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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Healthcare And Pharmaceutical case studies: we currently have 75.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 75 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Huggies turns Facebook babies into Olympic stars


To coincide with the Olympics, Huggies Israel launched this Facebook video campaign, adding personalised sports commentaries for user-submitted baby videos. Huggies Israel enlisted the help of Israel’s most famous sports commentator, Zoheir Bahalool who provided a running commentary on each burp, roll and tumble for each baby video submitted to the Facebook page. The campaign attracted 40,000 unique users in Israel, with the average time on the page reaching 2 minutes and 14 seconds.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Huggies/ Hogla | Media: Facebook | Country: Israel | Sector: Pharmaceutical & Medical | Agency: McCann Digital, Tel aviv | Format: Video and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Strepsils and Lemsip unleash ‘online grandma’ to cure man flu


Reckitt Benckiser has teamed two of its brands - Strepsils and Lemsip - to defeat 'Man-Flu' via an interactive video and social media campaign. Using social media data to provide personalised care and attention for customers, the flu medicine Strepsils took an interesting approach. The microsite is a little tongue and cheek, but definitely bears a great sense of humor to cheer up the sickly.

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Reckitt Benkiser | Media: Viral, Video, Social media | Country: Australia | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Agency: Holler | Format: Video, social mmedia »

07/08/2012  |  Full story...

The shortest ad ever- OCD ‘1 second’ videos create YouTube buzz on a $0 budget


The International OCD foundation reached tens of thousands of people with a series of one second long videos, aimed at helping viewers experience the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Rather than explaining the effects of obsessive-compulsive disorder at length, they used a 1-second text-only ad to demonstrate the frustrations people with OCD experience first hand. The ad is too short to read in one viewing so, as the title explains (and even challenges) “You may have to press play more than once …”

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Brand: NHS |Media: YouTube ads | Country: Israel |Sector: Healthcare | Agency: McCann Digital | Format: YouTube Video

YouTube video Video Case Study

21/06/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Low cost blogger engagement marketing strategy as Gillette reaches out to key influencers


A smart example of blogger engagement marketing strategies, low cost online PR that gets bloggers authentically engaged with the brand. 86 of Turkey’s top bloggers were sent a direct mail piece modelled on a bathroom cabinet. The brand variant was that the shave was so comfortable it would let guys minds wander, so they created a web page where people could write their thoughts. All that was needed was a single laptop prize, and the creative energy among the 86 had led – in just 10 weeks – to 1.3m unique visitors to the new website, and 44 active bloggers.

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Gillette Fusion Power - Procter & Gamble | Media: Online PR | Country: Turkey | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Format: Blogger engagement marketing strategies »

28/05/2012  |  Full story...

Old Spice returns with 'Believe In Your Smellf' YouTube ads


Old Spice has become a byword for successful viral marketing since its 2010 YouTube campaign racked up over 40 million views and a 107% sales uplift for the deodorant brand. This follow up introduces Champion, the brand's newest addition to its product range. Procter and Gamble worked with agency Wieden & Kennedy Portland, the team behind the 2010 ads to produce the three YouTube virals, entitled ‘I Can Do Anything’, ‘Never Again’ and ‘Sand Car’.

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Old Spice | Country: US | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand repositioning | Format: Video Viral, Social Media | Agency: Wieden & Kennedy Portland »

23/05/2012  |  Full story...

‘Peephole’ Axe campaign mixes QR codes with Facebook to drive brand engagement


This risqué ‘Peephole’ campaign from men’s deodorant brand Axe made innovative use of QR codes. The ad targeted its demographic of young men with a ‘hot’ video that suddenly stops, prompting viewers to continue the experience at the brand’s Facebook page. Once on the social networking site, users could unblock hotter and more daring videos by sharing the experiences with their friends. The action kept getting hotter in the videos, all leading to one common message: STOP LURKING, START MATING. Experience the AXE Effect. A reminder that to get into the action, you need AXE.

