching auto purchases.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: Adidas | Media: MSN | Sector: Clothing | Objective: Engagement, lead generation, direct response, integration | Format: Online game

adidas.jpgSupporting its integrated ‘Predator vs F50’ campaign through a Windows Live Messenger game proved a winning formula for adidas, with the online platform a key player in driving consumer interaction – and registrations for the campaign’s star-studded ‘Predator vs F50’ contest.

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Case Study: Coca-Cola | Media: MSN | Country: Coca-Cola | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Engagement, click through, integration, purchase intent | Format: Video, social media

CocaCola.jpgA spectacular two-stage campaign across a range of Microsoft Advertising channels turned Coca-Cola’s popular ‘Happiness Factory’ ad into an online cinema event with a nation-wide community following and spectacular engagement levels. With over 13 million ad impressions, double-digit click-through rates and 600,000 downloads, there was a lot of happiness to go around.

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Case Study: Warner Music | Media MSN | Country: Thailand | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Brand repositioning, purchase intent, driving traffic | Format: Online radio

Warner.jpgAn innovative online radio station, integrated into the Windows Live
Messenger platform, soon had a new generation of Thai listeners moving to Warner Music’s beat.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: H&M | Media:MSN | Country: Norway | Sector: Clothing | Objective: Engagement, buzz, cut-through, trend creation | Format: Social media

A bold campaign from H&M in co-operation with Costume magazine and MSN was created to engage fashion bloggers in Norway. The brand’s fashion blogging contest drew a fantastic response rate, with 700 bloggers taking part from across the country, and acted as the centrepiece of a successful integrated campaign.

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Case Study: Mazda | Media: MSN | Country: Spain | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Brand awareness, purchase intent, integration | Format: Online advertising

Mazda.pngFuelling its launch of the Mazda2 through a mix of TV and online advertising delivered roaring results for Mazda. Exposure to the online ads increased awareness of the Mazda2 by 7 percentage points, with test drive applications increasing by 193 per cent during the campaign.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: Armed Forces Day | Agency: Worth | Country: UK | Sector: Events | Objectives: Brand awareness, buzz | Format : Social media

worth%20digital%20-%20armedforcesday.pngWorth harnessed the burgeoning power of social media to improve the UK public’s support and awareness for Armed Forces Day and encourage a celebration of the forces, veterans and wider forces family, to honour the work they do. Worth's use of digital to create highly engaging content and development of spaces where communities could grow and flourish has allowed them to mature into meaningful places of support and an overall increase in positive participation.
Post campaign research has shown had over 180,200 website visits between 1st April and 7th of July 2009. There was an unprecedented growth in the Facebook fans from 4,000 in late May to just over 100,000 by 26th June, with a joining rate of more than 3 people per second up to the 100,000th membership. The membership rate continues to grow, soon to reach its 200,000th member. Nearly 13,000 people signed up to the AFD mailing list – with over 9,000 receiving free window stickers to spread the campaign message further and over 6,000 leaving a message of support. Further, 6,295 photos were uploaded into the Flickr photo gallery by fans from 2009 events.

Worth Armed Forces Day on Twitter Armed Forces Day on Facebook

20/01/2010  |  Full story...

Case study: L’Oréal Derma Genesis | Agency: Compass Interactive | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Pharmaceuticals | Objectives: Brand awareness, engagement, purchase intent | Format: Rich media, microsite & video

Case study: L’Oréal Derma GenesisAchieving dwell time in media is a massive challenge. The click happy generation rarely spend seconds with commercial messages and have become adept at filtering out what doesn’t interest them. However this campaign from L’Oréal achieved 2-3 minutes of dwell time, here’s why…

Derma Genesis was a new product line from L’Oréal designed to revitalize and illuminate the skin. To promote brand awareness they launched a campaign in the Malaysian market to promote the range of products. L’Oréal has a reputation for forward thinking, and this was further proven by their first foray into online advertising. Rather than “testing the waters” with a minimum buy campaign, L’Oréal decided to pull out all the stops with Derma Genesis and launched a heavyweight campaign with free samples, a video contest, interactive product information and a really integrated campaign. For consumer packaged goods firms there’s a real challenge in building both awareness and encouraging trial, but the brand achieved this with the bespoke ‘MSN Homepage skinner’ advertising format. The presence of the brand clearly caught the attention of users on the MSN Homepage and also reached Windows Live Hotmail visitors. L’Oréal spokesmodel Penelope Cruz prominently featured on the home page.

