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Government case studies: we currently have 8.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 8 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Politics case study: How smart social targeting helped Conservatives win the UK election

Social media is playing an ever-more important role in politics, and recent research in the UK reveals how one party applied smart digital targeting to focus digital media spend in key marginal constituencies.


27/01/2016  |  Full story...

The spy who poked me: CIA launches on social media with covert joke

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has launched a Facebook and Twitter account, revealing a sense of humour that has caused social media buzz… but not everyone has seen the funny side."We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet," quipped the agency in its first post on Twitter. The Twitter account attracted tens of thousands of followers within hours of launching on Friday. On Twitter the secretive agency was following only 25 other accounts - all US government agencies.Through its own Twitter account, the New York Review of Books attacked the surveillance agency's controversial interrogation techniques.

12/06/2014  |  Full story...

Social case study: The government shutdown? Democrats fight back online #EnoughAlready


In September 2013, American politics exploded onto the web with a partial governement shutdown, and digital marketers got tough and took the fight to Twitter, email and beyond. And they made it personal with a massive campaign to hold Speaker John Boehner “responsible” for the shutdown. Here’s what they said…

Sector: Politics | Country: US | Objective: Petition, Social media followers | Format: Email, Twitter, Social media

07/10/2013  |  Full story...

UK Government site wins 2013 Design of the Year Award


British government site GOV.UK has won the overall design award for the 2013 London Design Museum Design Awards, and was also selected as winner of the digital category. The site, a replacement for, lets UK citizens manage and search data related to government services. Ben Terrett, Head of Design at the Government Digital Service said the service was built on ten design principles, the most important being focusing on user need.

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Brand: UK Government | Sector: Government | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand enagagment | Format: Web Design

03/05/2013  |  Full story...

Video case study: Sodimac uses ‘Skip Ad’ button as part of message

Home improvement store Sodimac teamed up with the government environmental care agency in Chile to run a smart YouTube ad to encourage eco-friendly habits, through innovative use of the ‘skip this ad’ button. This case study shows how the campaign got 80,000 click throughs in just one week.

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Brand: Sodimac | Sector: Retail, Governemnt | Country: Chile| Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Mayo Digital, Draftfcb | Format: YouTube, Video |

06/02/2013  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Interactive Police video asks Who Killed Deon?


This video campaign used Facebook to campaign against knife crime. Set up the Metropolitan Police, this campaign highlighted Joint Enterprise a little-known law that means anyone knowingly involved in a murder can be charged with murder. To show how even small actions lead to a murder charge, agency Lab created ‘Who Killed Deon?’, a murder mystery Facebook page, inviting viewers to hunt the killer. At its peak, the campaign achieved 250 comments a day, with an average dwell time of 8 minutes. It was 'liked' by 50% of viewers at its peak- 5 times the average of all Facebook campaigns.

Video case study

More on this Case study …
Brand: Public Safety Video (UK Police) | Media: YouTube and Facebook | Country: UK | Sector: Government | Agency: COI | Format: Video and social media

04/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Bookstart | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: Public | Objectives: Targeting | Format: Mobile


Mobile drives free book giveaway

In this campaign by Incentivated TV ads were run featuring a prominent text call to action ran during daytime TV shows on 34 channels for four weeks. By texting BOOK along with their name, house no. and postcode to 80800, viewers can receive a free book from bookstart. Mobile was the only medium used to request a book.Texts were totally free to viewers.

Download the Bookstart case study


Case study: Talk to Frank | Agency: Profero | Sector: Health information | Format: Web graphical formats

When the UK government’s Central Office of Information commissioned the online elements of their health education campaigns to teach children about the dangers of drugs, they used a sophisticated mix of web formats to encourage interaction and solicit greater involvement. The ‘Talk to Frank’ campaign integrates the web, television, leaflets and face-to-face marketing activities to provide young people with access to detailed information about the specific risks of different drugs. This multi award-winning campaign included placements of banners and skyscrapers that encouraged viewers to take icons from one to the other in order to trigger an action: they could take the image of a drug from the banner to the brand character in the skyscraper and then see how it affected him. The activity delivered the message of the campaign without demanding a click through and as well as the visible skyscraper and banner formats included a rich media layer over the page.

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