The campaign worked by making smart use of QR codes, video content, Facebook Pages and consumer insight. The results were 14% of the target audience watched the videos daily. 33% increase in social interaction with the brand. 52 % increase in post views and feedback (engagement) on Facebook.

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Brand: Axe |Media: OOH, Facebook videos | Country: US |Sector: FMCG | Agency: DDB Puerto Rico, Guaynabo| Format: Facebook Page videos

Social media case study Axe Facebok campaign | YouTube Viral Video Peephole advert


Pinterest case study: Kotex video campaign drives 700,000 impressions

cskotex.jpg Social media ‘pinboard’ Pinterest is on the rise, and this campaign from Kotex is a fine example of how brands can use the popular social media Pinboard to boost their followers and create a lasting brand impact.

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Brand: Kotex | Media: YouTube, Pinterest, Social Media | Agency: Smoyz | Country: Israel | Sector: FMCG / Healthcare

04/04/2012  |  Full story...

The new Old Spice? Dollar Shave Club viral video gets 3m YouTube views in two weeks


This witty Old Spice-style video ad from the Dollar Shave Club might just shake-up the shaving industry and give Gillette something to worry about. The viral video posted on YouTube garnered 3 million views and 32,000 'likes' within two weeks of going live in February 2012.

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Brand: Dollar Shave Club | Media: YouTube, TV, Social Media | Country: US | Sector: FMCG

15/03/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: How Orabrush got 16m YouTube views on a $500 budget


In this case study, Orabrush made smart use of YouTube to create buzz around the brand and generate sales. The dental brand's YouTube video generated 16 million views with a budget of just $500. After 2 years the results are 160,000 followers of the ads on YouTube, 43 million views and 1 million brushes sold online

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Brand: Orabrush |Media: YouTube | Country: Spain |Sector: Oral Healthcare| Format: YouTube Video

View the first YouTube commercial | View the case study 'How they went to Walmart' | View the infographic | Read the Google Blog


How Reckitt Benckiser used mini game apps to recruit talent


Reckitt Benckiser used a suite of eight online and mobile mini-games to raise brand awareness among students and graduates early in their career, as part of a recruitment drive. The games are available online and via iPhone and Android Apps. The games are promote the 8 ‘power brands’ of Reckitt Benckiser; Harpic, Durex, Clearasil, Air Wick, Dettol/Lysol, Veet, Vanish & French Mustard. The games were promoted via social media seeding strategy which targets relevant gaming portals, news groups and communities.

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Brand: Reckitt Benckiser |Media: Social feeds, Communities & Gaming portals| Sector: FMCG | Agency: TAMBA, The Workroom | Format: Online Games, iPhone & Android Apps

View a video of the campaign: Reckitt Benckiser | View the Facebook page | View the official website: CrazieRBrands | View Tamba's Case Study


Case Study: Vaseline | Media: MSN | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG- Healthcare | Objective: Brand repositioning, purchase intent | Format: In-game advertising

Vaseline.jpgPositioning its “strong and resilient” skincare message alongside a series of highaction, male-interest games drove home Vaseline’s message that taking care of your skin isn’t just for women.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case study: Brandcast Media | Agency: Random42 | Country: UK | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Targeting, engagement | Format: Online educational tools, Video

cs_lacta.jpg European cancer research is of a very high quality but is fragmented, un-coordinated and slow in translating benefits to patients. If state of the art treatment was available to all cancer patients, the World Health Organisation has estimated that over 20,000 lives would be saved annually. Targeted at oncology professionals, ecancermedicalscience actively encourages the communities of sub-specialised scientists and cancer carers to exchange ideas and research, speeding up the time it takes from discovery, to patient benefit. The peer-reviewed, online journal hired Brandcast Media to revamp its site. The site now includes social media with blogs, forums and a Twitter feed, as well as podcasts and an video section.


