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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Google Adwords case studies: we currently have 12.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 12 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Search case study: Vodafone ‘Structured Snippets” boosts search CTR 100%

Vodafone used structured snippets in Google AdWords to improve ad relevancy, sees click-through rate increases of up to 100%.


07/02/2017  |  Full story...

Search case study: Luxury car rental boosts sales leads with AdWords

How does a small luxury car rental business stand out from the crowd in a crowded market? This case study looks at how PT Wahana Indonesia Transport used Google AdWords to increase sales by 50% and expand its business.


12/03/2015  |  Full story...

Search case study: AdWords helps improve order rate at butchers by 50%

Scottish butcher’s Macbeths revamped its keyword strategy last summer and saw a large jump in our sales and ROI, increasing order rate by 50% in one year. This case study looks at how a local business can use paid search to beef up both sales and customer numbers.

01/09/2014  |  Full story...

Snickers ‘misspelling’ search keyword campaign reaches 500,000 people in 3 days

Targeting fat-fingered typists across the UK, this clever search campaign from Snickers used misspelled words in Google keywords to capture hungry office workers’ attention during the working day. This case study outlines how the chocolate bar brand managed to reach 500,000 people within just three days of launch, without any seeding and for less cost than bidding on brand keywords.

Brand: Mars, Snickers | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverages | Country: UK | Partner/agency: AMV BBDO & Mediacom | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Search, AdWords

03/09/2013  |  Full story...

Search case study: MoneySupermarket ads blocked from Google after AdWords breach


In April 2013, Finance site saw its search ads pulled from Google's search results due to a ‘lack of transparency’ over its payday loan adverts. Google pulled all paid search ads run by as part of a crackdown on payday loan vendors that disregard AdWords’ policies. The ads were down for over 24 hours before the issues were rectified by MoneySupermarket. The move also saw MoneySupermarket ads for car and home insurance removed from the rankings for 24 hours.

More on this case study…
Brand: | Sector: Finance | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales |Format: Google, search, AdWords

25/04/2013  |  Full story...

SEO mystery: Interflora vanishes from Google search after Valentine's promotion


In February 2013, Interflora disappeared from the front page of Google’s natural search results, fuelling speculation that the florist has breached the search engine’s guidelines. The flower delivery service's home page fell off the first page of Google's results when searching for the term 'Interflora' and ’Flowers’ (see screen shot above). Google refused to give a reason for the block, but did cite ‘webspam‘ in its answer to queires.

More on this case study…
Brand: Interflora | Sector: Florist, FMCG | Country: UK | Objective: Brand positioning, drive engagement, Seasonal promotion | Format: SEO, Google, AdWords, Newspapers |

07/03/2013  |  Full story...

1-800-FLOWERS.COM uses mobile advertising to build brand awareness and boost CTR


1-800-FLOWERS.COM used mobile advertising to drive traffic and incremental orders and create competitive advantage. The campaign used Google’s AdMob platform to run a sponsored link on mobile search results, telling customers that they could purchase flowers and gifts from a mobile device even at the last minute. The campaign resulted in 2 million mobile impressions, driving traffic and incremental orders. CTRs were 2-3 times higher than the Google desktop based campaign.

More on this Case study …
Brand: 1-800-FLOWERS.COM |Media: Google Admob | Country: US |Sector: Retail| Format: Google Ad words

Digital Marketing Case Study

25/01/2012  |  Full story...

Case Study: NetSupport | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: IT software | Objectives: Direct response, increasing conversion, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

NetSupport.jpgNet Support, a software development company from Peterborough, UK, needed efficient and cost-effective marketing to expand into new markets in North America, Asia and the Middle East.. To achieve this goal they began by targeting relevant inventory in international markets on the Google content network. It developed this strategy by launching rich media advertising created by Google Display Ad Builder. As a result they achieved 15-25% conversion rates on the Google content network, 1.5 million+ impressions per day on the content network and saved design costs on creating individual image ads.

Download the case study: NetSupport - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | NetSupport


Case Study: Cambria Automobiles | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

motorparks.jpgCumbria Automobiles ( in the UK needed a marketing tool to drive their expansion in tough economic conditions. To achieve these goals the company invested in Google AdWords to promote new dealerships and utilised the the reporting on Google Analytics. As a result, quadrupled its market share and helped fuel exponential growth of new dealerships.

Download the case study: Cambria Automobiles - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | Cambria Automobiles


Case Study: Golden Pages | Media: Google | Countries: Ireland | Sector: Directory | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

Golden%20pages.jpgGolden Pages, a household directory name in Ireland for over 40 years, was in need of efficient tools to help manage their directory of products and services as well as client accounts. To resolve this problem, the company began using the new Google AdWords interface. The effect of the implentation of AdWords meant greater convenience and time saved, with improved navigability and interactive graphs.

Download the case study: Golden Pages - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | Golden Pages


Case Study: Ambergreen | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: Marketing agency | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

ambergreen.jpgAmbergreen, a digital marekting agency based in Edinburgh, UK, needed more efficient management of AdWords accounts. To address this problem they began exploring the new tools and functionalities of the new Google AdWords interface. The result was clear as significant time savings were made along with improved account management effectiveness for Ambergreen's range of blue chip clients.

Download the case study: Ambergreen - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | Ambergreen


Google: search engine marketing case studies

Google AdWords Case StudiesSearch marketing works for every type of firm and every size of business. We’ve worked with the team at Google to select these case studies to help marketers see just a few of the ways that pay-per-click search engine advertising can drive traffic to your site. PPC search marketing is key to getting more customers and building traffic to your websites. You can download the case studies here and explore them in more depth on The Search Academy training courses.

14/01/2008  |  Full story...

Case study topics