Digital marketing industry case study library

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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Global case studies: we currently have 19.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 19 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Mobile commerce case study: Cotton Traders boosts mobile conversion rate 24.8%

One of Britain’s most successful home-grown multi-channel retailers, Cotton Traders, has improved its mobile conversion rate and reduced checkout abandonment with a new ecommerce platform from digital commerce agency and systems integrator Astound Commerce.


10/06/2019  |  Full story...

Instagram case study: OGX beauty brand reaches millennials with global strategy

OGX tailored its marketing campaigns to reach a larger global audience and quickly optimise local campaigns. This case study looks at how the haircare brand reached over 60% of millennial women in the US, UK, Australia, Germany and Canada.


13/04/2018  |  Full story...

Top Winter Olympics brands: Samsung wins (but Red Stripe takes unofficial medal)

With the Winter Olympics now over, social media analysis reveals that Samsung, Ralph Lauren and Intel were the Top 10 brands most associated with the Winter Olympics.


16/03/2018  |  Full story...

Top YouTube 2016 Christmas ads: John Lewis wins globally (but Sainsbury's wins Brits’ hearts)

John Lewis’s ‘Buster the Boxer’ Christmas ad tops YouTube’s annual festive leaderboard globally - but Sainsbury’s ‘The Greatest Gift’ was most popular with the British audience, according to league tables revealed today.


06/12/2016  |  Full story...

Social media case study: Samsung Tumblr photo competition grows purchase intent 115%.

To promote its latest Galaxy camera, this global campaign from Samsung targeted the millennial community who regularly upload photos to social media. The electronics giant created a social media marketing campaign –dubbed ‘Life’s a Photo Take It’ - using young influencers to demonstrate the key differences between the quality of images from a normal smartphone and the Samsung Galaxy camera- getting results that blew away expectations.

02/12/2014  |  Full story...

Uber taxi firm use digital PR to fuel market development

Transport marketing case study - Digital PR techniques are powerful for the online amplification of offline events, and taxi firm Uber’s ice cream stunt is a great example of how to use digital channels to get people talking about a service.

21/07/2014  |  Full story...

Luxury retailer Avenue mobile strategy boosts transaction value 270%


Back in 2013, luxury online fashion retailer, Avenue 32, launched a multi-channel strategy, supporting young designers that are unable to invest in their own online presence to showcase their collections and expand their audience. This case study looks at how the firm managed to double mobile traffic with the average transaction value increasing by 270 per cent.

Brand: Avenue | Sector: Reatail, Clothing, ecommerce | Country: Global | Agency/Partner: Usablenet / Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Mobile marketing

06/02/2014  |  Full story...

Case study: Jelly Belly boosts conversions 33% with site search


This case study highlights how confectionery firm Jelly Belly used SLI Systems to improve its user experience and profitability. By optimising site search and SEO, SLI helped Jelly Belly see a 33% increase in site conversions and a 10% increase in average order value. By using SLI’s customised search results pages and adding those links to email campaigns, Jelly Belly realised an 85% better open rate for emails.

Brand: Jelly Belly | Sector: FMCG, Food | Country: Global | Agency/Partner: SLI Systems | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Search

17/01/2014  |  Full story...

10 examples of how Samsung adapted locally for worldwide success


Samsung ships millions of products every day to customers around the world. With a worldwide customer base, but to be successful, the electronics giant does not subscribe to a one size fits all philosophy. Its employees observe people's lives to give give them options that meet their varying cultural and regional needs. This case study offers a rare insight into how Samsung localises its products for the many markets it serves around the world, with 10 examples from different regions.

Brand: Samsung | Sector: Consumer Electronics | Country: Global | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase |

17/09/2013  |  Full story...

How Audemars Piguet used banner advertising on iPad to launch a new range watches and create awareness


Audemars Piguet used the BBC News App for iPad and half-page ads on the broadcaster's News and Business homepages to promote the launch of its new Royal Oak Collection to 'high net worth' males. The luxury watchmaker used a geo-targeted campaign in Europe, Middle East and Asia together with New York, California and Florida in the USA to promote the launch of its new Royal Oak Collection and raise overall awareness of the Audemars Piguet brand amongst high net worth males.

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

More on this case study…
Brand: Audemars Piguet| Sector: Consumer Goods | Objective: brand awareness | Format: Banners ads for iPad |

04/04/2013  |  Full story...

Esri enriches maps with Tweets and the Streaming API


In March 2011, a 9.0 magnitude eartchquake hit Japan with catastrophic results. Mapping software firm Esri turned tweets, Flickr images and YouTube posts to help people track to status of the location anfd the impact of the earcthquake, resulting in result in hundreds of thousands of page views. Adding Tweets to mapping technology gives insights into what people are saying and where they are saying it. It can highlight spatial trends in the conversation. Combining a Twitter conversation with authoritative data sources, like 911 calls, insurance claims, demographics, weather reports, and earthquake feeds, can provide a human perspective on the situation.

20/12/2012  |  Full story...