Case study: e-detail aid for ADHD treatment | Agency: Creative Lynx | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Brand repositioning, engagement | Format: Video, rich media

cs_lacta.jpg Creative Lynx were commissioned by Janssen-Cilag to create a pilot eDetail Aid for their ADHD treatment Concerta XL. The Concerta XL eDetail was developed as the centrepiece of the brand revitalisation campaign carried out by Creative Lynx.The market was becoming increasingly competitive and Janssen-Cilag needed something to give their sales force an edge over the competition. The eDetail aid delivers a unique user experience, whilst engaging interactive exercises provide audience profiling and segmentation. Complex medical data is delivered in a clear format whilst rich media content of videos, algorithms and animations encourage interaction and aid message retention. This valuable clinician insight allows the distribution of targeted promotional direct mails and ensures that follow-up presentations address specific barriers to prescribing. The rep feedback for the Concerta XL eDetail was extremely positive and the results were excellent, with a 20% increase in prescribing patterns and a significant boost to year on year sale figures. Such was the success that the project was extended to develop e-Detail aids across a range of Janssen-Cilag brands. Creative Lynx has progressed to become the lead creative agency for Concerta XL in the UK.


Case Study: Promoting sport to haemophiliacs | Agency: Oi Media and Langland | Country: UK | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Brand awareness | Format: Games, user generated content, forums

cs_lacta.jpgAbout 6,000 people are affected with haemophilia in the UK. A preventative treatment (known as prophylaxis) allows those affected to lead virtually normal lives, with sport and exercise playing a vital role lessening the risk of bleeds. Bayer HealthCare hired Oi Media and Langland to create FactorFitness, a website giving haemophiliacs tips on how to get the most out of sport, while educating others on special requirements needed, such as the dedicated ‘Teachers Zone’. By far the most popular area of the site, the ‘Ask and expert’ feature lets people submit questions to resident physio and occupational therapists- providing a valuable resource. The site has a number of interactive features such as games and user generated photo galleries, while patients on Bayer get access to a special members area.


Case Study: Eczema eTutorials for nurses and pharmacists | Country: UK | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Engagement, targeting | Format: Video, e-workbook downlaods

cs_lacta.jpgThis e-tutorial is helping to educate nurses at a time when NICE guidelines require more nurses to deliver eczema care. Developed for Schering-Plough in association with a panel of specialist dermatology nurses, makes learning easy, accessible and fun. It puts the busy nurse in control of their own education, and allows them to dip in and out of the programme and learn at their own pace. Each of the twelve tutorials contain reflective practice exercises, downloadable workbooks, certificates and practical tools and is accredited by the Royal College of Nurses - that's 12 hours of CPD. This campaign is bang on trend. With recent NICE guidelines aiming to improve eczema management across England, and an increasing number of nurses having to deliver holistic care and patient education with little or no training, is helping to bridge the gap.


Case study: Nivea For Men | Agency: TBWA, Pixelpusher | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Pharmaceuticals | Objectives: Engagement, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Rich media & video

Case study: Nivea For MenA neat use of video story-telling. The Nivea-for-men brand plays on the wider marketing proposition of personal grooming products for young male audiences and gives the viewer an option of a couple of different videos. The storyline of the actor when he has the women’s product is to transfer him to a shoe shop where he is amusingly out of place, while the right (male) lotion clearly does the trick and has his girlfriend march straight into the storyline. A simple way to build engagement and interactive humour into otherwise static, linear advertising.

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Case study: Dove Nutrium | Agency: Marketing Evolution/Dynamic Logic | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Optimisation | Format: Online media, monitoring and evaluation, marketing models and intergration

Dove NutriumThis was the pioneering landmark study into optimising the media mix and the level of weight internet banners should be given. The award-winning research formed a roadmap for media-neutral planning and quantified how each marketing channel influences the consumer. It revealed how some channels are used to saturation point; while others are barely explored. Minor reductions in frequency or reach of campaigns in one media free up budgets that work harder online: same budget, better results.

Download the case study: Dove Nutrium


Case study: Johnson & Johnson | Sector: Pharmaceutical | Objectives: Brand awareness, brand positioning, traffic generation | Format: Social media, branded content, microsite

Johnson & JohnsonJohnson & Johnson Consumer B.V. (JJCBV) wanted to boost awareness of its o.b. tampon brand among young women in the Netherlands. Because the vast majority of Dutch women aged between 14 and 18 use Windows Live Messenger, the company worked with Microsoft Advertising to create a Personal Expression; a collection of interactive content used in the application. The hugely successful campaign increased brand usage by six percent among the target audience.