Download the case study: L’Oréal Derma Genesis | View campaign creative


Case study: Kellogg's Special K Map My Fitness | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Social media, strategic marketing models, web design, web analytics

Kellogg's Special K Map My FitnessKellogg's wanted to lift their marketing message into the lifestyle space and align themselves deeply with the values and experiences of their target consumers. They stepped above simple advertising campaigns to create a fitness platform they could own and a marketing initiative that would be integrated across many channels

Download the case study: Kellogg's Special K Map My Fitness


Case study: Tourism New Zealand | Sector: Travel | Objectives: Brand awareness, targeting, buzz, cut-through | Format: Online media, monitoring and evaluation, website design

cs_tnz.gifTourism New Zealand (TNZ) is the international marketing agency responsible for marketing the country as a holiday/travel destination to audiences outside New Zealand. An intergrated online campaign was undertaken in 2007

Download the case study: Tourism New Zealand


Case study: Carling Live | Agency: Various | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Brand awareness, engagement | Format: Sponsorship, search, integrated marketing, strategic marketing models, web design

Carling LiveIn the crowded drinks sector Carling wanted to find a strategic way to achieve cut-through. They developed an award-winning strategy of sponsorship that was amplified on the web through sophisticated search engine marketing that gave the campaign a permanent place online. Carling realised that just as brands compete for a share of sales, they also compete for audience attention online so an alternative to simple advertising was needed.

Download the case study: Carling Live


Case study: Dove Nutrium | Agency: Marketing Evolution/Dynamic Logic | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Optimisation | Format: Online media, monitoring and evaluation, marketing models and intergration

Dove NutriumThis was the pioneering landmark study into optimising the media mix and the level of weight internet banners should be given. The award-winning research formed a roadmap for media-neutral planning and quantified how each marketing channel influences the consumer. It revealed how some channels are used to saturation point; while others are barely explored. Minor reductions in frequency or reach of campaigns in one media free up budgets that work harder online: same budget, better results.

Download the case study: Dove Nutrium


Case study: Incredible India | Sector: Travel | Objectives: Purchase intent, reputation management | Format : Rich media, email

Case study: Incredible IndiaThe Government of India Ministry of Tourism wanted to promote India as the destination of choice among international travellers from the United States, Europe, and Asia Pacific. The marketing strategy, which went beyond the traditional media mix, integrated online marketing so the Ministry could reach the increasing number of people who research their holiday destinations online. The Ministry understood the need for an interactive and engaging campaign to ensure message retention, as tourists choose international holiday decisions months ahead of actual travel dates.

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Case study: Nestle tweets in online ads | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Targeting, click-through, buzz | Format: Banner adverts, Social media on Twitter

061008-TwitterAd.jpgFood manufacturing giant Nestle has come up with an innovative use for Twitter that combines together a mix of digital channels. Their latest advertising campaign for JuicyJuice includes a Twitter feed within the advertising creative. This social media campaign lets people post their own tweets within the advertising that appears online. At the time of writing, the brand is testing it on US sites CafeMom and BabyCenter. Here’s how it works: there are questions inside the advertising space that relate to parenting (How do you stimulate your child's mind? How important are vitamin-enhanced foods to you?). People can write their message or tweet inside the advertising.

15/06/2009  |  Full story...

Case study: Bookstart | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: Public | Objectives: Targeting | Format: Mobile


Mobile drives free book giveaway

In this campaign by Incentivated TV ads were run featuring a prominent text call to action ran during daytime TV shows on 34 channels for four weeks. By texting BOOK along with their name, house no. and postcode to 80800, viewers can receive a free book from bookstart. Mobile was the only medium used to request a book.Texts were totally free to viewers.

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Case study: Pedigree | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Purchase intent, increasing conversion | Format: Mobile

Pedigree mobileMobile encourages 5x more voucher redemption

This mobile campaign was kick started with 300,000 mailers containing vouchers being delivered nationwide. A text & win was offered giving customers the chance to win a year’s supply of dog food and a digital camera. Customers were invited to text SMALL DOG to 82222 to enter the competition and then reminded to use the vouchers each month, by text message.

Download the Pedigree mobile case study


Case study: Blink TV and GirlsAloud | Sector: Entertainment | Format: Mobile

Mobile Girls AloudThis is a simple example of integrated mobile marketing. UK agency g8wave worked with Blink TV (the leading supplier of video screens and equipment to the music industry) to target Girls Aloud fans by offering the chance to meet their band. The mobile marketing promotion for Girls Aloud was based around the band’s Out of Control tour, which opened in Manchester. Blink were behind the stunning mix of visuals on the tour and as part of the pre-show build-up, fans saw a short film inviting them to text in their details to win a VIP trip to Wembley Stadium to meet the girls when they support Coldplay in September.

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