‘Kony 2012’ helps raise $26m after YouTube campaign


As 2012 comes to a close, we look back at some of the biggest online video virals of the year. This week, we look at the hugely successful (and rather controversial) ‘Kony 2012’ campaign, that raised a huge amount of awareness about the plight of children caught up in Uganda’s conflict. Invisible Children, a movement seeking to end the conflict in Uganda, created the film Kony 2012 back in March. They hoped it would accelerate the arrest of Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony, who has been kidnapping and abducting Uganda’s youth for nearly three decades. With more than 100 million views in six days, Kony 2012 became the most viral video in history. The video worked because it used compelling content, stayed relevant and had a simple call to action.

More on this Case study …
Brand: Invisible Children | Country: USA/ Global | Sector: Charity | Format: Video, YouTube

01/12/2012  |  Full story...

Case Study: Splenda | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

splenda.jpgMcNeil Nutritionals, a Johnson & Johnson company, was looking for the most effective way to test market Splenda Mist, a spray form of Splenda No Calorie Sweetener. In order to drive awareness among the target consumer (women 25+), facilitate sampling of and solicit feedback on the product, the Splenda Brand turned to Facebook. Splenda utilized Facebook advertising, marketing, and developer platforms to create the first-ever product launch and sampling campaign on Facebook. The resultant launch on Facebook exceeded all Brand expectations, demonstrating the power of Facebook as a highly effective tool for driving consumer engagement and feedback.

Download the case study: Splenda - Facebook | Facebook | Splenda


Case Study: Sephora | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Retail | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

sephora.jpgSephora turned to Facebook to increase brand awareness and strengthen their position as a leader in the natural and organic makeup category. The solution Facebook provided was through its Virtual Gift Engagement ad, which was a branded reusable shopping tote for users to give to their friends along with a message. Those who sent the virtual gift were awarded a promotional code they could redeem, with any purchase, for a real, limited edition tote bag. During the campaign, Sephora gained 10,274 new fans and orders and traffic to more than doubled.

Download the case study: Sephora - Facebook | Facebook | Sephora


Case Study: Universal Pictures - Bruno | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

Universal Studios turned to Facebook to promote the nationwide theatrical release of Bruno. By utilizing a one-day reach block to maximize reach, Bruno was able to drive significant engagement and incremental distribution in the form of organic stories inherent to the platform. They also successfully leveraged a variety of engagement ads and tools such
as Events and Pages to drive incremental awareness, engagement and distribution culminating in a “fan” base of over 700,000 users prior to the release of the film.

Download the case study: Universal Studios - Facebook | Facebook | Universal Studios


Case Study: Wendy's | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Food | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent, brand awareness | Format: Social media

wendys.jpgWendy’s wanted to increase awareness and drive excitement around the launch of their new ‘Flavour Dipped Chicken Sandwich’ in October 2008. The solution was provided by Facebook in the form of an engagement ad: the virtual gift. This allowed users to send a virtual ‘Flavour Dipped’ sandwich with a personal message underneath. The result was a boost in awareness for the brand with over 191,000 gifts given in the first week; as well as buzz creation, with discussions about ‘Wendy’s’ rising 60% while the gift was available.

Download the case study: Wendy's - Facebook | Facebook | Wendy's


Case Study: Lionsgate - Saw V | Media: Facebook | Country: Global | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Trend creation, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Social media

Saw%20V.jpgLionsgate wanted to drive awareness and intent to the film Saw V by advertising on Facebook. The solution Facebook provided was to build a fan page, create an event for the opening weekend of the film, and allowed users to become a ‘fan’ of the film. Finally they created a virtual ‘Jigsaw’ gift that lived on the recipient's wall and spread through news feeds. The results were clear, with 43,000 Facebook users becoming ‘fans’ of the film and the phrase “Saw V” on Facebook walls increased over 18 times during the campaign

Download the case study: Lionsgate - Facebook | Facebook | Lionsgate


Case Study: Emirates | Media: BBC Worldwide | Country: Global | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Mobile

Emirates utilised the BBC Worldwide mobile site to launch their advertising campaign.
High stand-out on the screen benefited the brand. As well as the weighting of the advertising content, the prestige of the BBC environment and the associated BBC brand halo effect. Emirates are also reaping the benefits of being seen as early adopters of the mobile channel.
Emirates was one the BBC's global launch partners advertising on BBC Mobile first started. This campaign not only hugely raised Emirates' awareness, but also drove a high volume of usage to Emirates' own mobile site. Key performance indicators included the uplift in mobile check-in use and the awareness of mobile check-in services.


Case Study: Qatar Airways | Media: BBC Worldwide | Countries: Global | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Rich Media

Qatar Airways developed a rich media expandable unit to be placed on the BBC Worldwide website. This unit allowed for extended video, promotions of fares and useful tools like currency converter and weather info.
The result was a great benefit to the brand. As well as the audience reach and the BBC brand halo effect, it let users interact with the brand without leaving the environment.


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