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Case study: Kleenex Let It Out | Sector: Pharmaceutical | Objectives: Engagement, brand positioning | Format: Social media, microsite, rich media, branded content

Kleenex Kleenex created a new brand story called Let It Out, which focused on breaking free from inhibitions and letting out tears, laughter, joy, frustration, and all the other things we hold back. The objective was to create an emotional connection between consumers and Kleenex and a key part of this was to encourage participation in ‘letting it out’.

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Case study: Dove 'onslaught' | Sector: FMCG | Format: Video, rich media

Dove OnslaughtThe marketing model behind this campaign involves using video as a way to deliver a powerful message that's in tune with the beliefs of the target consumer. The brand is creating powerful content that it releases online in a way intended to be stumbled upon by consumers and shared between their friends. By releasing it to open platforms such as YouTube, they're implicitly inviting discussion. There can be paid-for placement in key media to extend the reach and start the process, but ideally the campaign works by the word of mouth effect. To gain accountability the brand team can track play rates to measure the number of exposures, and use qualitative and social network analysis to gain feedback about the brand sentiment.

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15/05/2008  |  Full story...

Case study: Talk to Frank | Agency: Profero | Sector: Health information | Format: Web graphical formats

When the UK government’s Central Office of Information commissioned the online elements of their health education campaigns to teach children about the dangers of drugs, they used a sophisticated mix of web formats to encourage interaction and solicit greater involvement. The ‘Talk to Frank’ campaign integrates the web, television, leaflets and face-to-face marketing activities to provide young people with access to detailed information about the specific risks of different drugs. This multi award-winning campaign included placements of banners and skyscrapers that encouraged viewers to take icons from one to the other in order to trigger an action: they could take the image of a drug from the banner to the brand character in the skyscraper and then see how it affected him. The activity delivered the message of the campaign without demanding a click through and as well as the visible skyscraper and banner formats included a rich media layer over the page.

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Case study: Dove | Sector: FMCG | Format: Video

dove.jpgThis iconic, multi-award-winning campaign includes powerful online elements that build discussion and engagement among target consumers. Since 2000, the Dove brand has been one of the online marketing pioneers in consumer package goods. Their work with the IAB and MSN in North America created landmark research in cross media campaign budget optimisation. This more recent video is a great example of how the web can be used by a consumer brand to build community, debate and discussion. The video is part of a multi channel campaign that talks about beauty and creates genuine discussion with and among consumers. The approach of delivering messaging directly to consumers also creates challenges for regulators who are considering how the control of online advertising can work.

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Client: Dove | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand awareness, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

Dove’s interactive advertising campaign contributed significantly to brand impact. By increasing the online spend within the same total ad budget from 2% to 15%, Unilever produced an 8% increase in overall branding metrics and a 14% increase in purchase intent.

Download Dove case study


Client: Colgate | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Banners

Colgate ran their advertising campaign in print, television and online. The results showed that it cost 23% more to encourage consumer purchase using TV alone compared to using TV in combination with online. For their multichannel campaign, reallocating marketing dollars to online advertising was significantly more cost-effective at driving purchase intent and enhancing key branding metrics. Simply by allocating 7% of media dollars to online, purchase intent increased 3.8%.

Download Colgate case study


Agency: RedEye | Client: The Body Shop | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Customer acqusition | Format: Email and SMS

The Body Shop wanted to find a way to attract customers to specific Love Your Body events. Using Digital Marketeer The Body Shop was communicating with their customer base on a regular basis. They used this form of communication to invite people to register for the Love Your Body events in people’s local areas. A direct mail piece was sent to all registrants advising them of the upcoming events two weeks before the event. An email was sent to 60,000 people one week before the event and followed by an SMS reminder message on the day of the event.

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